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About Die-N-Honor

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    On the Coast
  1. Die-N-Honor

    Should I Buy Dayz?

    Thanks guys, and yeah im aware that i would need to purchase Arma 2 and Dayz is free. When i ment "buy dayz" i ment Arma 2 i don't have it so i would need to buy it before i could play Dayz. I looked up Standalone to see the latest news on it, but it seems all the post are very very old. How do we know its getting close? Am i looking on the wrong site? ( I was at the main site for standalone).
  2. Die-N-Honor

    Should I Buy Dayz?

    Hello everyone, I'm sure you will hate me for saying this but, i have been a Warz (I:ss) fan since the game came out a year ago. I Quit the game back in april honestly because its just crap, i got back on to day in hopes of them making it better but the game honestly looks worse. I would like to know your comparison to Dayz - Warz and see what you guys think. A couple of Questions: 1. How is the in-game players? Is it full of hackers? ( that's the main reason i left warz) 2. Is the looting system better than warz? 3. What is this Epoch ( I think i spelled it right)? I kinda read up on it and people can mine in it? 4. How does the Night/day cycle work? I like the Daytime more and Warz daytime vs nighttime is uneven, its dark most the time. That's all i have for now, but please put in your two cents to help me decide if i should purchase this tonight. Thanks guys! Edit: P.s I will for sure be buying standalone, but i guess there is no release date for it yet.