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About stratiic

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  1. stratiic

    Dayz Epoch Panthera group recruitment!

    Age: 13 ( mature ) Skype: ximorphishd Epoch Knowledge: I'm normally a lone wolf so i'm not very experienced with the base building mechanics but I know the selling mechanics well. Heli skills: Decent but not a precision lander Preffered Gun: M14 Aim or M249 SAW. What do i do when i see a player: If he's unarmed I ask him to leave the area and if he's armed I ask him if he's friendly or to drop his gun and let me speak to him ( not robbing him ) I'd would love to join you in your efforts since I recently came back to epoch but can't play it with anyone :/.
  2. stratiic

    Epoch Group (Looking for players!)

    Intrested but could you make exceptions for a 14 year old? I've played DayZ for just under a year now
  3. stratiic

    Chimera Gaming Recruiting EPOCH Players

    I Would like to join but I can't because i'm too young :(
  4. Hey fellow survivors, just looking for a couple of chill dayz players that aren't judgemental or too serious. I'm young myself (13) so any age group is good. Age? - Any (Fairly Mature) Playstyle? - Seriously not too silly : D Clans? - I'm up for clans as long as they aren't needy and forceful ( just chill k? ) Mods? - Any (Preferably Epoch or Overwatch) Contacts? - Skype - ximorphishd. Sorry don't have a teamspeak if you have one give me the Ip to it :). I'm sorry if I forgot anything just ask any questions if needed.
  5. Age: 13 Hey i'd like to join your clan as an infantry man? I have good accuracy and good at spotting enemies so if you need a secondary sniper for the ranger branch I could be that too. Thanks :p
  6. stratiic

    [EMW] is recruiting again!

    Plus my skype is ximorphishd
  7. stratiic

    [EMW] is recruiting again!

    Hey I'm 13 and would like to join EMW . I am mature and have been playing since september 2012 and an experienced close quarters fighter. If you could recruit me it would be much appreciated.
  8. Name : Jack ( IRL Name) Torquemada ( IGN ) Age : 13 ( I am mature ) Time Zone : GMT Country : England Are you willing to commit to the NCR? : Yes I am :P Preffered Job : NCR Trooper/ NCR Combat Medic Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR : Because I like DayZ better in a group and I think I could be an essential to your group in a way thatI would do anything for the group even if I have to be a suicide bomber :P