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Everything posted by dakidmi

  1. I firmly believe you're a liar. I've came across these guys plenty of times in firefights/ambushes without any problems. I've found their camp in legit spots no problem.
  2. Don't join this server unless you want to have fun! So far the only rivalry is Super6 vs BangBros and we need civilians caught in the crossfire. <3
  3. Decent server but a group of us were banned for teleporting apparently... Pretty lame.
  4. dakidmi

    Gungrave Warriors DayZ server

    Nameplates? Night time? Waypoints?
  5. I want to play Takistan Life however the servers have a red X next to them and it doesn't allow me to play anything that isn't DayZ. I've tried disabling dayz on Steam, launching regular arma from Sixlauncher and still no luck. I think it has something to do with the betas but I'm not too sure. Thanks in advance! -edit this worked for me
  6. Server would be decent but the amount of admin abuse on it makes it pointless. Admins protect themselves and their friends. I recommend not bothering with this server, Server Rating: 1 Star, only because my zero key doesn't work.
  7. dakidmi

    US 4551 Finders, New Private Hive.

    Is there night time? Is there a password/whitelist? if not do you ever plan on doing it? I know it's a strange question but I feel like it makes more hackers stay away since it's a process to be able to get in but I may be wrong. Other than that this server sounds pretty much perfect to my buddies and me assuming admins are fair and not abusive like our last server. *cough survivedayz.com cough*
  8. Get rid of them, it'd be nice to finally loot cherno/elektro for the first time.
  9. I have a group of 4 that are looking for ideal private hive server in the US or something close to it. Our ideal server is a Veteran server with: 3rd Person: on Crosshairs: optional Nametags: off Waypoints: on Sidechat: optional Night time: on A server that allows bandits and pvp, active admins to ban hackers/exploiters and no carebear admins who ban for profanity or killing them in pvp. A decent population. Our last server was great but had the most abusive admins I've ever experienced in any game, I won't point any fingers (Survivedayz.com). Hope to find a home soon!
  10. dakidmi

    Looking for a perfect server

    Yeah I'd take any suggestions!
  11. dakidmi

    I found a boat!

    Probably the same reason they would teleport everyone to a specific location or spawn a hatchback and lada in NWAF to run players over.
  12. This was posted on my thread yesterday when I asked pretty much the same thing you're asking about. This worked for me.
  13. Ahh, I appreciate the info, the other method that Dallas posted seemed a ton easier and worked. I tried running the _runA2CO.cmd file but it didn't seem to help me. =/ This was the best method at least for me, thank you kindly Dallas :)
  14. Yeah it seems like we're stuck in DayZ forever. Hopefully someone can come up with a solution.
  15. I tried that, didn't work. =/ Still have the red X on the servers. I was thinking maybe reverting back to an older beta might work but not quite sure how to do that.
  16. dakidmi

    M107 Headshot.. Leave some comments.

    The video sucked, but I'm not too sure why people assume his gear isn't legit. You can find everything he has easily just finding camps or farming barracks/choppers. There's a possibility that it isn't legit but all his gear is very common so it's impossible to tell.
  17. Ouch this was brutal to watch, funny, but brutal. That's the problem with most people they just shout "im dead" as soon as they hear a gun shot when in reality in this video you had so much time to aim at him and shoot him... Didn't even matter where you would hit him seeing as you had a lee enfield.
  18. Is that M4A1 Holo SD an actual weapon in this mod? I have never even heard of it. O.o very lucky find =p
  19. dakidmi

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    Nice shooting, commentary was kinda funny... I'm just wondering if you at least have a buddy looting their corpses after you've killed em?
  20. We're currently 3 guys who mostly roam the north trying our best to survive. We don't have a leader, we all have equal say in everything. Our goal is to setup a base along with vehicles and survive as long as possible. Every other player is kill on sight for us since we mostly stay in the north, there is no such thing as friendly up here whether you admit it or not. If we ever are near the coast we try our best to avoid killing unarmed players. We win some and we lose some so we're completely against disconnecting in a firefight unless we feel there's a hacker, we just move on. What we're looking for: PATIENCE! We have a ton of fun all the time but there are points when we do really boring stuff like farming dangerous areas such as Stary and NWAF for hours for rare gear. So we don't want someone who whines or keeps asking when we're leaving. If we're farming an area we want something to come out of it, not leave empty handed. A person at least 16 years old. One of us is 16 and other 2 are in our 20s but we're not looking for someone super mature. We're all clowns we tease each other and just talk shit all the time, however when shit is about to go down we go into super serious mode. Too lazy to finish so if you want more info add me on skype: dakidmi1
  21. dakidmi

    3 Man group looking for fourth.

    Add me on skype for details, we're in EST timezone.
  22. You have private messages disabled on these forums. The type of badassery you described is exactly what I've been looking for. Add me on skype ~ Dakidmi1