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snipes (DayZ)

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About snipes (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Im guessing the name batCOUNTry triggers that count kick then on death. I'll give it a try, thanks Dwarden.
  2. Of course, I was just wondering if anyone had adapted them themselves already, I'm going to do it at the weekend properly but any time I can save would be useful. Any ideas on that kick I mentioned? Thanks either way Dwarden for keeping these updated.
  3. Is anyone using these with a Reality private hive? We tried updating these and had so many script restriction errors with when we updated that we had to roll back the filters temporarily. Also one player on our server is running into a public variable restriction #91 every single time he dies or comes close to death. He is the only player and I can't for the life of me figure out where or why. He is the only person it is happening to. Something to do with him getting his gear wiped on death? 19.02.2013 17:22:58: batcountry (IP) <*GUID*> - Value Restriction #91 "dayzDeath" = ["20679",0,<NULL-object>,"12882310","batcountry"] just removed his ip and guid Thanks in advance for this.
  4. snipes (DayZ)

    So I created a blisshive.log parser..

    This would be a great help to us with our server too. I can see it being abused but I do think most admits would be sensible enough to not use it for that reason..
  5. snipes (DayZ)

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    My thinking with the thermal is that it's a perfect fit for the game. I do like the gun but it isn't the ultimate gun for a few reasons which I will explain. it can't see through buildings or bushes or trees which means you can hide from it. if you spot someone with the gun you will be sneaking up on them and hiding if they look at you. Most people who hate the L85 are the snipers that sit in well known areas shooting at everyone, the reason they hate it is because it forces them to move or be seen. The gun is basically useless at long range as the zeroing is great but it takes a few bullets over that sort of distance to do anything that wouldn't give you time to hide behind a tree and recover. At short range the constant zoom of the gun becomes a hinderance rather than a help if you are moving quickly it will be hard for the l85 guy to keep up with you properly with the scope. People act as if the thermal sights are on the holder constantly, if the player is running they aren't using it if the player is walking they aren't using it if the player is in their inventory they wont see you. The only time they will see you is if they are actively looking for people in which case you are probably hiding somewhere like the hill on Stary or the hill in Elektro and IMO you deserve what you get. As with all the guns there are counter strategies and ways to avoid it. It should stay definitely. Also the night vision has to stay. It's so good at night on nightime servers but again there are counters to it. Throw a flare between you and a guy with NV and you have plenty of time while he is blinded or having to adjust his vision to get away or kill him. shine a torch at a guy with NV you get the same effect. Had some great fun doing that when I didn't have NV and the guy i was stalking did.
  6. Just a congratulations to the guy that managed to somehow sneak into our helicopter while some of us got out and then mow us down with our own machine gun, that was awesome! We did have video proof but unfortunately the video didn't come out right. I think we got revenge but that was awesome. Also think the chopper was hacked in because somehow we managed to find 2 near elektro and a third was burning in the North East airfield. Still it gave us a load of fun flying around looking for people in 2 choppers. Also a mention to WilliamWallace and his friend. I managed to get into a tree about 5 metres from you while you tried putting stuff in your tent. You must have just seen 2 of our guys parachute out of a chopper and then have it explode as it plummeted to the floor! You drove your motorbike straight through the field not 30 seconds after the explosion. I ran after you while a friend covered the hillside with his DMR we saw you stop and i managed to sprint pretty much next to you before dropping you both. Still meant i got all the gear back i'd had before the multiple deaths tonight :D gg
  7. snipes (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    All those saying that sixlauncher is broken and not updating, you need to re read the first post. The update has NOT been pushed to sixlauncher until enough feedback has been gotten on the graphic glitches. By the looks of it the update won't be pushed to it anytime soon either.
  8. snipes (DayZ)

    Banned from US1222

    To be honest I'm glad they are banned and I'm hoping these people can be banned from our server too. The rules for the servers were fair enough when the player numbers were low but currently battleye is struggling HARD to find hackers and people that profit from it directly. What this admin has done is correct. If the people had had any sense or worries about the hacker they could have disconnected and posted on here with his ingame name, instead they chose to profit from it and when they got caught they tried to claim ignorance. Some of the childish attitudes in here and the Rocket says this so you can't do this on your own server crap doesn't fly. If every server is forced to stick by these very very flimsy rules and then gets punished for removing players who cheat or deliberately profit from cheats he will eventually have no good well administrated servers (like this server seems to be!) left to support his mod. No one wants that.
  9. snipes (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    stop adding new bits an pieces and just make it so that the hackers can't take control of our server in a few seconds of it being restarted. You are going to lose players left right and centre and people will not be paying for the servers if the problem gets any worse. Hacking is ruining this game for everyone.
  10. We had the thunderdome thing on UK41 the other night too. Tonight we had hackers on again killing everyone with a single shot and driving around teleporting etc etc.. So lame.
  11. Here is the playerlist at the time. players we know it isn't Skix Cuth Sketchseven snipes Rush Lawrence SupaSkwirrel Two guys drove up to me and 2 friends in non standard outfits and shouted don't shoot on direct chat. we logged off within 30 seconds everyone on the server was dying to single headshots.
  12. snipes (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Because this shouldn't be about you respawning until you are in a group with your friends. This is supposed to be a hard game. I'm all for this in the update, if it means we see more people in the other inland towns rather than just people respawning until they are close to Elektro or Cherno then it's good news. Should make The bandits move away from these two towns also as there in theory should be less players in them unless people want to run the length of the beach to get back to them again. Also one of the latest ARMA 2 patches has modified the weapon damage stats. m1911 and revolver takes around 4 - 5 bullets to kill a zombie now. see this post about it http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/x7ek1/weapon_damage_nerfs_in_arma2_162_full_details/
  13. snipes (DayZ)

    FN FAL price check

    FN Fal is great, It's not quite a one hit kill but it will knock someone out with the first shot so if you can hit someone with the iron sights you can be sure they are down for at least a few seconds. It has great range like the M14, which is another excellent option. I currently have one with 3 mags and another 2 mags in my bag. I would take it over the ACOG any day as it's so good at close encounters which is usually how you engage people while running through the woods.. If you get up close to someone with the ACOG or similar scoped AR then you are normally in trouble. I have a FAL and an L85 for longer range and target spotting. The FAL with the NV scope is useless though for most day to day useage.
  14. snipes (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I tried it and it didn't for me, i had to hit escape first before alt f4. Hate it though. We got raided yesterday found the little buggers that did it surrounded their camp while they were home started shooting all but 1 managed to log off before the murders were given.
  15. snipes (DayZ)

    All Servers Red X's?

    IIRC you can delete the beta folder within the expansions folder of your arma 2 install and then just put the beta patch you want back on