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Everything posted by zantiago

  1. zantiago

    PvP tips we all should know.

    I like the stop drop and roll comments. This works against some people, but not all of us.
  2. And yupp, it is indeed an AS50 Crosshair. And it is slightly off by default, atleast the ones i've picked up. But i have had a few where it was actually where it's ment to be.
  3. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Fixed it for you.
  4. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    We use Ooski and Blue as couches... Works wonders.. Give them some whiskey, tell em to stfu and sit still.. And it's sorted, free couches..
  5. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Yes we freaking do... No man, THAT would be Ooski's fault.. I don't drink much whiskey, OR.. It could probably be Blue..
  6. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Don't you even start.. You know who's sleeping on the couch tonight? Well, you guessed correct, it's not me!
  7. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Yeah well, you want that abortion don't you? Just saying that, falling down the stairs doesn't cost anything... And unless you doubletime it with my food, that might just become reality! (For all purpose of people crying and getting serious, we are only messing about)
  8. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Shut your trap lady... Remember i want bacon with my beans!
  9. Yeah, that doesn't bring ANY danger's for a sniper.. Oh wait.. DAT LOGIC! Watch out, we got a badass overhere!
  10. zantiago

    US 1038 TX

    Fantastic. So another server where the admin's are unable to read and understand the server rules. I spy, with my little eye, another server getting blacklisted. Well done for the well made thread OP. +1 -Take some beans-
  11. I love the response this guy is getting... "you must be camping" "Is this what cool kids do nowadays" "How many times have you combat logged?" "Hacks?" The picture shows him, scoping in.. So with that in mind the only conclusion you CAN give, based on the information you HAVE, without throwing assumptions arround with no proof, and makeing yourself look like a complete and utter twat is this. He might be a sniper then. And seeing as he hasn't been banned, then nobody have recorded that HE has combatlogged, which is an exploit. Throwing assumptions arround, accusing people you don't know about thing's that could potentially hurt them? Is that what mature people do nowadays?
  12. zantiago

    CZ550 vs M24

    Earlier! The CZ550 had a Zeroing of up to 800meters, and killed in 2-4 hits, depending on where you hit a guy. However, the M24 had zeroing up to 1000meters, and could kill in oneshot even at 1400+meters (Confirmed) Now, the M24 is a Camo version of the CZ550, they use the same caliber rounds, do the same damage, has the same zeroing range, and in terms of sound? Most snipers make the same sound in terms of volume now. It's just the acustic that's diffrent on some. So the only diffrence is the mil-dots on the hunting scope that comes with the M24. So now sniper's can pretty much be ranked by 4. From top to Bottom. AS50, M107, SVD Dragunov Camo (due to rangefinder, and accuracy), DMR (yupp, it's better than M24, CZ550, same damage, but larger clips, and faster fireing speed) This is all from a snipers point of view, and i have tried nearly all the sniper's after the nerf/buffs. (but everything is based on user preference though, don't forget that)
  13. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Yeah, we do keep the volume up high, even while in the outskirts of towns, simply to get a fix on where people are shooting from, and how far away they are.
  14. zantiago

    True banditry!

    He is right.. He logged during combat, which is an exploit, which in turn have been confirmed by the mods. So he is openly saying he exploited.. Either way, it was funny as hell!
  15. zantiago

    The worst thing I ever did..

    That is so touching and, and, and... No... Welcome to the Bandit's campfire asshole, you belong here with us now. You can call us your family, but YOU will be the one making the sandwiches for the first month! to make our first meal i'll get you the ingredient you need. <hands over beans>
  16. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Hi, my name is Girthbrooks, and i can't make a valid statement without shooting myself in the knee. See you ingame baby, we are done trying to explain how the game works. For your narrowmind, it would require more time than we are willing to spend. Have a pleasant evening. And if your "server"-crashes again, please come on our server. I would love to meet you again. But i would prefer that you learn the game mechanics first, so i don't feel like im killing bean warriors on the coast!
  17. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Not gonna bother wasting anymore time on your butthurt corpse. If we record you serverhopping into our server, and we get it on fraps. Do Know those videos Will be going to the mods. We wouldn't miss you hun, we got enough crybabies running arround allready.
  18. zantiago

    Notebooks. Bandit confirmed kill logs.

    Im down for this! I need one of these to be honest :)
  19. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Trololol :)
  20. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Wait, so one can stand and move arround WHILE beeing afk.. Shit man, can you teach me? I saw Moejoe running to the spot where one usually scouts the novy sobor hill and plains for chopper crashes, and the second he runs there and turns to spot the field i kill him. any other excuses you would like to try? I liked the one where you said you got killed by a guy who spawned in 20meters behind you, when he was 5meters to your 9'0 clock, and would have shined like a BRIGHT RED dot on your peripheral... If You spawned behind us, you would have been lucky, as we don't generally log out near hotspots like that, but this time it was an emergency, and we were gone for only a few minutes. And i like this: we had just picked that up a few minutes prior. So you pick something up a few minutes prior to the shootout, im thinking perhaps you looted a choppercrash behind Starysobor, because it's like 20 known spots in the area arround Novy/Stary Sobor? And you then server hopped to try your luck on another server again? Next time i want you to serverhop inside the north barracks at NWAF. Don't worry i won't shoot, but i will be there and fraps it. All credibility you could have had is gone mate. You just massacred whatever you had going for you, as we scouted no choppercrashes in that area, on our server at the time. thanks for making my statement ring more true however. Here, have some beans! - On second thought, beans have been withdrawn, you have no valid statements to come with, beyond self contradicting your last post. Do feel free to come back when you have manned up.
  21. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    Well the fact of the matter is. Your crew who just "spawned in" happened to spawn in in a way that had the pointman i shot running RIGHT at me, without seeing me, he was quite literally 5meters to my north east. Saying that we are lame? Killing you with high end "sniper" gear? The only partial "sniper" gear we had on us was the Guillie suits. "nono, we got cought with our pants down" You were trying to flank me. The only sad part of the movie was that you 4 got so mad that you left the server, then came on the forum to cry about getting killed because you are pretty much blind. And then start flaming the people who killed you. Had your pointman had eyes, he would have seen what i did, 4 dots on my peripheral vision, that, and STANDING up and running behind stary doesn't really make you covert agents, you werent hard to spot. Just saying mate.. Looking forward to meeting you the next time. And to make matters worse, the weapons you had available does more damage than the ones we used on you. Take it as a set back, and learn from it. It is a game afterall chaps. "You had just spawned in" Is a terrible excuse, people who just spawn in, don't aquire a target and flank someone instantly. And i had logged in 5seconds before you guys came there, and Ooski came in right when the firefight started. So we were equal on those ground's. We are not to blame here for takeing you out, you got yourself killed, for not spotting up on the high end of the perch, where it's known to be a dangerous place, because it's well within range of sniperhill on stary, and it gives good cover from all angles. Your so called 5th, and your crew simply lost respect after you started flaming us for killing you due to gear diffrence, it simply shows you have no idea what the gear means. Had the guy with the FN Fal hit me once i would have gone down, Same With the AKM, M14 AIM, 3Shots from the M4A1, 5shots from the G17 you were firering.. I had an M4A1 SD, which takes 6shots+ to kill anyone with. The ONLY cover i had was ONE tree.. And YOU were flanking me. And had you used everything that was available to you, you would have seen my mate on peripheral and could have taken him out AS he spawned in. So you were trying to justify your death somehow? If it's because you are new to the game, lack terrain experience, and are unsure on how to use all the hud options that are given to you, then i take everything back, and say, well sorry chaps, bad luck. Still, we are looking forward to the point when you server hop back and try to kill us! We are literally dieing to meet you again.
  22. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    So true :)
  23. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    That might be arranged, however, we are abit jumpy arround new players! I think you would understand ;)
  24. We are aware of the issue, but if you just rejoin a few times it get's sorted.