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About thebigcarp321

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I think Id rather see a mobile app... /discuss
  2. I have this happen sometimes and almost wonder if its a host thing. Last night dart wouldnt update from be master and wouldnt refresh and today its fine. I know in a day or two it will do the same thing again. It still works but requires manual intervention sometimes. Not toooo big of a deal as it still logs chat. The only thing I see it affecting is current users logged into the server. A quick refresh and its better.
  3. Hello Survivors! I am having an issue as of late and not sure what is causing it. basically everytime anyone on my server logs out and logs back in, a map is added to their toolbelt. This only happens after they have obtained one though. I do have a custom loadout that does NOT include a map. Any thoughts?