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About Sarcasmo

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Don't worry everyone. When Greece goes bankrupt and shutters its jails and courts these guys will be allowed to book a kayak trip to the mainland.
  2. Sarcasmo

    survivor skinned zeds

    Um, I am a survivor with a zombie skin. You can select it in your profile.
  3. STALKER is Ukrainian, not Russian.
  4. Sarcasmo

    Melee Weapon Petition

    I say yes because it's completely realistic and I support realism. I can pick up a baseball bat right now and club someone with it. The only thing stopping me is the fact that I'm not a psychopath. So why couldn't I club a zombie?
  5. Sarcasmo

    First hacker encounter

    Not sure if trolling or serious.
  6. Sarcasmo

    A slow inevitable death.. Help please

    After eating a few steaks (+800 blood each) last night I began losing health afterwards too. Total health loss was a couple hundred points before it stopped. I shrugged and moved on.
  7. Sarcasmo


    I found a bike at the bottom of a lake a couple days ago. I could sit on it, but I couldn't move it.
  8. Sarcasmo

    Destroying Friendships

    It's a sad day when video games become some kind of philosophical quandary about your friendships in real life. Jesus fucking Christ. This thread makes my eye twitch.
  9. Sarcasmo


    Did it have a seat? You may have perforated your colon and contracted sepsis.
  10. Sarcasmo

    I need some help please.

    Well known clothing problem. Lots of threads on the issue. Seems to arise if you log out within 15 minutes of putting on new clothes. I don't think new patches fix it. Regarding the graphic problem, what new patch was it? Where did he get it from and how/where was it installed?
  11. Who gives a fuck how anyone interprets it? It's your game. Play it how you want. Seriously though, there's so much grey area here that it's not worth thinking about. Who determines the exact time limits? 7-10 minutes is a long time. If it was a CQB confrontation and you exchanged shots at each other and then disco'ed in plain sight then okay. That's lame. But this is really, really pushing it.
  12. Oh, I get it. 10 minutes later they left. Missed that part the first time. Following that logic, though, anytime someone shoots at you you aren't allowed to leave for any reason. What if you're about to log for the night and a bullet flies by? Should you stick around for 20 minutes or see the potential conflict through to its resolution?
  13. 65 hours in and I have yet to die in this manner. Try different servers.