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About kothen

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  1. I would prefer walking zombies but only if they died from head shots. And they don't need to be super slow, they could more or less shamble towards you or speed walk. But if there were walking zombies they would have to make it so that there would be a lot more
  2. I don't want to sound like a douche, but I dont agree with this. I suck at Dayz with this new patch but making them EVEN harder? I couldn't even be able to play Dayz because I would be destroyed by everything. I dont want an easy game like L4D but I don't feel like ripping my hair out from pissing of one zed and then dying from the other 10 that chase after me. To me zombies shouldn't be super humans. But thats just my 2 cents.
  3. 100 percent agree. I don't want to quit this game but its almost impossible for me to loot anymore. I feel like no matter what I will aggro a zombie unless prone which makes the game and for me at least, unfun & slow. I liked 1.7.0 alot more. I know some people find this hardcore degree fun. But for me it is just either crawl your way through everything or stand up and attract a zombie that is super far away. I know I need to "L2P". But I am just saying I don't enjoy these new patch.
  4. Are you able to join like servers if you have Or does it give errors? I joined a and I had no sound but I'm not sure if that was a problem on my part or if the version I had doesn't work well with old ones.
  5. Would they also only die from headshots?
  6. Which thread? Some say to join a canadian server but the server they mentioned isn't listed.
  7. hey everyone. I don't know what the problem is. I have installed the latest Beta, and I have updated to through Six launcher. Now, whenever I join a server I always spawn in the wilderness (I join servers through six launcher). I have respawned many times but I continue to spawn in the wilderness. I don't know what else to do. Is this just a glitch because it is an alpha or because I installed something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure if I should report it or if I installed something incorrectly.
  8. kothen

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Sorry for the stupid question. but is this hotfix out yet? and if so how can I download it?
  9. kothen

    Traditional Zombies?

    I like the idea of traditional slow zombies. The fact they can only die from headshots makes it seem more like a real zombie apocalypse.
  10. My friends and I usually will just look at a map online to find where we spawned and start running in directions toward each other. I'm guessing that is the only way to find each other. But is there another way that I missed or something? (Probably not but can't hurt to ask)
  11. kothen

    Retrying Authentication Problems

    So its an issue with the server then?
  12. hey everyone. I love this mod and its super fun. I even got 4 friends to buy Combined Ops so we can all play together. However, we have a huge problem. Almost all the time when we try and join a server we keep getting a retrying authentication error. How can we fix this? I have tried running the beta patch and re installing the mod. (What is the best way to install anyway?) But it still gives me that error. Is it a problem with the server or my game itself? I have the amazon version (didn't know amazon wasn't a good place to buy from until I already bought it). and they have the steam version. What can we do to fix this? Any help will be appreciated.