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About GanjaPalooza

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  1. GanjaPalooza

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    This might explain the large number of LRS I have been finding lately, you might be onto something here.
  2. GanjaPalooza

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Chopper Crashes!!!!!
  3. GanjaPalooza

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    *SUPPOSEDLY* fireplaces are upgraded after adding in a certain amount of stones, they just have not added in the model for the "Tier 2 Firekit". I saw a video on YouTube explaining it, although the person could be wrong.
  4. GanjaPalooza

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    I see a lot of complaining about the lack of AKMs and other weapons spawning, I think this is good for a change. The only unfortunate part about less guns is it'll make it tougher for the people who actually loot in high pop servers compared to the children who server hop and get fully geared before they enter a man's server.
  5. GanjaPalooza

    Rubber banding patch

    I will have to check it out once it gets patched into the Experimental branch tonight, hopefully! Luckily the World Cup has some very solid matches lined up today and I will be occupied with that until later tonight, and I will hopefully be pleasantly surprised with the update! Go USA!!!!!!!
  6. GanjaPalooza

    DayZ Photoshoot

    Great photos! I really liked how you implemented the HUD in some of them, great job!!!
  7. GanjaPalooza


    Are you fuggin serious???! I did not know that?!
  8. GanjaPalooza

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I was trying to wait for the release to stable to try this new build but might have to swing over to check out the status of this and how it will change FPS on my PC
  9. GanjaPalooza

    Zombies in buildings and upper floors?

    As far as I am concerned they cannot make it up stairs in stable yet, not sure about how this works in experimental; if you do see one make it upstairs in stable they will most likely start falling through the floor like they are in quicksand. As far as seeing them in random places, I know I have seen "roaming" zed... which means that they seem to wander around to random areas and not really have any reason to. I have watched zed move from the streets of Tulga to the treeline in a time frame of like 30 minutes, just kinda wandering around.
  10. GanjaPalooza


    Awesome, now I can roll up this bag of weed I found in Berezino the other day.
  11. GanjaPalooza

    Loot Respawning is in yeah? What about Economy etc?

    I hadn't heard about the plan to base the item quality/quantity on server population; this is a must in my book and would be awesome!
  12. GanjaPalooza

    [TLa] Berezino - Balls of Steel Walk

    I honestly can't believe that you all didn't run into major trouble during the video!
  13. GanjaPalooza

    Craftable Tents

    I am pretty excited about tents, mostly because it will change the way the SA is played drastically. Also, if I remember correctly, you were able to replaces tents in the mod too.... it just had to be empty.
  14. GanjaPalooza

    Singing To A Guys Girlfriend.

    I love Adventure Time so much
  15. GanjaPalooza

    AKM Combat

    Good shooting. Ironically I found an M4 in a heli crash before I could get my hands on an AK in the experimental. :( As far as the pixelated video goes, it's still there, even in 1080p. Don't know much about video editing or I would try to help you out.