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About Zacchaeus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zacchaeus

    Left coasters?

    I play Dayz with one friend who isn't on very often. I would like to have a few people that I can play the game with. Adults in a similar time zone (PST) would be ideal. I play on some weeknights and most weekends. I've been at it for over a year now so I am familiar with the game. No thanks: - Youngsters. You're probably better at the game then I am but I have tried and can't do it. Please be 18+/21+ - No mic. - Low end computers being the only thing you have to play on. Yes please: -People with humor. -People who are not offended by someone smoking MMJ. -English speaking. -Squad like team play. Send me a message on Steam if you are interested and we can go from there. Steam Name: MikeHawkInsider