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archibald tutter

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About archibald tutter

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. archibald tutter

    What happened to 10 -- 15buck$ alpha pricing?

    OK! shit I admit... I'm poor and unemployed. dayz is awesome. you guys have phuns..:(
  2. In the early days of dayz mod (when there were only 50servers and logging on was pain in the ass) community grew as people helping each other learn, solve bugs, captured videos, writing tutorials voluntarily and we were all excited about this and wanted this to become huge as it is today. anyway, rocket always said in early days of development 'it will be the minecraft model, alpha price will be very cheap, like 10 bucks'. one thing I did was I quit buying battlefield games after walt disney bought ea and turned it realistic war promoting brainwash asset. last game I bought from dice was bc2 for me. now I understand same thing happen to bohemia also. I mean you people hit the jackpot already by selling a dead-forgotten game named arma2oa 2mil thanks to dayz mod, you restricted models and weapon crosshair textures to sell broken DLCs for 10 bucks too and I bought them to support, that was OK... then arma3 came out with 35$alpha price and stupid 30-20fps multiplayer performance and all the same cpu utilization problems same as arma2 .. and now this, dayz is 30 bucks unlike what you stated all the time at every chance 'it will be minecraft model, 10 15$ price for alpha'.. same map, same engine, even same zombie sounds after 1 year of development (As I saw on yt videos) and lots of sun rays with obvious stalker rip off ship on shore.. even weapon models look they belong to stalker. all it needs underground passages to complete rip off imo. mod was succesful cuz creating a zombie mmo from arma2 was genius but standalone is lame with all this un original ripoffs .. at least for me, maybe people haven't played what I played will enjoy but not me. my 2 cents. you people get greedy, and this shows itself both with game's price and it's present state. Thats a shame really. anyway it was fun to had those moments at early days of mod. thanks a lot for all that. But releasing same map with worse performance and 30$ alpha price? thats spitting in the face to people who supported this mod from day1.
  3. archibald tutter

    Been offline for a while so...480days old character

    well dude, this was me logging in if I have a chance to 50/50 (sometimes 60/60) servers and those were the days cuz you were getting killed if you run inside the buildings or trying to vault from an obstacle so..I've played like 40 or more so days like this before I quit playing cuz of my dad's cancer.
  4. archibald tutter

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    soon we gonna start hearing mass shootings.. people all around the world will pack a backpack and go out and start shooting & looting & eating canned food and taking crap out in the open just because of rocket who keeps postponing dayz.
  5. archibald tutter

    Been offline for a while so...480days old character

    xD yeah man I know exactly what you mean. We had our moments while playing but I always knew it was a dead end. Basicly "hoard what you can" mentality takes over after some player encounters, nice shootouts. I quit playing it when I finally find nvg and rangefinder last year xD I was like "OK I FIND IT AND I WILL NEVER PLAY AGAIN" lol. SA is dead end too if you ask me. Same map = fail. It was a good adventure (dayz) nevertheless that everybody should check out.
  6. I haven't played for a year, It is good to see same gear and all the stuff with my character data still available. I wanted to share if that means anything and also wanted to thank the team for not wiping hive. Not sure if these are accurate, I've killed bunch of bandits but only murders are visible. MAybe I am mistaken who knows. Gear (I had l85 with heat vision, It disappeared after I join -- I had m4sd before with it I had to replace due to ammo shortage. I found these two while I play this week) Also it is amazing how mod developed this far. I remember all those moments while trying to play 15 minutes was pain in the ass and we had to sacrifice whole weekend to play a decent game without bugs killing you if not cheaters. Very impressive work with icons, items and content all over. Thanks dayz mod team! Sunflowers around Stary