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Everything posted by CinaticX

  1. First thanks for the unban :) And well...our jeep with all the loot inside disappeared. Is there a way to get it back,? Do you need specific informations or so? I would be very glad if its possible...and if not....well...thats dayz :/
  2. Hi Ameo, I was banned about 30 mins ago. It says: Battle Eye Auto Ban (Admin ban Set pos #0). I was sitting in a car and a friend of mine drove it from Pobeda Dam to Gvozdno. In Gvozdno we both got teleported to Pobeda Dam 2 times for about 1 sec, then we came back again. Then I got kicked/banned and our car was lost. My friend ran to pobeda dam and found our car (it got teleported there). The car of my other friend (we are 3), who drove right behind us, got teleported to pobeda dam, too. The street which caused the teleport was/is in Gvozdno. Coordinates x: 07/09 y:03/04 on the dayzdb.com interactive map. The road which goes to the farms i think. My friends are on the server right now and our cars are still bugging and teleporting. They go into the car and the cars teleport and so on... If you have a question or so, feel free to ask. We have tents and cars and so on and I dont want to "start" on a new server. Unban me please if you can, Regards CinaticX (its my ingame, too)