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Everything posted by Grongoast

  1. I've been searching for fixes for a long time and still haven't found any fix. I just cant get above 25fps and in some situations im running with 7fps. I have tried many diffrent settings, I have tried editing the config files to this: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; but nothing works. Here are my system specifications: Sidenote: My CPU isn't even running at 80% while playing the game, the highest I have seen is 70%.
  2. I own a Sapphire HD 6870 1GB card. I'm really looking forward to the Standalone, hopefully they fix the performance issues. And playing with the settings like Antialiasing doesn't really fix much. I placed my @Dayz folder on a RAMDisk and when I join a server I get 50-60fps instead of 25 fps. Only problem is that when I'm flying around and playing the game for a while it drops down to 30 fps or lower and when I'm flying I have an average FPS of 15.