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Everything posted by zantiago

  1. Im just here to inform that a couple of the members from U.B.C.S., me included will be frapsing our engagements from now on, and doing short clips of it, if people are interrested enough, we will share the youtube links of it here.
  2. zantiago

    Chopper Crash Sites

    Your welcome mate. And yes, the spots listed on that map are set locations for spawns, but they spawn randomly, location wise!
  3. zantiago

    Chopper Crash Sites

    http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg @Flexho Wrong, we have had a total of 5heli crashsites up at the same time, before reset. So it can range from 2 and up to atleast 5, we haven't found more than 5 at a time, and that is knowing all the general spawnlocations and checking all of them. So as far as i can see you are wrong in saying it will only be two per server ;)
  4. zantiago

    Blew up 3 dupers

    Or they simply died, killed someone for it? At nighttime even we go into larger towns just to mess about, and we got everything, so if someone kills us, don't need the weps but take the backpacks, and someone else comes along and take the rest they need, it would still not make your logic work.. Simply stop throwing accusations arround without proof. Makes you look silly boy.
  5. zantiago

    Blew up 3 dupers

    So without knowing jackshit, you are calling them exploiters? Because they have the same gear? At a point in time the WHOLE team of U.B.C.S. was equipped with M4 SD, NVG, Coyote Backpacks, Rangefinders for all the snipers and spotters, more AS 50's, and M107's than we could use, 2-3 SVD Camos, enough ammo and medical supplies to last months out in the wilderness, we had MK 48 MOD 0's and everything... So does this mean we are exploiter's aswell? You logic is flawed mate, and you are simply throwing accusations arround with ANY proof at all. And without a shadow of a doubt in my heart, i believe we can honestly say that we in the clan play fair, and we work for our gear, so we can't let accusations like this fly about when people have no proof.
  6. zantiago

    Satchel Charge Range?

    How far can you run on a 30second timer? That's the range, you can experiment on doing the math and calculations yourself :D
  7. zantiago

    Anyone in need of GPS? Trade for??

    What sort of sniper rifle? For the record, a DMR is not a decent sniper rifle! But i could trade an M24+ as many mags as you need, and NVG's ontop of that. Contact me if you want to do the trade, offer stands open only today.
  8. That would most likely be killing a guy trying to ambush me, giving me a spare of GPS, rangefinder, nvg, and coyote, all in the same go! Those are my 3+1 most interresting finds. In my opinion they should add more weapon variations, but that's just me though. For instance. We have alot of 5.56 caliber rifles, but not alot of the high end 7.62 ones, the ones that generally has alot of kickback, but comes back due to the stopping power. And they could have added a silenced sniper rifle(not the overpowered ones that kill in one shot, but rather 2-3shots for a kill, 1 if it's a headshot) But hey, personal opinion, nothing else.
  9. zantiago

    Possible hacked vehicle in US330

    What Ravin says... Eventhought the M4A3, and supposed weapons were not hacked it doesn't mean the vehicle wasn't hacked in. Which vehicle was it exactly? The ural? v35 civillian truck? I simply think you found someone's lost "property" Bizon is a shite wep, so it's not something a hacker would "get" if he had any more intelligence than what's required to open a door. But then again, if he got in to hacking in the first place, he pretty much shot himself in the knee allready there. Anyways, i think you are fine mate, nothing seemed hacked about the incident you and your friend came across.
  10. zantiago

    Bandits win

    Evolution and it's dead ends. It truly never ends.
  11. zantiago

    Guillie gone 1.7.2

    Date/Time: 9th of July 2012 What happened: Guillie dissapeared Where you were: North east of Stary Sobor about 2clicks from the north Deer stand What you were doing: Crouched by a tree after loading in with the new patch *Current installed version: 1.7.2 *Server(s) you were on: US128 and RU9 *Your system specs: Irrelevant, but fully updated W7 x64 ultimate, latest net. framework, i5-760 quadcore clocked to 3.9 GHz, 470GTX SOC, 4gigs of ram, running dayz at max graphics with about 60fps. 100mbit fiberoptic line. *Timeline of events before/after error: Nothing, we logged out 5mins before our admin patched the server for us. Logged in inwhich i was swimming under a tree, i switched to RU9, managed to log in finally, and saw i had no camo, but still got all my gear. Multiple people from the clan announcing the lost their guillies and camos.
  12. zantiago

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    You can fire a .50cal while standing up, unless you are a puny little girl, and or man =)
  13. zantiago

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    So many valid points in this thread.. Oh wait.. *Aim's my AS50 towards the OP - Im not even gonna bother looting you after this shot* *Slips round into barrel, locks it in, zeroes in...pffft...* Not even worth it.. I would understand removing L85's, but the .50cals? Butthurt he is terrible and lack the sens of gameplay it requires to take out anyone above his own level.
  14. It's fine, but lacking abit of cover from the north east.. but you can't see it if ur comming from the south our north west =)
  15. To be fair, we wouldn't care much if we lost the gear man. We don't put anything in the vehicles, and or tents that we aren't fine with loosing. Currently we have 9tents, 1 V35 Civillian truck thats full of weapons, ammo and what not, 1 military UAZ, 2 White pickup trucks, 1 Tractor, 2ATV's, and we don't have room for it anymore, so we will most likely just blow it up, rather than letting some tent hunting kiddies who found theire way out of cherno for once find them :D Btw, the campsite is at 005004 @US128
  16. Closed of area, that aren't connected to the hive, so no ghosting into it, nor dc'ing to loose zombie aggro, or skip pvp aggro? Fantastic Finally a part with zombies that might actually be difficult? I would LOVE to see that. We need something besides playerhunting to do ladies and gents, and for me this sounds like a solid idea, if it just got finished properly that is. This would also be a way for Rocket to maybe introduce new weapons into the game? Example: XM8 from OA, G36C with Underbarrel Shotgun, Desert Eagle, PSG-1 Sniper Rifle with the chance of comming with a Silencer, (silenced sniper rifle takes 3shots to kill, but have no muzzleflare, and are as silent as the M4 SD) You could also introduce new Vehicles, and we NEED Camo netting for them aswell(pretty darn hard to hide a vehicle sucessfully), Lets say a repairable HMMMV, where you could stand in the gunner's post using your own weapon and fireing it? Perhaps a military oldschool motorbike with seats for 2 and a wagon on the side for a third passenger, like this one?(+1 For a picture of a rarebike WITH Lassie in it) That's just some of the things you could implement with an area like that. Thanks for reading this semi-combined post. regards, -z
  17. aaaaw, how cute.. I think my precious little ravin is getting soft arround the edges.. Guess i'll have to take him back into the tent, and this time without using butter ;)
  18. zantiago

    Bandit Forum

    Read the USMC Sniper handbook. As im pretty sure nobody will bother telling you how mildots work, as there are actually quite some theory behind it. If you are a new bandit, go to elektro or cherno, thats what all the "cool kids" do :D If not, then come play with us up in the north, we can have a 1.5click sniper challenge :>
  19. Easy solution ladies. M107, AS50=1shot to the Torso, and or head. Unless you lack Coyote, GPS, Rangefinder, NVG's A good secondary ia. M4A1 SD(always nice to have one silenced wep) And you have a good secondry pistol, then you have no reason to loot him. As a PDM for our clan, i never run up to loot the ones i kill, as i don't need anything from them, so we don't see the problem, if they dc, then so be it. Makes stuff easier for me/us, as whoever roams the zone might think the body disappeared a long time ago, makeing them less vary in the north. Sure, it might be annoying that they dc, but if you wanna do something about it, then record it, and send in the video to the dev support team, along with GuID, and Playername. P's they have 3seconds to ALT+F4 after knowing they died, to make the body despawn, so even if they died, the body will be gone, however, if you are close enough, you have 5seconds to loot him, even when the body is not there, aslong as you start looting him before he ALT+F4's. Hope i cleared something up. If not, then good luck finding a better answer. kind regards, -Zantiago
  20. zantiago

    M4a1 HOLO

    We have 3 of those on our team, so they are legit, no worries there. They are just a tad rare :)
  21. I agree on this mate. I love beeing up in the north, it gives me the chills everytime i hear a shot go off up there. And then my stupidity tells me to go check what it was.. And i end up running with my tail between my legs, with automatic fired rounds flying past my head. But it's all part of the game isn't it? But it's true, us folks up north we do not ask if you are friendly or not, we keep to our mates up there, and at a RARE occation if we know we can get in contact with someone, who don't instantly ALT+F4, we might ask if he need's help. So far, most people down south tell people not to go up north, if we are online, so i guess that says it self. It's shoot or get shoot up there. It's all about who spots who first. -Z
  22. Confirmed by me as a member of U.B.C.S. Nearly everytime i see this poor lad die, it says he is killed by friendly fire, however i doubt someone can move from whatever spawnlocation in cherno to that building in less than 30seconds, and then have a coyote and dmr each time. -z
  23. zantiago

    Guillie gone 1.7.2

    You are aware that they removed the teleport bug with the guillie/camo ages ago right? It even said in the patch notes for that patch. You did read the patchnotes right? (wiki is wrong about alot of things, including items in general: ex, tents, m136(which is an AT-4)+++) Back on topic, i've farmed up camo's and are gonna farm some guillie's, and store em until they fix it. Figured i wasn't the only one with the problem. -Z
  24. zantiago

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Well, in terms of loot it's just wierd as it is.. From 2 firestations i found nothing but 1 thing in each. And those two are ment to be rather rare.. In elektro the ONLY thing in the firestation was a DMR, with 2mags, that's right.. Nothing but broken crowbars in whole of elektro, and then we get to the firestation and there is a dmr there, but nothing else. So we head up to NWAF, to find both barracks empty, exept for 1xM4A1 with no mags obviously.. So im like.. Ill go check the firestation.. And as i thought.. nothing was there.. until i hit the first floor and saw a greenbag.. Low and behold, the greenbag had a GPS.. So i ran arround with full pack, akm, dmr, g17 i got of a random tent, a gps and the works.. But it's wierd though, as none of the stuff i have were from actually loot locations, besides the DMR and GPS.. Other than that. Love the zombie aggro part, and the visibility stuff, love it, pure and simple..
  25. It was unplayable because the hive mostlikely was down :) or not connected to the server. Just saying :D