Hi, i have a quick question on lag in the dayz mod and bad fps basically. I know theres a lot to take into account when looking at fps in dayz and running the mod itself. I have a shit computer to be honest but it can run arma just fine with 30+ fps in vanilla arma with settings on high. My question is when i join a server the less people there are the better fps i get? When theres quite a few in the server i get shit fps and laggy. It doesnt matter if the server just restarted either i still get bad frames. I play on many many servers some better than others but all with the same issue. I dont know why this happens and i know that arma isnt really optimized right and that dayz in turn isnt optimized as well. But i see loads of people on youtube playing popular dayz servers with loads of people yet they have a constantly good framerate. Hopefully what i am asking makes sense and someone can help me out! thanks