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Everything posted by Survivor-Kyle

  1. Survivor-Kyle

    plz some engame content plz

    Why not quest for a 'Search button' to see if this has been discussed before. Perhaps there is even a thread (or two) with similar titles on the FIRST PAGE of the forum you posted in. This quest only works if you have NVgs, obviously.
  2. Survivor-Kyle

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    A request is best formed similar to this: That way medics can see where you are, what you need, and how to reach you. Also, if you are in Cherno/Electro/Stary/NWAF you have far fewer medics who will be willing to brave those hot spots. You may want to try and reach a safer location, outside of those towns. This guy did an excellent job with his post:
  3. Survivor-Kyle

    Seattle 35 Removed

  4. Survivor-Kyle

    What to do at end-game?

    A thread on what to do now: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29618
  5. They are much more rare?
  6. See ---> http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29618
  7. Survivor-Kyle

    HOW do you approach a person without getting shot?

    If I'm in the open I just lock crosshairs on them, and inform them over DC that I have them in my sights and that I'll fire if they move. Then I assess the situation and usually have them walk away (while I watch them) before I beat feet outta there. If I'm in a town and we surprise each other, I just say "Hi, I'm friendly" and hope for the best. I had one instance, in the Balota control tower, where I ran into a player. I IDed myself as friendly then walked into the open, while he watched, then I drew my shotgun and then dropped it to my side. After that we chatted for a bit. He knew I wasn't going to kill him, and I figured if he was going to he'd have already done it. We both parted ways without a shot fired.
  8. No I'm saying that if you get bored playing DayZ in a highly effective, but as a result relatively safe, way, maybe it's time to take a risk and play it differently. Purposely increase your human contact. Set an objective and try to accomplish it, even if (perhaps especially if), it seems impossible/difficult. To move away from slot machines: If your squad has a fool-proof method for raiding NWAF, you have all the gear, and now are bored. Maybe you should leave the NWAF and try to do something else, as opposed to quitting the game or demanding additional content. The players that I cited as examples seem to have a blast, even if their play styles result in short lives. The point of this is not to live forever, it's to have fun; and Rocket doesn't need to add new features for us to have fun. Did you even read the thread? That was kind of the point of the OP...
  9. Which goes well beyond the basic kill/survive dynamic that people grow so tired of. I wish you luck in founding a shire :D
  10. Survivor-Kyle

    are tents still getting wiped?

    It's not a bug, it's a design feature. There are no defined boundaries; things just eventually become an endless desert. For 95% of players, being off map is not something you have to worry about.
  11. Safe is what gets boring. Yes, in a real survival scenario, safe is what you want. But for entertaining game play, it's all about risk/reward. Having a base 300km off map is safe. Studying the map for hours picking the PERFECT base location only to find it already occupied and a possible firefight on your hands is fun. Stocking a hidden hospital tent is fun. Risking death to ferry (potentially hostile) survivors around Cherno is exciting. And then you lose it all and get to rebuild from nothing. It's great, and in a Buddhist/Zen way of material non-attachment, rewarding.
  12. Survivor-Kyle

    For those who don't like pvp..

    But when you are a new player, and you are already dealing with the steep learning curve that DayZ has, it gets frustrating. Then they come here and post/vent about it and people who have been playing for a while tell them to STFU NOOB GO QQ ON MINECRAFT. When the best weapon you've ever had is a Makarov, and it took you 45 mins to find that (because you don't have loot spawns memorized) getting killed still sucks. I've managed to get Pked only twice, and one of them was a misunderstanding (I believe). But I hear about it all the damn time. And I've seen snipers set up along the coast, shooting players, and not even bothering to look at the bodies (clearly just killing for the sake of it, not interested in gear).
  13. Survivor-Kyle

    For those who don't like pvp..

    People don't get upset about PvP. They get upset about being shot as soon as they spawn by a jackass with a M107 and nothing better to do. Then respawning and getting killed by a jackass with a DMR, a ghillie suit, and nothing better to do. Then respawning and getting chopped to death by a guy on the coast with a hatchet and nothing better to do. And on, and on, and on.
  14. There are ways to help that don't involve direct human contact. Or you can guard a medic and try to keep him alive for longer than 10 mins. My point in all of this is that when people get bored playing the game, it's time to change how they play it. Just think of something that seems impossible and set out to make it happen. If you die a lot, at least you know it has a challenge, and if/when you accomplish the task, it will feel that much better. Exactly true. But imagine how unmemorable that scene would have been if Rick had just shot them on sight. It's interesting/exciting because he gives them a chance, not in spite of it. Most people right now never get past that door.
  15. Survivor-Kyle


    I'm not positive, but I think BANDIT kills give positive humanity, SURVIVOR kills give negative.
  16. Survivor-Kyle

    Playing free DayZ?

    There is a stand-alone expansion for ARMA2, titled ARMA2: Operation Arrowhead. OA is required to play DayZ (as is ARMA2). You cannot use a pirated version of either title. There is a free ARMA2 (lite edition), but OA will have to be purchased.
  17. Survivor-Kyle

    Playing free DayZ?

    No you cannot use a pirated copy, because the game required a legitimate CD KEY/GUID to connect to the server. I mean, come on guy, Really? You are going to ask if your illegal copy will work? Shame on you.
  18. Survivor-Kyle


  19. Survivor-Kyle


    Join the medicorps. Heal strangers and ask for nothing in return. Or provide protection for others as they heal downed players. Or run the logistical side and put you "more medical supplies than you could ever need" to use.
  20. Survivor-Kyle

    Can Someone give me a blood transfusion?

    You will have much better luck finding a person who is willing to help you if you leave the pvp hot spots (cherno, electro, etc). Or ask the reddit rescue force, I hear they will brave those regions.
  21. Survivor-Kyle

    Mods, please delete.

    Edited until additional details are ready. Thanks!
  22. Survivor-Kyle

    No one told me the dress code was formal...

    It sounds like the hackers are adding vote into the game. This ought to be fun real soon...