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About adrienne23

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. adrienne23


    im talking about the time it takes for you to pull out a weapon...i dont care if their was NO animation and the weapon poped in to your hand after 1 - 2 seconds....it should not take 4-5 seconds to pull out machete....rocket launcher maybe (which by looking at the animation seems to be what he is trying to do) and the only reason i mention this is cuz it could be helpful to the devs...if they choose to look at this... also, we can not move when changing out weapons which is another artifical limitation (slinging a rifle over ones shoulder and pulling out side arm and vice versa could be easily accomplished with only a slight reduction in your pace), with that said they should at least look at the times we are immobile... obviously its part of the very limited arma 2 engine, i know i had arma 2 for years before dayz came out....but this is a mod and they can change such things if they choose...
  2. adrienne23


    im PRETTY sure that when you are taking hits....you wont stand around to dance and pull worhtess things out .....is that what you would do??? pull something out that is pretty ineffective??
  3. adrienne23


    When im knocked unconscious its bad enough that zombies attack me the whole time while im down....but what make it worse is that even after that litlte hour glass thing goes away, it STILL take my guy 5-10 seconds before he will actually start moving.... perhaps you can fix this....or at least reduce the unconscious time to take this in to acct?? some more info in this instance i was carrying a machete before i got knocked down....as soon as he got up (slowly) he had his arms in a position that seemed in indicate that he was carring some kind of shoulder rocket launcher....(but nothing was in his hands) and then he started doing some other stupid animation like he was bandaging, and then after at least 5 seconds the machete comes out....the whole time im double tapping the W key to simply run away thats all i wanted to do....just run away not do some foolish dance with zombies around me.... please fix thanks another thing i suspect....is that the mele weapons are handeled like launchers...for instance if i get off a ladder and im holding a rifle it seems to be much quicker to re hold that weapon that if i had a melee weapon equiped.....should it take much less time to put your hands on the handel of the ax or machete than to properly grip a firearm???
  4. This is a story about admin abuse and hypocrisy.... i was given a chopper by a player name kama, he actually came by to give me a ride. i asked in side chat what is the deal with this chopper and why he was giving it to me....(as the saying goes if its too good to be true) anyone no one spoke up...so i took it and put it somewhere since i was going to log off anyways, to eat. i sign on 50 min later and take the chopper up to look for someone to blood bag me...i volunteered again that i was in a chopper so i would be willing to give someone a ride somewhere in exchange. after this a various different people mainly someone named daddy1 start going crazy about how its a stolen chopper and this and that starts talking about some admin who said they would ban me. i explain to them that i fact did not steal the chopper (the rule violation they were crying about) and that i would be willing to return it to the owner. so i am above the area that i am supposed to drop it off at, (after being hit by some fire probably another violation of the server rules, but i guess the owners throw the rules out when it suits them like typical ass holes shortly before they decided to ban me the FIRST and only words from an actual admin "DEEDEE" was them swearing at me and insulting me. and then i was banned with the message 'dumbass' (talk about hypocritical right) so i guess thats what you should expect from a bunch of ass wipes who need to constantly play and get chummy on some no pvp server and no stealing and other bull shit faggot rules. the only thing that server is good for is learning the game and practice....soo i am calling out these faggots now but they wont venture away from their little safe haven they are nothing but a bunch of petty fucking ass holes...thought i would wager that alot of them gear up on this little server and go play in REAL servers.... it was clear i did my due diligence in regards to receiving the chopper and if their was any ill intent on my part why would i voluntarily say that i was receiving this asset more than once, and two i would return it to the legitimate owner that alone should have been reason enough to not ban me....but you ban me when im literally hovering A FREAKING METER OFF THE GROUND ABOVE NWAF where i was told to drop it off.. what is it with these internet admins the only time they exert power over others is in their own little sanctuary all internet admins are mini hitlers or wanna be hitlers....just once i would like to be proven wrong.... i am wondering if this is a contact for the owner, a website or email would be preferable... also and if their is a way to petition to get a server removed from the official server and off the hive... their is also another report of admin abuse involving the SAME people a link to that can be provided upon request...something is rotten with this server and needs to be taken off the official server and the hive...