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Everything posted by InfectiousK9

  1. InfectiousK9

    Pretty Frustrated.

    Hey guys... so theres a couple things... I want to pitch a tent, and I've watched lots of video tutorials on youtube and everything trying to figure out how the hell to pitch one of these tents. I'm playing on a single player version of DayZ it's version 1.62 or something like that and I'm having a couple problems... the first one is pitching a tent, I know they are really glitchy already but the second thing I need help with and am getting super frustrated with is my damn debug monitor covers my option to pitch the tent when I go into my gear. So its extremely difficult to 1. see the option and 2. click the option. is there a way to adjust the position of my gear menu permanently? I can drag the window everywhere but when I right click anything the option appears where the menu used to be. and I can't move the debug monitor anywhere. I even tried adjusting my screen resolution. and while everything else moves to the right... the damn debug monitor is still sitting ontop of my gear menu. I'm getting SO MAD. I'm new... and I'm playing solo... I'm doing pretty well on my own... and I'd like to play with other people... but I can't even manage to pitch a tent... how am I going to play with other people? x_x people are going to be so frustrated with me.
  2. Hey guys so you might have seen my previous post about being frustrated. well... I'm about 4-6 hours into my gameplay time with DayZ and I had to do lots of restarting and what not... but I've finally got the hang of things... so... in this run of DayZ (singleplayer) I hit the freakin jackpot for medical supplies, and backpacks. so... here's my run info: 2 Alice Packs 3 Czech Packs -------------------- 15 Epi-Pens 15 Morphine Auto-Injectors 15 Painkillers 22 Bandages And all of that is just from two buildings, not far from each other. So... what do you guys think? am I doing pretty good for a new player? I checked the difficulty and it said normal. and I've done some reading and I saw that most of you guys play on veterans, and a lot of this must seem like childs play to you... but seriously... how am I doing!?
  3. InfectiousK9

    Pretty Frustrated.

    alright its the older one but I finally got it to work so... we're good! I literally had to press G, then right click the tent, hover over "Pitch tent" then I had to double tap "W" so i ran forward a bit, then just after pressing double W I pressed "Pitch tent" and it worked like a charm. Easiest way to do it :]
  4. InfectiousK9

    Pretty Frustrated.

    okay well thank you very much
  5. InfectiousK9

    Pretty Frustrated.

    Well as funny as that was, and as good to meet you as it is... I am kind of in need of some in game help haha Is there any one sure fire way to get a tent to pitch in game?