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About dakidmi

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I firmly believe you're a liar. I've came across these guys plenty of times in firefights/ambushes without any problems. I've found their camp in legit spots no problem.
  2. Don't join this server unless you want to have fun! So far the only rivalry is Super6 vs BangBros and we need civilians caught in the crossfire. <3
  3. Decent server but a group of us were banned for teleporting apparently... Pretty lame.
  4. dakidmi

    Gungrave Warriors DayZ server

    Nameplates? Night time? Waypoints?
  5. Server would be decent but the amount of admin abuse on it makes it pointless. Admins protect themselves and their friends. I recommend not bothering with this server, Server Rating: 1 Star, only because my zero key doesn't work.
  6. dakidmi

    US 4551 Finders, New Private Hive.

    Is there night time? Is there a password/whitelist? if not do you ever plan on doing it? I know it's a strange question but I feel like it makes more hackers stay away since it's a process to be able to get in but I may be wrong. Other than that this server sounds pretty much perfect to my buddies and me assuming admins are fair and not abusive like our last server. *cough survivedayz.com cough*
  7. Get rid of them, it'd be nice to finally loot cherno/elektro for the first time.
  8. dakidmi

    Looking for a perfect server

    Yeah I'd take any suggestions!
  9. I have a group of 4 that are looking for ideal private hive server in the US or something close to it. Our ideal server is a Veteran server with: 3rd Person: on Crosshairs: optional Nametags: off Waypoints: on Sidechat: optional Night time: on A server that allows bandits and pvp, active admins to ban hackers/exploiters and no carebear admins who ban for profanity or killing them in pvp. A decent population. Our last server was great but had the most abusive admins I've ever experienced in any game, I won't point any fingers (Survivedayz.com). Hope to find a home soon!
  10. dakidmi

    I found a boat!

    Probably the same reason they would teleport everyone to a specific location or spawn a hatchback and lada in NWAF to run players over.
  11. This was posted on my thread yesterday when I asked pretty much the same thing you're asking about. This worked for me.
  12. Ahh, I appreciate the info, the other method that Dallas posted seemed a ton easier and worked. I tried running the _runA2CO.cmd file but it didn't seem to help me. =/ This was the best method at least for me, thank you kindly Dallas :)