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Austin Wigley

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Everything posted by Austin Wigley

  1. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    [This is now a circlejerk, giving everybody my beans]
  2. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    This is seriously all I do at work, guys, is talk about video games. I'm IT. More people need to break shit.
  3. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    I totally wish that this was the right thing to do. I know it in my heart to be, but Rocket says no. :c
  4. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    Not only was he wrongly accused, but it appears the admin was wrong to think of banning at all, since we apparently cannot ban for combat logging. Now that the US 88 admins know that [thanks to US 88 users from this thread going "guise shit wut is this", including myself] I doubt anyone will be banned for combat logging, again.
  5. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    I don't think any of these are actually facts, and I doubt you can prove any of it. If you want to follow facts: GhostHawk was wrongfully banned, should not have been banned, did not combat log, and ban was reversed. The "he was buttmad" argument is the most retarded - who wins a fight against another squad and then bans somebody? The admin didn't get shot, he didn't die - he wasn't even in the crossfire. What does it have to do with him? Also, Kitta, I can gladly say that I think that Rocket has done a great job with DayZ and management so far, but telling server admins that they can't banhammer people for combat logging is probably the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Rocket went full retard.
  6. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    My goal in this forum is to look like a huge smug !*(@. Thank you for clarification that it is working - my associates will be happy to know. *bump* Edit: I fixed it up especially for you - am I pretty now?
  7. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

  8. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    Did I read that correctly? Did he miss the "ban reversed" bit? He thought he had evidence, you fuckwit - he was *WRONG*.
  9. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    So, what you're saying is, you're a fucking moron?
  10. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    Evidence? Edit: I'm especially curious since this is a "hardcore" server - no 3rd person, tags, or crosshairs. I imagine it's awfully difficult to identify who's standing in front of you and disconnecting. Addendum: Just because he's in ghillie doesn't make him an admin.
  11. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    I just want to point out that while I don't want you to try and get US 88 blacklisted, you totally have the right to file a complaint. Up to you, mate, you'd still have my beans. Sorry that this garbage didn't get fixed, more quickly. Oh, also, like I mentioned earlier - the context of the situation matters. The admin who B& you has apparently banned / assisted in the tracking / global ban of something like 20-30 ACTUAL hackers, people who do things like wallhacks or spawning in helicopters - so he doesn't seem like such a bad guy to me. Obviously a lapse in judgement occurred, however. It's good to know that when somebody is unjustly banned, it's righted by another admin who double-checks. Fortunately, some of us US 88 guys pay attention to the ban appeal list, just in case.
  12. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    - Incorrect, sir. I said that if the server restarted and the truck my mates acquired from you disappeared, I was going to report your group for hacking in vehicles, because I said that was potential evidence. I don't have access to the logs, it wouldn't be up to me to go check them and see who spawned in a truck. :/ [Which clearly, you did not. My group was under the assumption that the truck may have been hacked in because it had no damage when I got in it, but it has been explained to me by RagoTag that the truck is glitched and autorepairs, like many vehicles.] -Also incorrect, sir. I did not once say something an admin told me to say, because I was in this thread of my own accord and forwarded the thread to SolarFlare to deal with when he logged in. :/ I was under the impression you were rightfully banned for combat logging, as that's what I was told - but I am now under the impression that I was utterly wrong. I don't really know what the issue in this thread is, now, but as long as people continue to post false information about US 88 [like, for example, user "Chernarus" or "James",] I will be there to shit that thread up. My offer for people to come play / talk with us still stands, but it appears that some users would rather stay in this thread and IRC where they can quietly try to get a server blacklisted. Hopefully we will battle again, one day, GhostHawk. See you around. edit: You have my beans.
  13. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    Absolutely fucking brainless. I personally have met a character with alts who have the same name - names are useless. I hope he means "IP", but retroactive banning is fucking retarded anyway Evidence that US 88 was running without sig-checking? None? There we go. edit: bumplol
  14. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    You should come play with us. I've invited people to our public TS like four times in this thread, gotten no takers - not even the people who appear to be completely assmad at me. As for the accusations of hacking/spawning that I've seen in IRC as well as this thread, I spent four hours with two admins looking for a functioning boat and hiding from a goddamn death train of a guy on a tractor and a bicycle. Why was I looking for a boat? To find a helicopter. So, to reiterate - I would really like it if the guys who think our admins spawn shit in would just shove my newfound helicopter up their ass. <-- This is what happens when you drive a hacked vehicle, regardless of who spawned it. [Note, it wasn't us]Yes I run the game in 800x600 fuck off [bump]
  15. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    1) Outright lie / exaggeration. I don't believe any user of US 88 came to this thread and accused you of hacking, Ghost. 2) I don't believe I owe you one, seeing as I didn't request or play a role in your ban, and I forwarded this thread to SolarFlare. If you're looking for an apology from me, I don't know why - and you're looking in the wrong place. This is false information. A DayZ mod dev was contacted and the person making this accusation was made out to be a troll, and is currently making false accusations in an effort to get us blacklisted. No move to blacklist US 88 is being made. In regards to RagoTag, I guess that really isn't my argument anymore, because I can't give you what you want.
  16. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    It's already been done. I quoted him.
  17. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    I'm curious to know as to what you mean, because I think you messaged one of us the other day and mentioned us having 15 admins. There's three, last I checked - including the owner.
  18. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    I'm sorry I'm not very good at PR. I came in here and bashed people left and right for what I view as overreaction, but the thread was forwarded accordingly and the ban reversed. No worries, won't happen again. Well, it might happen, again. I doubt it. If it does, I'll come shit up that thread, too.
  19. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    Here is SolarFlare's post:
  20. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    Firstly, I have to confirm that you're absolutely correct. The server has restarted last night, I believe, and the truck remained - so it was not hacked in. Somebody, however, stole the truck today. :c I'd like to point out that I didn't accuse you of hacking, but would gladly report any group for hacking in a vehicle if they were driving an invincible truck - which it turns out - you were not. I don't know where it is in this thread, but SolarFlare cleared his ban and apologized. It's around page [3?] and you're welcome to join our public TS if you want to speak with him. Once again, his ban had nothing to do with me. Obviously, this is an assumption, so I'm correcting you - I didn't report GhostHawk [i hope he knows that], and I actually had nothing to do with the ban process. I just wanted to find out whether there was going to be a ban appeal in the morning, and came looking for this thread. Anyways, since your side of the story is actually interesting - let me tell it from my perspective? --- Basically, this starts out with a search for helicopters. We're all dicking around up north, searching NW and the NE airfields after working our way up from the south, and we find no choppers. Unfortunately, we didn't know that the helicopters were spawning in TONIGHT, so we were basically just wasting time. After running along and raiding a camp we call "tent shitty", because it has long since been abandoned by its inhabitants, we come upon the Dam. After a few minutes of searching the surrounding area for tents, we decide to rest in the barn. I set up a campfire and cook some meat, and after I finish that I drop a blue chemlight on the floor so we can take off our NVGs. A few minutes of silence pass, our L85 man is perched on the hill overlooking the area. Suddenly, Neverclear [in the barn/shack] screams out about hearing a truck coming - we extinguish our light and hold our position. The truck drives up and parks in front of the shack, realizes that we're there, and pulls out. We open fire and the truck gets away. I follow it for a kilometer, and then turn around, give up, and walk back. Upon reaching the hill overlooking the barn, I realize there's somebody prone in the field with me. Logs appear to indicate that this is "Chase", but it could have also been "Gordon Freeman" or "GhostHawk". Not really sure. I start screaming in TS and run down the hill, shouting that somebody is at the top - and as I reach the edge of the forest a flare lights up the area and the truck comes blazing back past the barn and straight at me. Taking a hail of gunfire, I imagine the two occupants were ready to leave - and I blindfire my AS50 twice, killing the driver. The truck swerves to my left and hits a tree, where I also kill the passenger. The flare is still blazing, and amidst the commotion in TS I get in the truck [This is the moment I noticed the truck's full health, and pointed out that we may be fighting hackers. It was later decided that if the truck disappeared on server restart, we would report you ] and shout that I'm tearing across the dam when a DMR on the opposite [north] side starts firing on me, at which point I back the truck up, bail, and start serpentine-running through the woods. Everybody is firing on the two hillsides, and I hear rounds passing my head every few seconds. I decide to hide in the barn, and while running there a stray round hits me in the back of the head, killing me. - A few minutes later, I'm waiting on the dam north of Elektro while my mates clear the area. Once that's done, they got in the truck and drove it back to base, so I logged out. Whilst I was logged, they discussed the firefight and brought it to the attention of a sub-admin, who was apparently involved. He checked the logs and confirmed to the others that GhostHawk had logged out shortly after my death, and they determined that he was "the one on the hill" "l85" "logged out", and subsequently decided that they would not tolerate combat logging and banned him. I don't recall having a say in the matter, 'nor do I remember reporting GhostHawk for combat logging, which he apparently didn't. I would say this is a case of bad judgment that has been rectified - and would appreciate not being called a vigilante.
  21. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    Hey, Ragotag. I need to correct you on a few things, because I'd hate to have my reputation tarnished. :| Edit: fuck I accidentally hit post Can't delete fuck
  22. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    I would just ban left and right, were I admin. That behaviour is despicable, and so is defense of it. I simply don't give a damn if "there's a fix" coming for combat logging, because there's been a fix coming for many months, now. Banning or Temp-banning solves the issue rather quickly.
  23. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    As stated earlier: >I'm sure they'll sort out GhostHawk's ban when they're online, >sort out ghosthawk's ban >sort out >ban >B&
  24. Austin Wigley

    Banned for combat logging

    No, I did not. I implied that it was hypocritical of the people screaming for the death of US88 to also state that combat loggers should not be punished.