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Everything posted by Sarcasmo

  1. Sarcasmo

    Hacker Server hoping!

    There are two Ps in "hopping."
  2. Sarcasmo


    That sucks, but your bone cracking tale was pretty funny.
  3. YES Adds tension. Make weapon/loot spawns random though, or people will bottleneck. Also, I'm Texan. I have guns at home.
  4. YES Good passive mechanic. Simulates instinct and perception without being too theatrical or dramatic. If you survive long enough to notice.
  5. People are: a. more cautious of other players now b. mastering the game mechanics c. finding more server options to choose from (ie lower population ones)
  6. Sarcasmo

    Incentives to Cooperative Play

    How exactly will epinephrine help when I've been shot?
  7. Sarcasmo

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Animals have built in low-light vision. The only time I've ever seen actual pitch blackness was in a deep cavern with the flashlights off. That was some claustrophobic shit. That's what I have in this game, in the middle of an open field.
  8. Sarcasmo

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Yes, just like that.
  9. Just give us tiger mounts. Aren't there tigers in Russia? Yes.
  10. Sarcasmo

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    The problem comes at nighttime. You thought it was black before? Now it's literally black.
  11. I have spawned in this game a hundred times, and run inland just as often. I've never had the PvP problems you all have, perhaps because I play as realistically as I can. I employ stealth and observation and avoid unnecessary risks. I don't go looking for the phat loot because my Makarov, 1911, and Remington fire bullets too. I don't care about NWAF or Cherno and I avoid players instead of engaging them. I'm basically a human rat, feasting on the detritus of civilization after dark. How depressing.
  12. Sarcasmo

    How do I loot NW barracks solo?

    Don't be so materialistic. NW Airfield problem solved.
  13. Maybe the OP needs pointers on how to gear up. 1. Move inland, away from the coast. 2. Target the smaller towns on the map and proceed there. 3. Crawl through town, enter buildings, gather loot. 4. As your playing ability hones itself, proceed to slightly larger towns. 5. Crawl about, loot, etc. 6. Return to the forest and be sure to travel unseen. Pause periodically to look around and watch for movement. Voila, you should now have a fully outfitted character with loads of good gear and probably all of your ancillary survival items. (map, compass, matches, watch, hatchet, hunting knife, etc.) You no longer need to worry about who has what, and let's face it: your survivalist, loner lifestyle makes me far more dangerous than the guy who drives down the street honking his horn.
  14. Sarcasmo

    We've got it too easy

    I recently spent 7 consecutive hours crawling through this game due to a broken bone and no morphine. (I looked EVERYFUCKINGWHERE, trust me.) It was like a giant conspiracy to get me to abandon this character I had put 20 hours into equipping. The game is slower when you crawl everywhere, but not in a bad way. And it is anything but boring unless you're out in a forest in the middle of nowhere. Then, admittedly, it's a little tedious. You are in a constant state of "hurry up hurry up HURRY UP!" But forays into towns for food and supplies become a rather epic game of cat and mouse. You know you can't run, so if zombies or players see you it's pretty much game over. You spend a lot of time observing and calculating, then moving and stopping and listening. When you hear a nearby gunshot your entire life gets put on hold until you can figure out whether you are safe or not in a friggin' video game. And isn't all of this the reason we play the game? Aren't these the emotions we want to feel? Go ahead, crawl through Cherno or Electro for a few hours. Never once get up to run or crouchwalk, no matter what hapens. Let me know how boring it is.
  15. Sarcasmo

    To whomever shot me in Cherno

    This really is the most effort put into trapping a bandit that I've seen in a while though.
  16. Woah, the story behind this video is terrible. People are really fucked up. (Google "Sophie Lancaster")