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Everything posted by Reborn3314

  1. Reborn3314

    Looking for dayz namalsk player to join my team.

    Name on Dayz? : R3BorN Name in Real Life? : Todd How old you are? : 19 How long you have been playing Dayz For? : Almost as long as it's been in beta Why would you like to join DnD? : I really love the namalsk map, just recently I moved to Guam, which as you probably know isn't far from Australia, so now It's really hard to play with my friends like I used to and I'm looking basically for the same thing you are. I want someone I can talk with over the mic, and really coordinate efforts in DayZ. Hero or Bandit? : I can play either. I spent a long time as a KOS bandit where I racked up many many kills, more recently I've started playing friendly, not KOS and I try to help other players, whether it be giving them a ride or giving a blood bag. I'm at the point now also where I can stay neutral where I don't go out of my way to help anyone but I don't KOS unless I see bandit skin. Let me know, i know this post is a bit old but I hope you're still looking for someone to play with!
  2. Here is my new video series, The life of a bandit! The first two episodes are up and get started a little slow, but they give you a little back story and idea why I want to do this. Episode three is coming soon! It's a lot more action packed. I hope everyone enjoys! These are not the greatest quality in the world but I'm new to this and working hard, I always appreciate constructive criticism but please don't be hateful for the sake of it. I'm not in it for the views or subs, I just wanna make DayZ videos and entertain people! Thanks for your time! Ep:1 Ep:2
  3. Reborn3314

    Day Z Videos

    Watch my DayZ Lone Wolf, Survival of a Bandit videos!Ep: 1 Ep:2 http://youtu.be/QLaYI6luA1E Ep:3 Coming soon!