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Kraith (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Kraith (DayZ)

  1. WE ARE A ARMA 2 DAYZ MOD / DAYZ OVERPOCH GROUP About: Hi there I'm Kraith, the leader of HFC. I'm trying to start a formidable group of people to play with as a skilled, and tactical clan. I'm looking for people who can listen and show respect. As well as skilled players of the game. How to join: Afterwards, fill out this application http://goo.gl/forms/RjPhhNXEiM And then poke someone in teamspeak3 or add Kraith on Steam (listed below as well) Requirements: 1.) Must be 15 or older. 2.) Need to be active. 3.) Need to be skilled in some way. 4.) Maturity and respect are a must. CONTACT: TeamSpeak3: ts.hfcgaming.net
  2. Just rebooted the recruitment again!
  3. still recruiting currently we have 6 dedicated members. we are also a dayz overpoch clan. NOT STANDALONE!!!
  4. still recruiting, fi you're looking for a group.
  5. bump we're still recruiting. we are looking for people who are skilled and will be active.
  6. bump still recruiting more members :D
  7. 1. do you have a mic and be on teamspeak while playing dayz? yes. I also have my own teamspeak. 2. how long have you played dayz for? 2500+ hours // 2+ years ​3. how often are you available to play dayz? 5-6 hours / per day // 15-45 hours weekly. 4. are you a good navigator/driver/pilot? yes to all of the above 5. are you dedicated to 905? yes 6. what do you think you can bring to the clan by having us recruit you? Experienced pilot, hardened shocktrooper (no not the star wars ones, the ones that lead frontal ground attack formations). I dont miss my mark. I can gun, shoot, operate, or use any vehicle, gun, or explosive ordinance launcher. I have over 500 hours in piloting experience. I can hit headshots from 800m+. I've played this game for over 2500 hours. 7. have you been in any other clans? yes, I *sorta* had my own.
  8. bump still looking for members.
  9. still recruiting. join the teamspeak now, a recruiter is waiting
  10. were still recruiting. also the teamspeak will be empty. we are only a small clan, and we are very busy IRL. however we still are pretty active.
  11. The teamspeak3 was down today due to maintenance. It will be back up soon.
  12. just so you know we are not a standalone clan. we play dayz overpoch.
  13. Kraith (DayZ)

    Looking for a small dayzmod group

    Come check us out man... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220105-hellfire-collective-dayz-overpoch-clanskilledrecruitingactive/
  14. Kraith (DayZ)

    Looking for Players for Team

    Age: 15 Hours in Arma 2: OA : 1000+ Do you have a mic? Yes Specialties(Piloting/Base Building/etc): Pilot, Ground, Base Building Would you be interested in helping to pay for a public team server: Already have my own. Country: USA
  15. Kraith (DayZ)

    HFCGaming Recruitment

    Hello there, I'm Kraith the leader of this clan. Join our teamspeak and talk to me or Info to join the clan. We're a friendly group of guys who play DayZ Overpoch. We're very competitive. And play to win. That's just our playstyle. Join us if you can pull your own weight.
  16. Kraith (DayZ)

    Gorski's Origins Group

    What TS do I go on?
  17. Kraith (DayZ)

    Gorski's Origins Group

    Name in game: Kraith DayZ Experience: Been playing since orignal DayZ version. (August 2012) Age: 18 Preferred Role: Flight & Aviation Expert Do you own a mic + TS? Yes Do you have MORE THAN 2 MONTHS origins Exp? 2 months? Not quite. I have played it a lot though. I played it for 2 weeks straight with about 8 hours of gameplay each day. Are you able to pull your own weight in contributing to the group? if so how? Yes, I can fight off zombies well. And I'm an experienced ArmA 2 Attack Chopper Pilot. What is the magical word? Eskimo Do you meet the requirements? There are 3. Yes. Do you understand we are eastern time zone based. If so what times are you on? What days? I'm on everyday from 4:30-9:00 EST.