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Everything posted by zantiago

  1. Such a hard question... Not like there are ANY- post's like this arround.. -Z
  2. zantiago

    Can it be done!

    Let me just say that no.. You can't make the shot at 1600meters, because servers are capped at 1500meters.. Or alot of them are, atleast from my own experience. I have however killed someone at 1450+ Meters, and it was a 1hit kill with the AS50 using the 5.rnd Nato rounds... They still only have 12k blood, and one bullet does 176k dmg with those rounds.. So according to what we have managed to gather is that if a target doesn't die in one hit by the AS50/M107, it has something to do with delay between the hive, and the target you are firing at so it doesn't record all the damage your bullet does. Because it's ment to kill in one shot regardless. -Zantiago
  3. zantiago


    -Just at -178456 currently. Not to impressive, but I hunt bandit's mostly, so It goes up and down. Don't generalize either, I kill what walks into my sights, be that bandit or a friendly survivor looking for beans.. Armed to the teeth with a hatchet or makarov makes no diffrence to me. -Zantiago
  4. zantiago

    operation fortitude: bring down an anti-bandit clan

    I could hear with guys and girl! If they are down. And if this happens during the weekend, you can count me in. That is if you want a decently high caliber marksman to pick of targets from afar. Just to let you know, I will not be showing myself to anyone. Don't trust bandits, even those who shout friendly while bleeding out! A quick tap to take them out of they're misery is better. So hook me up, if you need a few more! Or I can come alone.
  5. zantiago

    Weapons Megathread!!!!

    There are a few weapon's I'd like to see in the game. I'll make a list, short but precise. Sniper rifle's SV98 - Bolt action sniper with exchangeable scope, AC06 and 12x ZoomOptics(Same damage as every other sniper, 2 body shots, 1 head) PSG1 - Semi Automatic rifle with a silencer. (soundlevel arround that of an M4A1 CCO SD, Kill on 3shots in the legs, body, 1 In the head) Assault rifle's FN SCAR mk.16 HK416 Beretta ARX-160 w/M203 Heckler-Koch XM-29 SABR (hah hah, if they ever implemented this I'd laugh my jimmies off) Pistols: HK USP HK P2000 Desert Eagle .50 HK Socom mk.23 with Laser sight and Silencer -Let's be honest. The Beretta 92F Silenced one, sucks balls in it's current condition. Submachine Guns(SMG's) -UMP -MP7/MP9 -The UZI-ish MAC10 equivalent has horrible sights, and even worse recoil for a gun that weighs nothing. Any normally sized man can hold that thing on a straight arm with the 9mm rounds and go full auto without shooting 15meters over the target. I guess that's just a couple I can mention now. Most might disagree with my choices but it's suggestions for a reason right? I could do an explanation for damage, rate of fire and such for each weapon if need be. Or someone who are similar minded could do it aswell. No copyright on my suggestions, so knock yourself out. -Zantiago
  6. zantiago

    All this time and nobody to share it with!

    Yupp, and since he posted this in the Bandit secion on the forum. You believe he is looking for a group of survivors? Why have pancies when he can fly with the big boys up north eh? ;) Jokes aside. Good luck mate. -Zantiago
  7. Creating an account, and this is your first comment. Not a bad start I would have to say. -Zantiago
  8. zantiago

    Another Alt+F4 noob

    Because I'm special!
  9. hahaha... Take control of The airstrip? Stary sobor and the likes? We had the airstrip locked down for 4+hours with our clan, nobody entered or left it without us knowing. And that was not an empty server, and we have gotten into multiple gunfights there. People just lack moral, and honor when it comes to gun fights that can turn out diffrently than when they entered. Simply because the ALT+F4 issue and ghosting around on diffrent server's is still there. Doesn't matter if they are 400 or 4000people, no server will be able to hold more than 100 of them at max, and if they manage to get in on a server and fill it up with 100 of they're own people.. What are they gonna do? Play around alone for a few hours until they get bored? I don't fear a coalition or any of the sorts. They can bring whatever they want, we will spot them before they see us in any case or scenario. So im looking forward to meeting them. It will bring some much needed action emphasis back, atleast for me. just my opinion, take it or leave it. -Zantiago
  10. zantiago

    Another Alt+F4 noob

    Intriguing. Your english ain't bad mate. But what you just described is usually what happens to everyone. And nobody care's how frustrated you get, or how annoying it is. Unless the Anti combat-logging system get's implemented. There will be 'NO CURE' for it. So far, the best system I have seen being used is on DayZ Lingor Island. Where as when you log out, a clone of you spawn's next to you. And it lasts for 1minute, and it share's your details with the hive you are playing on. And so far, I haven't seen anything but good come out of this. 1. You can't duplicate, because if you remove something from it, the original character loose it. 2. You can kill it, and the real character dies 3. ALT+F4'ing out of combat doesn't work anymore, simply because you will have a solid 'Bot' standing still for 1minute, which makes for an excellent target. But then again, that is just a private made mod right? And has nothing to do with DayZ as a whole, exept the anti weak combat system is 10times better than the original. Due to one simple change.. Rocket's idea of forcing a disconnect timer was terribad, simply because you could "duplicate" gear, if someone was close enough to you while you disconnected. Which got reported, and then it got removed.. So im sorry to tell you mate, but unless they learn how to make an anti combat discharge utility like/similar to the lingor one, the ALT+F4 issue will stay arround for a long time. Just my 2cent's. Sorry for the TL:DR -Zantiago
  11. zantiago

    Website Permission Changes?

    The truth comes out eh? You are not even old enough to be playing this game!!111 @Ravin -Good post mate, and it's something I'd like to know aswell. Bean cap? pfft... -Zantiago
  12. First rule? Don't get attached to your shit.. Not a bad idea, but.. It wouldn't make for alot of diffrence in any case. Farm rax, find car's.. Just gonna add more farming to the allready lacking "end-game" potential it doesn't have.. Looking forward to the base building idea however. But so far.. We need more than just a tool, and code for vehicles.. First and foremost we need a proper anti-hack system for servers in general. -Zantiago
  13. Good luck with it :) -Zantiago
  14. This requires some serious thinking.. . . . . Yupp, definetely would shoot him, and just take the medical supplies of him. Yes, but No... If there was a medic skin, I wouldn't shoot on sight, but then again. I never find myself needing medical attention either. And when I do, I always have team mates to sort it out. Good initiative however.
  15. zantiago

    Am I a bad person?

    Yes you are. You should have shot him the second you saw him runnin down the road towards you.. Should have taken him out of his misery before his upcomming doom with the zeds.. So yes, i think you acted to slowly to save another human from being eaten. /thread
  16. SRS? Swedish Rangers Squad? Originality= -9000 Can't do anything but laugh sadly.. You make me ashamed of being Swedish.
  17. zantiago

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    Always.. Always.. -Zantiago
  18. zantiago

    Beating Bandits

    I find this post rather funny. Just tell me when to pitch in. -Zan
  19. zantiago

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    My oh my. Never have I've ever seen such an intriguing video in my life. Such exellent show of adversary, and gallantry. I am baffled by the amount of originality in this. It literally blows my mind that nobody have ever thought about making movies like this. Keep them comming, I'm dieing to watch them all. -Zantiago
  20. I must say sir, you are hillarious. So the devs have said that duping is an exploit and will be dealth with as such. And then i read your post, and i couldn't do anything but choke on the irony in it. "I've been the culprite of duping before. My friend and I did it out of pure spite". I admire your honesty sir. Let's just hope for your sake the mod's do the same, shall we? By that I do not mean you will get banned, but it could happen as far as I know. People have been banned for less, just to let you know. But I did get a good laugh, and yes I know the issue with alot of thing's getting duped, even when it's not intentional.
  21. zantiago

    Green Mt.

    WHAT are you talking about? Compared to what goes down up that god forsaken place during night time. What you just described would be a blessing! To Anyone.
  22. zantiago

    Where Do i go to post a Ban Apeal

    If you were globally banned it's because you cheated and have been reported doing just that. If you got banned by a single server, then state the server name and who runs it aswell. Oh and reading the FAQ's on the forum does help if you are unsure.
  23. zantiago

    Green Mt.

    I agree.. Stereoid Puppies and Sparkly faggots, i mean vampires does NOT scare me. But.. That.. That... <lets out a drawn out breath of air> That place... I shall never set my foot close to it again.
  24. zantiago

    Green Mt.

    Yeah, and you thought this had a place in this part of the forum?
  25. Did someone mention the place that shall not be named? No thank you. Id like to help, but id rather cut of my left nad, cook it, serve it to a cat, kill the cat and sell it to an arab as pristine kebab meat with extra flavour as the description. You do NOT speak of the place, and you do NOT go there out of free will.