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Everything posted by azurewinter

  1. azurewinter

    Unable to run DayZ Mod

    Hey there, Since DayZ Commander no longer works, I've been unable to play the mod at all. I tried using DayZ Launcher, but it is unable to detect my ARMA II games. I use ARMA II CO that I purchased from GOG. In my Launcher settings, its set to find the install paths in my main arma folder
  2. azurewinter

    Unable to run DayZ Mod

    Oh I can see servers. I just can't log into any because because the Launcher says it cannot finda ARMA II. Well, the whole reason I bought ARMA II outside of steam was so I didn't have it clogging up my library.
  3. azurewinter

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    Really prefer the visual indicators. I know I am playing a sim, but it's still a game and a few little icons on my screen don't make me feel any less immersed. What does is struggling to figure out how to actually EAT and DRINK in standalone :L I found a water pump, came up in my context sensitive menu. Sure, that's good and all.. but how the heck do I eat this can of food in my inventory?
  4. azurewinter

    Character skin

    What happened to being able to choose the female character? I died recently and upon respawning I automatically spawned as a male character. I died on purpose a couple of times, even completely exiting the game and rejoining another server and have not been presented with the option to pick my skin. I saw the screen flash for a second on one server I joined, but it wasn't long enough to choose. I prefer playing as the female character, also the male characters low-res vest bugs me. Are these bugs, what is going on?
  5. azurewinter

    Character skin

    I have the GOG.com version of the ARMA II. Where can I get this DLC from so it will work with my copy, and then how do I get it working with DayZ? How did you get it back?
  6. azurewinter

    Character skin

    It didn't really bother me. I remember I've came across 2 ghillie suits in the time I have played, and I ran around with them in my inventory for so long until I just dropped them off for necessary stuff lol. My idea was to use them for trade. I really like playing the mod, especially since a lot of the problems I've had with hyper-omniscient zombies have been fixed in the latest patch. But I'd prefer to play as a woman. If I truly am forced to play as a male - how do I fix the awful clothing textures they have? I was usually too busy looking around and gauging my surroundings to notice the text scrolling at the side. It is? I hope it's fixed. I don't exactly have a slow pc, but I've always found the mod to be slower to load than most things.
  7. azurewinter

    Character skin

    This makes me sad :( I would much rather be able to play the character I want, than to be able to select spawn location. Wasn't the fun figuring out where the heck you are before?
  8. I always end up lone wolfing because I no absolutely no one who plays this. So this is mostly a looking for friends, or a looking for server topic. I have Skype, and I would voice-chat over that. I'm also looking for a private server to play on.
  9. azurewinter

    coming back to DayZ

    I agree. Zombies are a lot more manageable now. They're not as omniscient, and don't take half my blood with a single swipe. I've had a number of broken legs though, but for the first time in months I've actually been able to equip myself and stay alive while playing stealthy - instead of having every zombie present on the opposite side of a town hunt me down the moment I crawl prone in the grass past the outskirts.
  10. Okay, Im in Help Needed North-West lobby
  11. In-game Name: Zurika Condition: Broken leg Location: NW Airfield, on the left side of the road going north from the buildings on the southwest side. Description: Female skin, survival pack, have a hatchet equipped.
  12. Ingame Name: Zurika Condition: Very low on blood, blurry vision. Location: Southwest area of map. East of Pavlovo in the left most deer stand right above the road. Description: female character skin