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Everything posted by tolagarf

  1. tolagarf

    Feedback Tracker Spam

    Can we PLEASE get someone to revoke (or fix) posting rights for guest accounts on the feedback tracker? There's a massive amount of spam going on in there, with douchebags posting links to all kinds of crap. They're posting from guest account, and everytime someone posts in the ones we replied to, we get a new email with this crap. I've already reported this once. Please someone kill that guest account!
  2. Was really more like a random fun fact, and not a complaint as you seem to read into.
  3. tolagarf

    Dysync near players/zombies?

    There's a known exploit that causes hell of a lot desync. It happens when you enter another players network bubble, who is exploiting (note that I'm not claiming hacks here, so there's no confusion).
  4. You have to wonder though, when DayZ gets beat by Skyrim with more than 10k concurrent players! And that game is single-player and over 2 years old.. Game on!
  5. Admins don't have that kind of power, even if there were any real admins. Not really sure what he can do though, except asking the DayZ team for help. Perhaps contacting Matt Lightfoot or Brian Hicks using twitter.
  6. tolagarf

    Got issues with the Battleye

    nevermind, wrong thread.
  7. tolagarf

    DayZ Is Officially Ruined(Player Wise)

    Oh geez. Cry me a freakin' river.
  8. Yeeeees! Keep beating that dead old horse!
  9. tolagarf

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Thanks Hicks. And happy newyear to everyone!
  10. tolagarf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    Rocket mentioned in one of his streams that they do intend on replacing the render engine completely. But not anytime soon, as it isn't really a high priority. If you can't handle the current engine, well hey don't play.
  11. There's a good reason the holster takes up the slot for vests. The holster gives you the ability to fast draw a pistol. So you'll just have to make a choice what you want. More slots or fast draw?
  12. tolagarf


    Thank you for stating the obvious. I'm quite sure the dev team already got these tools available to them. Anything else would just be unprofessional.
  13. tolagarf

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    Mew mew mew...
  14. tolagarf

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    I can confirm teleporting is back (seen on stream). This might not be a good time to play DayZ on a serious basis.
  15. tolagarf

    DayZ SA Create Server

    By having access to the server files doesn't that kind make them official? I just don't see how else they would have obtained those files, other than from official sources.
  16. tolagarf

    Random character wipe

    Do you switch servers often? Switching servers 4 times quick in a row gets your character killed and reset.
  17. tolagarf

    Hackers all over place

    People who respawn fully geared on top of their dead bodies, is not a hack nor are they hackers. It's just a known exploit and I'm not going to tell how to do it. Besides that I've seen people shooting several mags at people in close quarters with a M4, and not hit a damn thing because they panic (and because the M4 is kinda bugged atm), then killed by an axe. So quit claiming hackers everytime someone farts.
  18. tolagarf

    What about holiday sale?

    That would just be so wrong for the 340k+ who already bought the game since monday. It won't be on sale anytime soon.
  19. tolagarf

    VAC going live

    There's probably a good reason VAC isn't enabled yet. One of them is due to general performance we're told, so have patience it will be turned on. But please remember this is Alpha, things will get messy. You should have read the disclaimer on Steam Early Access in more detail before buying this.
  20. tolagarf

    All items gone after changing server?

    All characters were wiped last night due to security issues. So no you cannot get your character back.
  21. tolagarf

    DayZ Standalone Review

    How could one possibly review a game that's in alpha. That just doesn't make sense at all. Now a preview is another thing.
  22. Me too. I think this is called negative mouse accelleration. No matter how much DPI you turn up, it won't help much. Last I read it's being fixed.
  23. tolagarf

