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Everything posted by justicalcancer

  1. justicalcancer


    Thank you for unbanning me. Please understand my frustration since this has happened before and the eagerness get back on servers that have the DaRT system such as battle royale. Could you please tell me why I was banned? Ive noticed that users with 3 bans are not being welcomed back and since this has happend twice I certain don't want to end up on any sort of blacklist. The only thing I can think of is last time this happened is when I downloaded the 1.8 test server files that were hosted by the BMRF servers and this time I updated my overwatch to 0.2.5 the day it was released, perhaps this could be a reason why? thank you again for your time
  2. justicalcancer


    Is this seriously the only way to appeal DaRT bans? Ive been waiting 3 days now for a response, very disappointing.
  3. justicalcancer


    Bumped. Been waiting two days now for a response. Really wanting to get this straighten up ASAP.
  4. justicalcancer


    110% sure de371e9a1aa107b5157299bdf2e404a9 both times I have copied and pasted my GUID from dayz commander I switch up my in game name A LOT, like every reset I switch my name, because of stream sniping/stalking. May I ask why I have been banned?
  5. justicalcancer


    Hello, my name is JusticalCancer, player GUID is de371e9a1aa107b5157299bdf2e404a9 I stream on Twitch so I normally change names quite a bit to protect against stream sniping. I sometimes use the name TheCancer when playing on servers with very active admins http://www.twitch.tv/justicalcancer/ I was attempting to log into the to the new Battle Royale servers and now this message is popping up every time I try to connect to the BR. ---(You were kicked off the game. (battlEye: Admin Ban (Banned by DaRTBans (DaRT))) Any other server that i connect to with DaRT doesn't auto kick me which is strange I once received a random DaRTBaned while playing on the 1,000,00 servers for Overwatch. I attempted many times to contact the admins of this server however they would only tell me to go on there TS and speak to an admin - which where never online to help. They deleted all my posts on there forums and refused to do anything else to help me. At the same time this happened about a dozon other players were also having the same issues on the 1,000,000 servers. I tried logging in again a couple weeks later to find that my banned had been lifted. I only thing I could think that might cause issues with DaRT is that i downloaded the new Overwatch update, 0.2.5, before many of the servers had updated to 0.2.5. I would really like to become unbanned, but I am still a little upset to know that I will have a couple marks on my dayz DaRT record. I would be more then happy to run TeamViewer for you in private to prove that I am 100% clean and legit with my playing.