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Everything posted by doser

  1. Alpha You also clearly aren't in a decent town, just a small village with no shop on the coast
  2. It will run but very badly. I have a Core2Quad Q8400 (2.8Ghz) and a Radeon 6950 2GB I get like 10-15fps or something. I had to reduce my resolution and it's still pretty unplayable in towns. / I have no idea why the renderer is so bad It's like it is drawing the entire island each frame Why is the View Distance option missing in Options / Thank god i'm building a new PC next week. I feel sorry for 90% of the world though, who will get about 5FPS and can't play Day Z.
  3. doser

    List of 24-hour cycle servers

    Almost nobody can play DayZ for an entire day straight, thanks. 12 hours would be the best. That way people who work during the day can experience daytime... ...and people who work at night can experience night... / 24 hour cycles are a bad idea and ruin Day Z for everyone. Only unemployed people who play games 24/7 would ever support such a silly idea.
  4. doser

    We look for the standalone?

    Best to wait at this point. Save your money for the standalone. Arma II is still pretty pricey for an old game :P / I really want to get into Day Z too, but the standalone will be out soon. The standalone is gonna have less kill on sight and bring back cooperation and comms... Also people won't be able to hack anymore.
  5. What a little douche. Hope he gets hit by a bus
  6. doser

    Zion DayZ Epoch!

    You really know how to make people avoid your server. Free loadout? 900 Vehicles? Stop bumping this thread.