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Everything posted by dakidmi

  1. dakidmi

    How we lost a truck full of stuff

    This happened in the NE airfields, as soon as I died on the top of the control tower I tried to get a spawn in Solnichny so I can dart back to the airfields as fast as possible. If I respawned in the tower you would have seen me on top of the tower in the same place I died. Just clearing that up.
  2. Going at it alone for about two weeks now, decided it's now time to find a partner. I'm looking for someone who at least knows the basics to surviving(how to bandage, what to do if lost, the difference between morphine and pain killers, etc) A mic to chat on ventrilo. (skype is okay too but I prefer ventrilo) Eastern time zone would be ideal but central works too. The way I play is everyone is an enemy, so we won't be hunting players exactly but if we come across anyone we will kill them if the moment is on our side, none of that "friendly in cherno?" crap. Age doesn't matter as long as you can work well with a partner. My goal for this game with my future partner is to establish a camp with vehicles and supplies and surviving as long as possible. Shoot me a pm or post here.
  3. Already found!
  4. dakidmi

    Disabling DayZ

    I bought Arma:CA just for the DayZ mod, but since servers are a little hectic right now I decided to try out regular Arma. When I try joining another server that isn't DayZ it tells me I have DayZ files installed and such. Is there a way to disable DayZ so I can play normal Arma easily or do I have to delete the DayZ mod? -edit Open the command line options and just slip a / in front of the mod part. Mine looks like this: "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash /-mod=@dayz" -Moleculor
  5. dakidmi

    Disabling DayZ

    Awesome that worked, thanks a lot I appreciate it!