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Rick Grimes (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rick Grimes (DayZ)

  1. Rick Grimes (DayZ)

    Time to DC, Oh crap. Time to run 8k. [Respawn Button]

    I did this yesterday...it was very sad. had left trigger held with a SAW in town. hit escape to cancel it so it wouldnt shoot. soon as i hit escape I died. Cursor was over respawn button. =/ bye camo,saw,nvgg
  2. Rick Grimes (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    lulz -------------
  3. Rick Grimes (DayZ)

    Throwing bottles

    I've always heard that tin cans make you shock/deaf and bottles break legs.
  4. Rick Grimes (DayZ)

    Unconscious and Bleeding

    You get 1K blood from meat now.
  5. Rick Grimes (DayZ)

    mercenaries for hire[recruting]

    i loled at this post.ty
  6. Rick Grimes (DayZ)

    World's End Gaming- A Day Z Community

    Come have fun today!