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Everything posted by zantiago

  1. zantiago

    Green Mt.

    If you do not know about Green Mountain, then you shall never venture there. If you do venture there, then remember to do it during night time, without nightvision or fucked up brightness and gamma settings. It has to be a full moon aswell. Go up to the maingate, turn so your back is against the Maingate, and gaze into the forrest. This is best experienced if you are alone. But heed my warning. We do not speak of that place.
  2. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. gets an unconscious member...

    I just fucking read your signature Ravin... And now im sitting here laughing out loud like a retard in the office. And everyone is looking at me, like I am the crazy one... Imbeciles... Oh and Yoko, you pretty much ARE the bitch in this group. Ever since your first mistake in this game.. Starting a female.. TRAITOR.
  3. zantiago

    G36SD camo?

    Im just gonna ignore what's been said there. I do not condone cheating, nor do I complain about it. It's been part of the gaming community of so many games that it doesn't effect me anymore. Hawk24 You are deliberately ignoring simple facts like the ones that have been layed before you. You do not have any type of "high quality custom-built brick walls". You are full of ignorance, and blinded by your own personal belief in how things should be. Even when what you say has no moral ground to stand on, you still continue to defend yourself. If you don't care if people agree with you or not, why do you see the need to defend what you said in the first place? You are only choking yourself more and more on your own words. And as such, I shall leave you to it. No need for me to make you look bad, when you do such a fantastic job with it yourself mate. And for future reference. If you want to take what I have written, and try to "redo" the original statements in it. Please make sure you have read it, and understood it. It makes you look less like a moron.
  4. zantiago


    It wasn't the "only" mistake in the post, but it was a "head's up" regarding punctuation. And try to use a capital "I", instead of a lowercase one. We didn't hijack this post. We made it into a post worth reading. I see that as two completely diffrent things.
  5. zantiago

    G36SD camo?

    Well. That is just your moral standpoint, and not something people have to share with you. It's up to them to keep it or trash it. They won't get banned for it, simply because it goes by the spawners ID as the original Owner of it. And as such, the hive have allready registered the original owner/spawner. As far as I know, that is how the system works atleast. But I still can't understand why you would try and push your moral standpoint down somebody else's throat.
  6. zantiago

    Alt+f4's How I Hate Them So Much.

    The V3S ain't lost, it's just at the old location they saved it at. Why? Because the hive still fails to register as it should. And as such, finding vehicles might be hard, if you look for them in the original spawn locations. Of you hate them so much, do like me. I don't care about loosing my gear, I just bring everything to Cherno/Elektro, find a suitable spot to look for "bandits", in the usual sniper spots. And I sit there for hours on end, listening to music and just scanning the area from time to time to see if there is anything happening, and to listen for sound. Find a spot that's about 800meters away from the sniper spots, and lay there in wait with your M107 and or AS50. And ofcourse, you need an original nick like me "ALTF¤Wh0rez". The distance is simply so they won't hear from what direction you are shooting from. And yes, I ignore newly spawned survivors.
  7. zantiago

    G36SD camo?

    Let me just say Wrong and erhm.. Wrong again sir. *Edit I saw you replied to it. Fair enough.. -AS50 is still not "hacked" bad phun is bad.
  8. zantiago

    Dayz for teh pros

    I guess you attempted to find a new solution to "birth control". We allready have that you know? But apparently it is not working effectively enough. I mean no offense, but that was rather harsh. Even for a premature boy like yourself.
  9. zantiago


    Well thank you sir. English is not my native language though, and grammar/punctuation is something I have a love/hate relationship to. "i've got moments where i try hard but completely fail with my english,grammar and building of sentences, and don't even get me started on the punctuation T_T. " "the punctuation. T_T" <-- Sorted! (I think?)
  10. zantiago


    Well, as is the case with alot of post's on this forum I'm afraid. I use more time analyzing what they are trying to say, rather than thinking about replying with something clever. Make's me rather bad at multitasking I know, but I am not a girl I'm afraid, and as such. Multitasking ain't my strongest side. I let my dream deal with the multitasking.
  11. zantiago

    Kill all bronies.

    Why thank you. I guess beeing a sneaky douche pays of in the end. I will munch on them beans right now, seeing as it's my lunchbreak.
  12. zantiago


    Are you even old enough to play this? *Scratches head* I'll just leave this one.
  13. zantiago

    starting a clan

    I would say good luck i guess?
  14. zantiago

    Kill all bronies.

    Sound's more like they are bored and needed something "new" to do. "Well today we need something "original" to do, let's hate on a random "culture".. Hey, what about bronies?.. Exellent idea my friend, if it weren't for the fact that my head is so far up my own arse I got difficulty breathing I might have come up with that idea myself"
  15. zantiago

    us85 huge base to be raided

    I will enjoy seeing you boys swim over there :) Question is. Will I only watch while you are doing it? It's a mere 670-750 Meter's to shore, and you are completely exposed and move realistically slow in the water. The temptation...
  16. zantiago

    Kill all bronies.

    I sadly fail to find the connection with what you just said and Autism. And I find it hard to take your post serious, simply because it bares no remarkable originality to it. You seem to be a hip guy mate, I'm amazed that breathing ain't to mainstream for you.
  17. zantiago

    PvP Tonight.

    Just to let you know. There are NO M4A2's in this game. It's M4A3 CCO, M4A1, M4A1 CCO, M4A1 CCO SD & M4A1 HOLO Just a minor detail. But i found it more worth talking about than this post. No offense to the OP.
  18. zantiago

    School of Elektrozavodsk shooting.

    There there now boys. Let the poor lad speak. You might get him to think we aren't interrested in the story, and as such you might hurt his feelings. Let the man finish. THEN you can trash talk.
  19. zantiago

    Kill all bronies.

    I find this thread rather intriguing I must say. I often ask myself what has come of the community I play in and with. I guess this is it.
  20. zantiago

    Community Minigames

    I guess YOU would rather be out everyday risking your life running from zombies, instead of just sitting safe in your bunker. Long post killed with one short sentence.
  21. Yeah, you are legit enough mate :) First story to get my beans in over 10pages worth of useless reading. And worth it aswell.
  22. I truly get depressed by the amount of terrible stories in this thread. It used to have such emotionless and heartless stories once. Tales of brave warriors doing the unthinkable. Now it's a repetive stage of i layed on this roof, and sniped this guy with a flashlight on the other. I killed a freshspawn with a makarov for the beanz bro.. BANDIT 4 LYF YO.. I can't be one of the few serious bandits who thinks this is just pathetic? It's like a disease for the rest of the real bandits to have scum like this lurking arround. People who that a story about hwo you stalked a survivor for 5minutes and then killed him, just to realize he was armed to the teeth.... with a hatchet..! The originality is gone in the thread pretty much. And yes, it does sadden me, quite some bit. Oh, and please, do bring some hate my way, id love to see your mature response. To the people who read and agree. Thanks in advance for the beans! (worth a shot)
  23. Or lay on a roof, shoot him in the knee as he is beeing chased by zombies. Run over to him and tell him you can help him, if he helps you in return. You then ask what he has tool wise, and if he has NVG, GPS, and Rangefinders then he is now officially your best friend. Until you reload the weapon YOU used to kneecap him with. Seriously. Saying that beeing a survivor and helping people is hard mode is like saying doing a backflip without legs is easy mode. It's pointless, stupid and doesn't make any sense at all. You don't help anyone by pointing a gun at them, as this is a way of threatening people, learn how to approach people, without sneaking up on them, and shooting next to them, and having a heatbeat that makes you sound like a terribad dubstep song doesn't make people trust you. Stop forcing the stupid difficulty system down our throats. Nothing in this game is hard, exept for finding people who doesn't end up getting your whole team killed, because he compares a friendly strawl on the NWAF with Black Ops zombi survival....
  24. zantiago

    Custom Clothes

    Or perhaps you should just learn how to communicate with your "team/clan"?
  25. zantiago


    He is basically saying he was opely exploiting as he describes it as server hopping and admitting to it. Basically, you CAN spawn inside a building at it will have loot. BUT.. Someone would have had to been there within the last 15minutes without logging out. Nice job on admitting the exploiting :)