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About Raze.

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    FL, United States
  1. Application of Raze :D In-game name: Raze Age: 17 Location and Time Zone: USA East Coast How long have you played ArmA?: About a year. If not, longer. How long have you played DayZ?: The same as ArmA What skills do you possess that may help the group?: I'm a really good player all around, not only in DayZ, but in other FPS's as well. I can fly well, I'm a good sniper, and I'm good with just about any weapon. Do you have the time to spend with the group (minimum 2 days a week): Whenever I don't have school, weekends, (I'll usually be on all weekend) and whenever I don't have baseball after school (2-3 times a week from about 5 to 10 P.M,) Anything you want us to know?: I've been looking for a group to play with for a while because running around on DayZ by yourself is not very fun lol and I'd really like to join. I also have like 565 hours played total on ArmA.