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Trout (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Trout (DayZ)

  1. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'd consider oming there. Pls add me on steam so we can work out details
  2. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    medic Trout is on duty if anyone needs a M.A.S.H. unit. I'm north of Cherno, add me on Steam
  3. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Cant add u on steam. Says "feature not avail at this time" WTF? if u can add me I'll come for u.
  4. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in SW area of map and online now if anyone needs a M.A.S.H. unit!! PM me here or add me on steam. Steam = canadiantrout
  5. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    yes Joe. Ran all the way back to the coast for SnakeEyes. haven't been there in awhile! LOL. I'm short on moriphine so heading to a hosp near by. oh boy... wish me luck! Don't know when I'll be back on as I'm out of town for a few days. Cya soon! Sure hope Dr. Wasteland accepts THIS medic effort!
  6. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yes, I am near by. Add me on Steam so we can talk. I'm in game right now... better hurry before I wander to far...! Steam = canadiantrout
  7. Trout (DayZ)

    DayZ: A New Hope

    Good post, bro.
  8. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hmmm.. looks just like themap I use. Weird I'll have to check it again. Thanks Bumble. I'll save that link. @ Flame81. SHIT! Tough luck bro.... good try
  9. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I did it Joe, I did it!! I was able to stop hunting villinous BANDITS and gave medical aid. And you doubted me..... lol Post by Barnheezy, this thread, page 88. Read it and weep my little fuzzy friend. May I tell you a wee bit of a story? good... (I lied, a long story) After you guys logged off last night I was still tripping around about mid way up on the western side of map. It took 1 nite of gaming (and 2 lives) but I am all kitted up again with everything I need. Except a compass though.. those things seem to be the bane of my existence. :) So I'm checking out a few houses/barns on ther eastern edge of Zelenogorsk (sp?). I hear a couple gun shots in the distance. Sounds large calibre. I'm slightly worried as somebodies obviously in the area. I check the next barn. Besides the 5 axes it has to offer there's nothing to take. Again hear a few shots, but now they are closer. I'm a lot more worried now. Seems they are just blasting their way into town maybe? Must be more than 1 guy... who knows? In a panic I cower in the corner of the barn wondering what to do. I flip the trusty AK to full auto and listen. Unless he announces himself the first mofo to come through that door is gonna get mowed down. Silence.... then "BLAM, BLAM.... BLAM!!" Much closer. Thats what I needed to get motivated. I'm sitting in the only large structure in the area and 1 or more guys are coming my way. They're either gun happy and in a crowd or paniced and running from trouble. Either way.... I'm outta here!! I check one of the two door ways from the barn, clear, so I slink out along the wall and around the corner. I crouch between the wall and a hay bale wondering what to do. Hide here and cover my corners is my best bet as it's to open to try running for it. I no sooner crouched into my hiding spot when I hear a frantic voice over Direct chat call out. "Friendly coming in!!" I hear a guy run in the door opposite of the one I had just literally left. I don't say a word... I begin to hear a myriad of sounds I only know to well myself. THUMP! THUMP! Zombie strikes! The lusty screams of hungry infected. Then screams of a human being eaten alive. It was horrible to hear happening just on the other side of the wall from me! With visions of a slightly perturbed Joe Shaw, MD. in my head I think "FUCK THIS! Not on my watch baby!!" Before I can contemplate the follies of what I'm about to do I put my fellow man's needs ahead of personal safety. With a bone chilling battle cry I burst from cover and kick in the door like an enraged Chuck-freaking-Norris AKM rounds spraying death before me! No, not really. I crept up to the barn door I had just come out of and peeked in side like a timid Care Bear that shits rainbows when startled. There was a man, another human!, and he ain't no bandit! He's got a small patrol pack, a double barrel shotgun slung over his shoulder, and a revolver hanging limply from his near dead hand. Two Z's crouched around his torso spreading out a picnic blanket and salt and pepper shakers. Standing in the door way I level my AK on the head of the first Z. I'm gonna double tap this foul creature and quickly do the same to his dinner date as they are almost lined up perfectly. I squeeze the trigger.... "BRRRRRRRP!!!" Startled by the lethality of the AKM (I had forgotten to take the damn thing of full auto!) I stare at the carnage. Zombie goo spattered everywhere. How had I not hit Mr. Passed Out too? Shit... that was close. He then stirs and starts to regain conciousness. I quickly retreat to the second level of the barn so I can level my weapon on him from a vantage point. I had suddenly realised even though he was hurt and I had just saved him I still hadn't spoken to this guy and had no idea what he was about or how desperate he was. "Get in the corner quickly" I tell him as infected start to come in both doors, attracted by my not so stealthy dispatch of their two former comrades. With single head shots I start to pop walkers left and right as they close in on the wounded guy. I watch as he bandages himself and then takes 2 steps towards a corner and drops to the floor unconcious again right in front of the mini-horde still coming in. "Oh shit!" He's messed up bad I can tell. After I secure the area I wait patiently as this guy takes 2 more attempts just to get to the corner, constantly dropping from blood loss. We hide behind a tall stack of crates and while not pointing our guns at each other we exchange pleasantries like we just met at a garden party. "I'm Trout." "I'm Barnheezy." "Hello". "Hi. Thanks man. Not everyone's as friendly as you." He replies. "I was hurt and saw you enter the barn from the hill top. I was coming down to meet you and got swarmed in the field." "Ya, I saw that." I replied, lieing. No sense letting him know he had scared the bejesus outta me. I continued "I'm a medic wanna-be. What do you need?" I only had a few cans of beans and painkillers but he could certainly use them at the moment. After he accepted my goods and was munching away I explained about Dr. Wasteland, his thread and my friend Joe Shaw. Of course he thought the whole thing a wonderful idea as he had assumed I was going to kill him on the spot. With the way clear around us for now we decide it best to get out of the barn and into some trees. Once in cover I drop him my last can of beans and with my bino's survey Zelenogorsk (sp?). Seeing as there is no hospital here I offer to go into town on a bean run for him. It's a large place and I'll load up on all the cans I can carry and come back. But he politely declines, stating he was going to DC and post in the medic thread for a bloodbag and explain about what I had just done for him. I thanked him profusely for that while he thanked me profusely as well. Turns out after he left I went down into town for my own needs and discovered a grocery store that was not on the map! WTF. I had more beans than I could carry! LOL Oh well, next time..... I DC. What a great night.
  10. Trout (DayZ)

    Would you take the shot?

    I would not have taken the shot. Cause I'm not an asshole.
  11. Trout (DayZ)

    Is this the way to make friends in Day Z?!

    Agreed. +1 internet credit point
  12. Trout (DayZ)

    The good DEED.

    Woot! Well played sir, well played.
  13. Trout (DayZ)

    Is this the way to make friends in Day Z?!

    I stopped watching at 00:25. Right when you said "I disconnected because I was going to die". Weak man, weak. And no I won't subscribe
  14. Trout (DayZ)

    DayZ Hunt then a hill shootout

    Hahahahaha got what u deserved dirty bandit. Sweet justice.
  15. Trout (DayZ)

    My First Adventure

    This. x2 Someone already said this but I agree... I read the OP and thought Wow.. Cool beginning! What an adventure! Time to start again... But this douche freaks out and comes on the forums to flame the game and the couple hundred thousand people that love it. Priceless man. This is not the game for you obviously. Please quietly and with whatever shred of dignity you have left, exit the game, exit the forums, and exit our lives. Thanks. And if there is anything in your nut sack besides hot air and u want to man up... read this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37904-newbie-guides-start-easier-improve-yourself/
  16. Trout (DayZ)

    Are there no South African servers?

    Hmmm. Shard, don't know what to say. There is another program like Six launcher called DayZ Commander. Did you try that? I also suggest posting this in New Players or some other "help" type part of the forums. Good luck.
  17. Trout (DayZ)

    Scaring People - PART 2!

    I said it before, and I'll say it again. Kudos to you AtomZ for thinking of this, making it happen, and putting it out there for us to enjoy. Absolutely hilarious man!! I will of course, have to check that bush anytime I go near balota now lest I crap my pants! <_<
  18. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Haha! Thanks Joe. And to think... I called you crusty! LOL Sure had me fooled buddy! :lol: I'll be on tonight and maybe we can go rescue some newbs and smack a few bandits along the way!
  19. Trout (DayZ)

    Are there no South African servers?

    Ha! Sorry man, I thought it was funny. latest beta here--> http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ download and it will install itself. If installer gets stuck at 100% and "appears" to be still transfering, dont worry, its done. There is another section on the froums here (maybe under new players or something) with many posts on how to update and install. Go look for it as you are really posting these types of questions in the wrong section of the forums. Good luck EDIT: Wasn't even looking for it and found this---> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1808-guide-installation-guide-steam-retail-mixed-beta-common-errors/ Should help
  20. Trout (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello folks. One of my Day Z gaming buddies is Joe Shaw. Crusty old man, but very likeable all the same. lol He is a White Listed Medic found on the list on the first page of this thread. I too am going to endevour to be a bonafide Medic. I play most evenings Mon - Thurs 7pm - late EST. Pls PM me here or my Steam ID is CanadianTrout. (I think! Have to verify when i get home lol)
  21. Trout (DayZ)

    Are there no South African servers?

    No, not to my knowledge. South Africa was spared the Apocolypse and there are no Infected there. So no servers to wipe them out on. Congrat's! You win!
  22. Trout (DayZ)

    Any possible way out? stuck....

    Haha ur friend needs a punch in the giggle-berries! Follow the others directions to get out, there at half a dozen ways I can think of to get by this.
  23. Trout (DayZ)

    Need help quickly!

    Just use the Six-launcher or the new one called DayZ Commander. Sorry, don't have links avail atm. Both these programs will list servers for you, ask you to 'verify" your game before launching it. What that means is they will check ur game and install the latest hotfix from Day Z as well as the latest beta patch. Then it will launch the game for you as well. Simple
  24. Trout (DayZ)

    I just killed a man.

    Wow, you're so tough dude. Some people are monsters (see above) and need to feel that way to make up for something lacking in their lives. There is no logical reason why one would desire to be/act/project how malicious they are for no other apparent reason. It's a form of psycosis. Some people hunt the monsters (see me). I am the Bandit Hunter. The Champion of the Masses. I make it my mission to ninja all the douches hiding in tree lines sniping people. Just yesterday my compatriot and I saw a guy leaving NE airfield on a bicycle. He was alone and riding away after getting what he could I suppose. We took up postions on either side of the road that he would be coming down. We got a look at him and in our judegement he "appeared" not to be of ill repute. So we let him pass. As he rode between us on the road without knowing we were there I shouted over Direct "Hey bike guy, you're lucky to be alive! Don't be a BANDIT". Was very funny to watch his head swivel side to side look back as he almost lost control and ditched the bike. We let him live....
  25. Trout (DayZ)


    ^ | | Grammar nazi... and you have my beans, sir!