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About engel

  • Rank
  1. engel

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Fun server, adding more scripts and features everyday!
  2. engel

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Great Server!
  3. Was wanting to talk to someone but when i joined noone was in the teamspeak.
  4. engel

    What would you prefer?

    Dat Epoch Taviana
  5. engel


    Application: Engel Age: 17 Prefered Position: Support. Previous Clans (if applicable): NCR Time spent playing DayZ: Around 120 Hours. Timezone: EST Time able to be dedicated to clan: As much as Possible. Time spent playing ARMA II: I have around 156 hours currently played. Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes. Working microphone: Yes. Country: U.S.A. Steam account name: wrts_sniper Military Background (if applicable): Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I want to be part of an active clan with military structure yet is still loose and fun at times.
  6. Name: Nolan Age: 17 Time Zone: EST Country: U.S. Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes Preferred Job: NCR Pilot or NCR Ranger Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Im experienced in dayz/arma 2 gameplay, and im a pretty good pilot.