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Everything posted by jord210

  1. jord210

    Character reset help?

    Disclaimer: Not a rant, just wanna know how to avoid it. So, backstory to this post is that Dayz has a habit of reseting my characters frequently (e.g. every 3-4 days). After hours of gearing up, I find a V3S at NE and en-route to Berezino to get my friend, the server resets. (persistance off) We then log back into the server where it has reset to 8:00AM, and I have lost my stuff whilst he has kept his. Any reasons for this, or just an unlucky bug?
  2. jord210

    Character reset help?

    Cheers for the tip :D
  3. jord210

    Dayz: The Phantom Menace

    Me and a friend decided to battle it out over the last can of beans. Star Wars style. Should be uploading some more shenanigans, so subscribe if you want, would be appreciated :)
  4. jord210

    Dayz: The Phantom Menace

    Who needs the new Star Wars? :P
  5. jord210

    Dayz: The Phantom Menace

    Cheers :)
  6. So, I'm sneaking around Balota in a 30 player server, hoping to find a dead body or two as I suspect all the loot is gone. Find a body with a pair of handcuffs, some food :beans: and a magnum in the prison. As I step out the prison 3-4 Mosin shots ring out and hit the building. I've got some nice headphones so I realize its from the north, and of course, where else better can a bandit snipe from? Cherno Apartments. I rush into the woods north uphill and come across the first set of buildings, where I see the idiot's bipod sticking over the roof (bandits are becoming dumber and dumber I swear.) I climb to the top of the building, and for some miracle he didn't hear a thing, even after clattering up the stairs and ladders to get to the top. So there he is, laying in prone, scoping out Balota for fresh spawns. I knock him out *cue verbal abuse and how much of a 'cu&%' I am* in 2 punches to the face, steal his mosin, all his gear (TssKO stuff, loads of attachments and nice gear) handcuff him and start questioning him on how its funny to kill new spawns. With the sun just peaking over the tree's, (this is a permanent 8:00AM server) he was on his knee's saying how sorry he was. I was having nothing and executed him with a shot to the head from my magnum. (when he died he went on with saying how my mother is a prostitute.) 20 mins later I was ambushed by a group of bandits in Cherno and lost everything. But still, prime example of if you're going to shoot someone, make sure it counts. :)
  7. Agreed. I would rather be robbed of everything than killed.
  8. jord210

    Probably a lesser known glitch

    You could do this in Dayz mod I seem to remember.
  9. To survive you need to defend your self. In this case, defending your self against other players. Thus, 'Survival' equipment.
  10. Looking for some people who play Epoch and are British or near GMT. Most likely play as bandits from time to time, hoping to make a base as soon as we can. Skype : Jordanio720
  11. skype : jordanio720 Hey! Need a couple of mates to play Epoch with :) Just looking to make a small little house and such, get equipment. Add me on skype