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Everything posted by GanjaPalooza

  1. I am sure they are still tweaking all these kinds of things but you gotta imagine, I have played a lot of serious airsoft and even those guns can get tiring to hold up for a 100m jog - especially without a strap. Try it - jog 100m with roughly 5lbs in your hands and tell me you don't start 'losing your breathe'
  2. GanjaPalooza

    I'm so lucky: I'm O+

    Either I have been really lucky with the 6+ blood transfusions we have given or blood type doesn't screw you over in a transfusion right now.
  3. Overview: So you played that cool mod for a while and have not yet grasped the way the eating/drinking mechanics work in the standalone; or maybe you are a first timer and have no clue as to why your survivor is always complaining about hunger and thirst! Anyone who is not familiar with how to keep your survivor well hydrated and well fed in DayZ SA will quickly find themselves in a world of trouble, this quick guide should fill you with the knowledge you need. Basic Mechanics **IMPORTANT** When you spawn in a new character your thirst level is already close to a dangerous DRINK level (food level is probably lowish too but does not become an issue nearly as fast). This makes it key to find a water source ASAP and hopefully a container to fill as well. You will notice a "Thirst" and eventually a "Hunger" icon next to your player in the inventory screen ranging from a healthy green to a deadly red along with messages popping up in the bottom left hand corner of your screen, they tend to be obvious statements about your survivor being hungry and/or thirsty; they will progressively get 'worse' and will make it clear when it's time for some food or a drink. **IMPORTANT** When these disappear from your inventory screen, you ARE NOT completely satisfied! Instead, you are just over "the brink of starvation or dehydration"! When these disappear you can basically assume that your food and thirst are quenched ONLY 25%-30% of the maximum capacity you can hold - so eat up!! Not until do you see a message that says something along the line of "I am stuffed" or "My stomach is very full" is your food and water fully satisfied. **IMPORTANT** A survivor that has fully satisfied thirst and hunger levels can go several hours without fully having to eat again! Note that this is far different from the mechanics in the mod, no longer will one article of food completely fill you up. Important Things to Know - Do not hold food items in your inventory if you are not "Completely Satisfied"! You need as much inventory space as possible! Also, I cannot personally confirm this, but it seems that you get health/blood benefits (i.e. blood regen) when your character has fully satisfied thirst and hunger! So make sure you are eating everything you have until you get a full message. This is NOT like the mod where you are wasting supplies if you continue eating or drinking after your first helping!! - Think as your stomach as a "Food Storage" and wanting to keep that 100% full at all times possible. - Don't overfill yourself!! It is said this can lead to becoming sick and vomiting!! - Find something to open cans!!! Most 'sharp' objects will do so, use your brain! (i.e. screwdriver, axe, cooking knife, can opener etc.) Note Some items will cause you to lose some of the food content in the cans. - Some foods/drinks fill both your hunger and thirst! (i.e. Tuna gives some bonus to thirst, soft drinks will quench thirst and hunger etc.) - Some food will detract from thirst (i.e. powdered milk makes you more thirsty along with rice) - Drink from those 'water pumps' until your guy says he is full!!!!!!!! - To fill a canteen or water bottle : Equip the item in your hand then interact with the water pump - "Fill Container" should come up. - You CAN fill from the ponds, just get about waist deep and looks around - the interaction menu is picky - I cannot confirm that getting in the water will lose any gear, but I have heard people saying it might. Just be careful - From my experiences, cooking does NOT work as of now. - As far as I am concerned, Purifying Tablets for water have no outcome - I have yet to become sick or anything from drinking water from anywhere. Also note that no message comes up when you interact the tablets with water - and no change to the water's description occurs. This should help get you on your feet and I will add/edit accordingly! Leave any feedback or input! Thanks!
  4. GanjaPalooza

    Quick Guide to Proper Diet Management!

    Yes. I can confirm this since about 3:00 am EST this morning :) I am not sure if you were asking a question here but basically yes; and not to "eating simulator". If this was an eating sim we would all probably have overweight survivors if they stayed alive long enough. :) Eat everything you find until you are full! Once you finally reach that state we have gone about 2 hours until we had to eat another full meal - if you eat along the way it can prolong it even more. Oh yes! I am guessing you probably have to eat a bite of food every 5-30min, depending on how much you eat. This is my experience: we ate about a full can to make the green "Hunger" icon disappear - ate 4 cans of beans EACH after this and drank almost a full canteen. At this point we still hadn't even reached the "I feel stuffed" message so we went ahead and stopped because we weren't sure if it was still there. We didn't have to eat for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours (NOTE we were drinking along the way to keep thirst up at all times). It was not until last night when I spammed a water pump for about 20-30 drink sessions, it was then I finally saw "You stomach is full".
  5. GanjaPalooza

    Sniper Rifles

    Remember people, there were military bases littering the landscape even before the zombies hit - so military grade weapons should be part of the game. I don't think in the same variety the mod had (I would like to see much less), but they will be there. And we all knew what the OP meant when he said sniper rifles, people don't have to get all technical about the word usage here.
  6. GanjaPalooza

    3 Word Story ###DAYZ###

    I thought: "hell-no-ah"
  7. GanjaPalooza

    Whats the matter with damaged gear?

    As of now I have come to the conclusion the damage system isn't working properly :P
  8. GanjaPalooza

    Attn: Dev's, Give us a break to help u test the game

    Just remember, when the game gets into its later stages you will have all the custom servers to join your heart can desire. Until then, you are kinda going to deal with whatever they want to be in the game.
  9. Go to your friend and SLAP him
  10. GanjaPalooza


    No prison, but have you seen the huge ass boat at Rify?? ;)
  11. GanjaPalooza

    Who agrees with my idea for upcoming DayZ UPDATES.

    Nice one, I would like to see something like this implemented.
  12. That would be amazing : forcing a hostage to play and see if he has the balls to test his chances on taking out the terrorists.
  13. GanjaPalooza

    walkie talkies?

    Where did you find these? In my 20+ hours of playing I have yet to come across one and I have been in many military loots.
  14. GanjaPalooza

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Oh man! This should be an answer to all those who are questioning, "Is it worth the money?!?!". Three updates in less than a week into release of the Alpha version? This bad boy is shaping up nicely and I am loving it - keep 'em coming. Great work all!
  15. Packaged bandages are safe, although I would THINK it helps you still clean wounds with alcohol before hand, just in case. Also, my guy was moaning for a while too, longer than I felt he should have been, after I ate vitamins, a ton of food, and painkillers. He continued to whine and say "oh fehck that herrts" until when I relogged - it was gone. So MAYBE there is a bug that prevents your character from not complaining anymore even after he is okay. If you feel as if the noises are uncalled for, try to relog in a safe spot and see if it went away! :D Happy Survivng!
  16. GanjaPalooza

    The places to loot

    As far as I am concerned, since this latest update, we have been finding military grade loot in those "school" buildings or those 3-4 story complexes with lobbies in the base of them - whatever they are called. Medical equipment is also found in regular housing, usually in front of the fire place in specific buildings.
  17. GanjaPalooza

    Pants Robbery

    Sorry to answer a question directed at someone else, but it seems like this was at Balota in the military tent area... that would be my educated guess.
  18. GanjaPalooza

    Idea: Player earned abilities.

    You can make a fire with the portable stove and gas canister, no matches required :)
  19. Those pants will be gone when you die ;)
  20. GanjaPalooza

    Idea: Player earned abilities.

    The problem here is people can milk free hours by going prone in a secluded part of the map and never have to actually "survive" to become an experienced survivalist. I think someone mentioned it already above, but the game requires a 'skill set' that you as a player must move up in. I think you're onto something about giving us a reason to "try to survive" even when everything seems FUBAR.... I just don't think this is the way to go about it.
  21. GanjaPalooza

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    What's all the talk about batteries, I saw a MAGNUM reload?! :D Should be a hint towards a weapon we can expect to see soon? Just guessing here.
  22. GanjaPalooza

    Your first encounter with a player in SA

    New "Cherno Extension" area north of Balota. My friend and I had some cuffs and all of the supplies to get some blood from another survivor and test everyone's blood type. Ran into him on the back side of the hospital.... we raised our M4s and told him to get on his knees. He complied for about 10 seconds until he stood and ran past both of us screaming "you ain't got no ammo" (assuming we would have KoS'd).... well it was about that time we proved to him we had ammo and it can kill. :) Actually did very well yesterday - 4 confirmed kills and only one was KoS..... guy snuck up onto our roof :( Sorry!
  23. GanjaPalooza

    Daylight server/s

    It would make sense to me all the servers are running the same time right now, and it's probably based from where the game is being developed..... or maybe Chenarus's real time?????.... HMMMMM
  24. My friend ran into the same problem, his vision was fuzzy and we knew that he had done everything right to "replenish" blood at least back to a stable state. This seems to be a bug, he edited some graphics options and his fuzziness went away BUT the color never came back. Until it's fixed, I would say a suicide or death will be the only solution :(