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Posts posted by DenverDeCoY

  1. As far as the camp thing goes, everyone has their own play styles. As long as these admin camps exist always replenishing piles of loot for whoever knows about them, people are going to use them. Once they fix tent duping I'm sure this wont be a problem any more.

    I myself just basically hoard helicopters and play Pilot flying my friends around, people often ask for rides to known camps so that's why I was involved in the first place.

    EDIT: Unfortunately I wasn't recording the admin abuse with my friends, I was working at the time. I did however record me logging on and blowing up all of his vehicles > :)

    EDIT2: What would be REALLY cool is if someone could go to his camp and confirm if I successfully destroyed his vehicles or not...

    Vehicles: URAL - 1, V3S - 1, Yellow Hatchback - 1, White Offroad Pickup - 2, Helicopter - 1, Boat - 1 (raft type, no idea how it got there)

    • Like 1

  2. So the admin of "US 1058" who goes by the name of "ISHOOTMONDAYS" is the poster-boy for admin abuse.

    Please help us get revenge on this douche bag by raiding his camp, destroying items and vehicles and generally making his life miserable.

    Server: US 1058 - Camp Location: 024, 002 (top of map just east of main road north from of Lopatino)

    Backstory: So this admin has a huge camp located at the top western part of the map (right near the border). Some friends an I had occasionally stopped by for supplies. One night a friend logged in and was killed by some of the server's members. After this happened the rest of my group decided to get revenge and go attack the camp. After they attacked and killed ONE player on the server, the admin BANNED all of them. I think he banned 4 people in under a minute.

    So last night, I took it upon myself to log on (I hadn't been banned because I wasn't there previously). When I joined the server the admin had just landed his helicopter at the camp. I shot him, and then came back with satchel charges and proceed to destroy all his vehicles (youtube video to come). I know he reset the server about 10 minutes after I destroyed his vehicles (including the heli). And I was also banned for this, so I have no way of knowing if I actually perma-destroyed any vehicles, but I sure hope I did.

    Anyways if you hate admin abusing morons like this, please do anything you can to make his life more difficult (until he bans you), thanks!

    • Like 3

  3. I also had a very unpleasent experience on this server I am fairly sure it was admin abuse related.

    Two of my friends and I were driving down the road on this server in our newly repaired URAL Truck. We came accross two well geared players together in a field just off the road between Kabanino and Starry. We decided to pull over an engage them, we hit our marks and killed both of them. The server was almost instantly reset (we were disconnected) and when it finaly came back online our truck was gone. The two players involved were "Gonzo" and "Doc".

    I have no way to know for sure that this was an admin abusing the "restart rollback" exploit, but it certainly seemed that way. I would encourage players to avoid any server that has cheating admins.

  4. Hello, I am a former US53 player with a question/complaint. I will try to make3 this short and sweet and to the point.

    2-3 days ago a friend (gocolts8718) and myself (DenverDeCoY) found a broken URAL CIVILIAN (Large blue personel truck) at its spawn point, on your server. We spent several hours getting all the parts needed to fix it, and eventually got it running and claimed it as our own.

    After we got our truck and started traveling around the map, we came accross 3-4 vehicles on the road, fully repaired, and seemingly abandoned randomly. Later, we got reports from other players that the admins were spawning thier own vehicles, and one day after that, our truck was deleted, gone, without a trace. The truck was VERY well hidden and I am sure no one just found it, as several other vehicles (in different hiding spots) were gone too.

    My question: Did all the vehicles get deleted due to admins abusing thier abilities?

    Also: Is there any way we could get some help getting our truck back, it took us a long time and we were VERY disapointed that it was removed just after getting it.

    Thank you,

