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Everything posted by xfire1761@gmail.com

  1. xfire1761@gmail.com

    Please Help......

    bin/config.bin/cfgworlds/chernarus.world/name....................... can anyone explain to me what this means Thanks Guys
  2. xfire1761@gmail.com

    Please Help......

    Please comment if you know what it means
  3. xfire1761@gmail.com

    Dayz Data Usage

    Is it possible to use 25gb of data playing dayz for 16 hours
  4. xfire1761@gmail.com

    [Epoch] Group looking for 2 players | 14 + |

    Name: Olly State: New Zealand Arma Name: Cpt. George Smith Age : 16 Skype Name: oliclausen15 Reason: I am a great driver, I am a very frequent player of Dayz so I can maintain good progress on the server and am very commited to my team. I like how you only want a group of 4 which is an excellent size...... So yeah you guys should accept me :) Oh and I have a mic and teamspeak
  5. xfire1761@gmail.com

    Waypoints ?

    My Waypoint doesnt work :( could anyone who knows how to fix it please help me out ?
  6. xfire1761@gmail.com

    Waypoints ?

    Thanks guys.... does that australian epoch server below your comment have them enabled
  7. xfire1761@gmail.com

    Looking for Aussie/NZ Epoch group

    Yo im keen :) message me oliclausen15 on skype