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Everything posted by zantiago

  1. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Story. Never Get Comfortable

    hehe i see :D Well, if you are gonna spot the military camp, the best place to spot from is from the hill north of it, if you have a guy int he forrest to the east, and then one of the opposite side to the west, trees on both sides, and then you cover the WHOLE camp site.. Not a soul enters or exit's it, without you seeing it. If you see no loot at the heli crash sites it's either a bug, or there are allready loot at it that needs to be removed, remove the loot then pull out back into the forrest, drop the looted scrap in the forrest, and wait 5-10misn, then go check for loot again! never send more than 1 guy in though.. Heli crash sites up north are usually camped by snipers.. We got 2cars on Saturday due to haveing a sniper guarding the spot.. "oh look, crashsite, lets drive our 8hr work next to them and loot it" Whoever we killed, thank you! Loved the fully repaired hippievan :>
  2. zantiago

    [NATO] Currently Seeking 2-4 More

    Jim, might wanna recheck ur recruitment post :p Note to people who wan'ts to apply, this grp is not for the faint of heart.. :p "balls to the wall" get's a new meaning here!
  3. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Story. Never Get Comfortable

    Yeah, berenzino has 2 supermarkets, the North West one, which is pretty safe if you come from the south, cuz then you can spot it out, before moving up, and you can have sniper support thats out of harms way. The east supermarket on the otherhand, is very dodgy unless you got good area control, as it is next to 3 building complexes, like 3stories residiential buildings, which have tons of sniping spots.. We aren't the cherno/elektro cod players either. The attitude of playing this game lieka normal fps game is just wrong, as it doesn't cater to that kind of playerbase by default.. It's a war between the weak and crippled, against the lurkers in the forrest and some braineaters walking arround. When you are done at the east with that supermarket, then you will find a small military camp that ahs medical supplies, aswell as some weapons if you are lucky.. If you then head north east, you will see a huge, and VERY steep mountain, ontop of that mountain you can find 2 ATV's that rarely need more than some engine parts, 2wheel and some gas to work.. But be carefull... that place is prone to have bogeys in the bushes.. Even for us 5with guillies, nvg's and silenced wep are very cautions, when closing into that spot... If you need gear then the military camp at Stary sobor is pretty decent, and seeing as there are ALOT of huge plains arround Stary, there are also a huge chance you can find heli cash sites there, for more weps, and such..
  4. zantiago

    U.B.C.S. Story. Never Get Comfortable

    Awsome read mate. Loved the emotion put in to text here, definetely gonna keep reading you stuff :) Regarding water and food.. Depending ont he server, berenzino is the best place to get all that.. I just drop off all my gear in the tent, and hop on a nightserver.. and then i just clear out both super markets, and all the residential buildings, including the military camp east of berenzino.. Usually i leave with 10bloodbags, and enough food and water to last 5days or more Oh, and for this to be successfull, you need a silenced weapon, or you will have to light up berenzino, as if you pull one guy there, you pull the whole town.. My loadout for resource missions is: Guillie, M9SD, no primary wep, and ofcourse NVG's.. Just make sure to spot out berenzino first, ou really don't wanna get shot in the back while beeing down there, there are 3 roofs they can be on, and alot of building complexes, so it has this risk vs reward thing going :p or u could do it during daytime, grab a spare tent, put it abit closer by to the coast, so incase u get capped u would only loose the guillie, and m9, so u drop the nvg's in the tent just to be safe :p (however, this is never my job as im always the one lying 1000meters away, watching my friendlies through a scope ;)
  5. zantiago

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    * [NEW] Marakov spawn rate increased * [NEW] Small chance Mararov ammo will spawn on an infected It's called Makarov mate ;) Btw, it's cool and all that zombies can't go inside buildings/barn's etc.. However, those that spawn inside buildings, might drop through the floor.. :p
  6. I was in the tower on the greenmountain, waiting for my mates to come pick me up in our hippie van(yes, we love our hippie van so much) And thats when i hear automatic fire outside, so i step inside the tower, open the door, just to se a freaking pickup just outside the fence.. (made no sound pulling up, so i was SHOCKED) Then i see a guy sneaking arround the car, so i ready my M4A1 CCO and wait for him to pass arround the car, as he does he gets 2 bullet's to the head. Later on, another guy is moving out the main gate, and towards the guy i killed, this was like 2minutes later.. He turn's to the tower as i press Q & E, followed by 2 fast shots to his face.. Then i figured, well, don't see or hear anything now.. Im just gonna go down and check the loot.. "To the Victor goes the spoils" right? WRONG... As i get down the last step on the ladder, im getting shot from behind, there was a guy sitting there, just waiting for me to come down.. Im like.. Im gonna die, might aswell try and take him with me.. When suddenly i hear him stop shooting, HE IS OUT OF AMMO, im bleeding heavily, but i raise my wep, and unload 4bullets to his head.. recap? 3Murders.. And i survived with 830hp :D DAMN they must be pissed lol :p
  7. zantiago

    Why did u become a bandit??

    I became a bandit after getting popped by 2 people i helped.. I had 3 bloodpacks, and then the standard equipement, when i was in cherno.. One of them was hurt badly, i gave them 2 bloodpacks so they had one spare, they thanked me, and then proceeded to shoot me in the head.. what did i have? makarov with 4mags, waterbottle and beans.. what a score they made.. Day after? I was parked 800-1000meters in the woods with my guillie and svd dragunow camo, sniping whoever tried entering cherno, and firestation, church.. Got killed by a co-bandit when i hit 28murders.. but hey, got my revenge!
  8. zantiago

    Honour amongst thieves?

    Guys, think about it! We have voice comms, and chat for a reason! I will firmly ask a guy if he is a friendly survivor or a bandit! Refusing to answer in any way or form will result in a shot beeing fired for atleast 800meters as that is how close i will ever go to a populated area or hotspot. You will not see me, or hear where the bullet comes from, but note that i warned you before hand! I respect my fellow bandits, and will help them anyway i can! For instance.. I saw a bandit beeing shot at by other survivors, he got hurt badly, i proceeded to pull him into a shed, i bandaged him, gave him a transfusion, dropped a mag for his mp5 SD, and left him there after takeing out his 2 pursuers, he later thanked me, and was dumbfonded that bandits do such things. Are we not a family here, aren't we all trying to survive? With this larger areal to run arround on, we should look out for the better man, and take care of ourselfs, and those arround you.. It's easy to spot a bandit btw, he will point the gun directly at you, whislt a survivor will be hesistant, usually moving the wep arround you, and spamming Q & E, thats how 90% of the survivors i ment survived atleast!
  9. would be good to have a thread like this, where we could tell people about our friendly experiences.. Been playing for 4days, on diffrent servers, havent met a single friendly person yet.. So im just a lonewolf in the forrest now, shooting at everything that moves basically.. If you want to meet up, i play on chicago 30, and us3-4, i prefer it if u have skype or something.. u can add me on steam: svimle511 gonna play all weekend, so if some friendlies was actually here, that would be great, if not, Then the bandit route is very tempting..
  10. zantiago

    L85A2 AWS - Legit?

    yupp, it seemds like devs dont know what to keep or add in this game.. wonder if its gonan continue heading downhill, now that bandit costumes are gone, heli's gone, lux suv gone, and now that weapon aswell... "lets remove all the flashy rare stuff"(not talking about the bandit skin beeign rare, but it put flavor to the game, knowing what people were
  11. buuu-huu i can't raid a hidden tent/base for gear im to lazy to find myself.. Better cry on the forum.. Derp.. Nothing else to say..
  12. zantiago

    [NATO] Currently Seeking 2-4 More

    So, any update on this?
  13. Take my advice and don't buy a fully built computer. Get a friend to help you build one, and order parts! Building one urself is cheap, and usually by alot, alowing more room for bigger upgrades like CPU, GPU..
  14. zantiago

    I'm thinking about...

    what people stated for ur first 2 are correct. headset wise it does make a diffrence due to diffrent frequencies.. funny nobody mentioned that.. I can hear gunshots way further away than that of my mates, but i have a pretty decent/expensive headset.. imo.. Using an Astro Gaming A40 headset with a mix-amp which cost me 270british pound.. Had to import it..
  15. zantiago

    Daytime Only Server?

    i know how you feel mate, i live in scandinavia, so it's always night time when i want to play after work. So we are currently playing on us servers, meaning you can do the same, and play on european servers, preferably swedish/norwegian servers, they all speak english there so no worries on that, and they seem alot more friendly than people on us servers. No offense
  16. Not sure how the hacker secure system works, but it sound's wierd. But if such is the case then it might be true, but then he shouldnt be able to join any other servers that are secured afaik.
  17. zantiago


    hahaha, how do you know it was a she though? Sound's so bloody dawn of the dead it's hillarious.. there is a motorboat here.. Better take the sailboat and go out into the sea, let's find a random island.. xD
  18. Nicely written story mate :) Loved the read to be honest. And you don't have to feel bad for him either. The hardly earned gear he had, was simply the M9 SD which drops from barracks/deerstands, or the mp5 from helicashies, barracks/deerstands. But good find evenso mate. What server are you on? Maybe you can tag with us? We were all abou the surviving and hunting unfriendly players all over the place. But currently we got boored of it, it wasn't hard surviving in the forrest so now we have taken to the coast, and are roaming the city during day/night time. Don't know what to do? Here is a list of stuff: Camp the NW airfield for gear. Repair Vehicles Set up a tent in a good location to fill up with gear, and when you got enough then go rampage in a city, and see how long you last., when you die just go back to the tent and start over, and set goals like that. (It IS tense, and really nervwrecking if you track 4 people moving in the city, and then you see one turn arround while ur crawling afetr them in a guillie suit in thegrass) List of stuff to get: SVD Dragunov Camo(goes perfectly with the Guillies suit, as it makes you nearly invisible to the naked eye, unless someone with binos are spotting ur way, evenso you can be hard to see in the grass/trees) M4A1 SD M16 with M203 grenade launcher(funniest wep in game imo) M136=Rocket launcher (OH THE FUN, see 4 ppl running into a house? send a rocket in the door and laugh) Get NVR= nightvision goggles and hit a nighttime server and hunt sniper's in Cherno/elektro, or lay on a roof laughing at people running arround with glowsticks and flares =D Get a range finder and try to get retardedly long killshots with a sniper. Good example: Get the BAF AS50 that can zero in on 1800meters.. One kill from that and you will be exstatic.. I saw a video of someone that was chasing a bandit on a mortorcycle that he wanted, he was at Novy sobor when he was comming through on the bike, he figured he was heading for the airfield, so he went in a straightline for the airport with his BAF AS50, and man oh man.. comming over the hill and then shooting someone driving away from you from 1500+ meters is hysterical.. Never heard anyone laugh like that before :P Best kill i've seen in ages :p
  19. We were 3 people paTROLLing Cherno last night. It wasn't that many on the server unfortunately.. But there were a few new player's. We had gotten about what we could from the city in terms of gear, 3people with enfield's, guillie/camo, alice packs, compasses, maps and yeah the normal stuff you know. We headed over to the church towards the harbor in Cherno, when we heard some shooting towards the mall aross the street. So obviously we figured we could have some fun. We didn't wanna hurt anyone in the beginning. But i was like: Friendlies shooting at the mall in cherno? And we got a response pretty fast: yeah, but have alot of zombies with me, need help.. Told him to run towards us with the zombies and we would help him take them out, we had supplies to spare, which was true. We were loaded on ammo, weps, spare compasses, maps and such, and tons of food and medical supplies.. I told him we were in the church, and the door was closed so just run and open it.. We heard him comming, and the second he was close enough i opened the door from inside, slamming it in his face, and he broke his legs.. At this point we were rolling on the floor laughing as we saw im beeing eaten. He was shouting over direct comms using his mic, screaming for help.. We couldn't move due to laughing so hard at the poor guy laying there beeing eaten slowly alive by 3zombies... Not to interresting compared to some stories here, but it was a good laugh atleast!
  20. So yesterday while me and 3 irl friend's where going up towards polana, we got disconnected.. We do that ocationally and had done that 2 times during that day, due to our isp beeing upgraded so our net is abit unstable.. We were 4 guys, decked out with snipers, and tons of ammunition.. We are inside the barren looking for more supplies, but mainly passing through since we didn't wanna stay in the open for to long.. But after we disconnected due to loosing our net for 10-15seconds at at time, we get back online, pick up some minor supplies we didn't really need, but were bringing to our fifth man... When suddenly i die.. we had people spread out into each corner.. was it a sniper? Or an angry admin, thinking we were ALT+F4'ing.. If it was an admin, why would we DC over 4 zombies in that area... When we had over 500bullets in total.. Anyhow, they spotted nothing, and then one guy move to my corpse, and then he died aswell, and that spot can't bee seen from the outside, nor can it be spotted from afar... So basically, we felt it like some douche just did a /kill command on us.. If so, wow what a fekkin pathetic nerd you are. And if i find you ingame, im gonna hunt you down@US4 The reason we know it was fishy is because our fifth man, who was there, didn't die due to not disconnecting.. The dieing part is fine, and i don't care about that. But the way we all died, with no bullets beeing fired.. Tastes like a powerhungry faggot admin's doing =) -Z *Edit by Z. Disregard this post, as i was the one here not thinking rationally. Thank you Legazy for moving this to the correct part of the forum, but without any evidence of what happened, this case can simply be closed.
  21. zantiago

    US4 Admin yesterday

    Then i would like to apologise to the admins of US 4. We just got really mad, eventhoug it's part of the game, and we know there's alot of bugs.. But as you said, it was prob a cheater. I know they exist, as i saw someone standing on the harbor in Cherno, when a boat suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He obv got a rightfull bullet to the head though.. Any section where one can read about what cheats people can use? I sort of wanna know what im up against.. Not because im an exploiter in any way or form, but i like to know what people can do, if they cross that line.. This way i want to help prevent cheater's from roaming the servers..
  22. zantiago


    lol... what the actual fuck... Good read tho.. Love a laugh in the morning like this :D -z
  23. Dumbest freaking clan name i've seen.. Reminds me of the start off CS 1.3 when clans really started emerging. The creativity and attitude is that of a premature 13year old with a macaroni between his legs.. Beeing elite? Don't make me laugh.. Cod requiring true skill? Yeah, at real time multiplatform lans, or proper gameing stands, but online? Shit is a joke.. and this is comming from a former sponsored player in CS 1.6, CS: source, and CoD4<-- the only cod game that was any decent, and had a future, until scrubs complained about stuff beeing to unrealistic, and the followup games got dumbed down.. I see this whole tread as a simple troll, nothing more, nothing less.. Haveing ur prestige rank as a way to "showoff" simply tells me ur a nerd, nothing else. Im a nerd aswell, but atleast i have soem honor to it, and don't need to brag about it. Prestige rank requirements: have spare time on your hands, and be willing to continue a game with poor physics, a ton of cheaters, and a shitty comunity until you either give up, or you follow through with it, gaining ur rank 5.. You can't match that game with this, 2diffrent genres, diffrent playstyles required.. Not sure if you are just simply abit dumb, or just truly shortsighted and tunnelvisioning when trying to act cool for kudos on the web.. I'll put the last bit in a language you understand: Either way.. have fun mate.. Hope i meet you ingame so you can show of your Pr0 sk!11z brah.. I'll thank you in advance for the gear, as the probability of you killing me as none existent. You don't have the attitude to be a true bandit.. And i swim in river of tears every night from people just like you!! My camp is at the Pobeda Dam @Chicago 30 See you there h0m3b0y, unless you are sc4r3d to looser ur gear! Kind regards, -Z
  24. Any bandit Clans on any of these servers? We are 4guys, patrolling arroudn together between cities. But we would love to find out if there are any controlled areas in the neighbourhood, don't want names or coordinates. Just wondering if there are anyone that's recruiting perhaps? Not gonna say anything about our gear, as we aren't looking for one guy to kneecap us and feed us to the dogs but.. We can put it like this, we have enough supplies and ammo to last 5days away from civillization.. If you are 2-3guys that are roaming, or if you are a solo player looking to team up with friendly, mature and very team based players, then you are free to add me on steam: Svimle511 See you ingame, and hopefully not through a scope ;) -Z