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About djh3315

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    On the Coast
  1. djh3315

    No new releases until the hacks are fixed

    Hey punisher you go try and make a game with little to no vulnerabilities that will be exploited. This is a part of every game and you have to learn to deal with it. I defy you to go and find a game that someone has NOT made a hack/exploit for. The only games i know that are nearly impossible to hack are the browser based games because those are all server sided computations and variables! You would (literally) have to hack into their servers to change anything! Arma 2 has not dropped development support as patches are still being released so i dont wanna hear the bs of "They dont care about us!". It is a matter of time and money, want things done faster? PAY THE PEOPLE! After over 3 years of support and very little hype about the game (not many sales until recently) they have been updating consistently and that is impressive! Honestly this is not rockets problem and i don't want him, as a developer for dayz, getting caught up fixing vulnerabilities and exploits that hackers will just end up finding more of! As we learn with all these patches, when you make changes you create vulnerabilities or problems. Its a never-ending development cycle that is taken into account even when a game designer or software designer first lays out the plans for the project. I guarantee you that once this beta patch is released many of the hacks will be patched and given a few months more hacks will re-appear of a different nature. Its what happens and always will happen. Development of DayZ must continue! That way while rocket works on DayZ the arma 2/BattlEYE devs work on the hackers and by the time dayz is released hopefully all dayz related hacks will be patched! Sadly i doubt aimbotting assholes will ever go away lol. Either way good job rocket!
  2. djh3315

    Hacker Server hoping!

    Dazman there isnt a system in place for any server because it is not a server sided hack. A hack like this tricks a server into believing it is a legitimate client script so that the server allows that client to spawn items and such from the game database and do all sorts of other fucking crazy things (like pick up and drop every damn player). No server is impervious to this unless you somehow have an anti cheat system built into your server which i highly doubt anyone has... For now we have to wait till BattlEye updates their structure to catch these scripts and thats all that can be done. The hacking is not Rockets problem really the most he can do is ban ips and such but if you know computers at all you know its not terribly hard to get around those bans =/
  3. I really do not know how you would emulate PTSD ingame other than by making your character hear random gunshots and have psychotic episodes (loss of motorskills/vision?) once in awhile (which would certainly throw off some people). But honestly i dont think it is really a big deal right now, humanity is merely a number in a database at this point and im happy with it staying that way. We all know the system will change for it is far too basic a concept to be coupled with such a highly strategic survival realism game. I dont think we need to take it as far as PTSD though. Just find a way so that the lower level noobies look less appetizing to bandits. I am not a bandit personally (although i do enjoy hunting intelligent prey lol) but i have killed many just because i have run into someone in what i know is a HOT zone and i open fire first! In situations like that it is honestly shoot first, ask later. I started the game by trying to type everytime i saw someone and i think ONCE i was given the chance to type friendly before being shot in the face lol. After that if i dont see someone from a distance and walk around a corner to find someone, theyre getting shot first. I dont want to get punished for that! It is a survival instinct that i have picked up from so many idiots just pulling the trigger whenever they see a non-zed!
  4. djh3315

    NY25 - NWO server

    Can we have some proof that someone was kicked due to PK of NWO or that he "didnt like them"? Many of us die all the time and i never hear a single request from us for them to be kicked. What are the vague reasons? Maybe a little more info or proof would be nice. If it happened to you i can understand it then maybe post a pic with the kick reason when you were kicked or something but all this is is hearsay
  5. djh3315

    Hacker Server hoping!

    +1 fucking hackers so tired of it