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Posts posted by Fooshyy

  1. Name: Robert Arenz

    Age: 16

    Time Zone: EST (eastern time)

    How often do you play: 4+ hours a day except sunday, (it also depends on work). (am also homeschooled so i'm not really put back by schoolwork like other kids.)

    When are you on the most: Can't pin point that but i am on mostly weekends.

    What do you want to bring to Aegis?: A Teammate, A Friend, and A Good laugh every now and then. (i'm retarded sometimes.)

    Preferred class(Assault, Medic, Support, Sniper, Grenadier, etc): Support, Sniper.

    Do you like tactical realism(not required)?: *Aye* (Yes)

    Send skype name if you rather be contacted that way if approved or disapproved:

    skype: Robert.Arenz1


    Can also tell Avalanche and he will tell me.  ( i have a mic, and TS3 )

    Referred by Kirkyboy.
