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Everything posted by Jaygoon

  1. Am sick and tired of seeing youtubers making standalone videos with no prior experience with the game and constantly complaining the game is broken to cover their own inexperience and lack of knowledge of the game mechanics. Even saw a youtuber say dayz is broken cos he couldnt climb a ladder with a rifle in hes hands. Another moaned that rocket shouldnt have released dayz cos its not finished. I found this youtuber tonight who seemed to have knowledge of the game and constructive critisism and helpful advice on gameplay. I dont know this youtuber and i am not here to advertise him or any others. I feel that helpful and constructive youtubers with good advice on gameplay and problems is a rare thing and so i thought i would give him some love and thanks by posting about it. please watch the video if interested and maybe sub if want. And please feel free to post youtubers in this thread you have found who are knowledgable about dayz sa and give constructive help and advice to people interested in dayz sa (instead of the usual bitching youtubers) :D x Happy Xmas all btw xx
  2. I found a banana in a supermarket but i didnt have room for as i had no backpack yet, in a panic (as i needed that banana) i franticaly ran about adjacent buildings searching for a backpack inly to be clawed at by a zombie. I escaped that and was applying a bandage whilst a player snuck up on me and hit me over tha head with a shovel :( lol Good times :D Tip #1 - If you see a banana in a supermarket run away very fast and stay away whether that be ingame or irl...
  3. Game runs very well on Very high graphics settings for me, even in cherno inside them towerblocks, also with 40/40 on the server. Not alot of zombies around, but i understand its alpha and i saw the video rocket did stating that they are being worked on (so is all good) :) Loot is a little rare, but imo i think thats a good thing. (or maybe it isnt rare at all, its just there are many more places to look now so it seems rare cos spread around more) My main gripes are that its always night for me on any server i try to go on with a low ping, and that the game needs the health/blood/thermometer huds back cos its hard to know what state your body is in :P (then you die) But apart from that the game runs very nice and im happy so far and looking forward to a years worth of updates :) (I signed up for the development of Dayz, not for Dayz the finished game - the fun is in the development for me) I prefer to go to a cake factory and watch it being made then ger to eat it, otherwise i would just buy a flipping cake from a shop lol :p anyway im waffling on lolz GOOD JOB ON THE STANDALONE B.I. :)
  4. Me and me partner use different computers on the same i.p and used to play the mod on same server for many months, but when we both try to join the same server in the standalone it kicks one of us when the other joins. im wondering if this is a setting the server host has set. Im at a loss cos isnt much fun alone :p
  5. cpu i7 3770 - gpu Radeon R9 270x - 16gb ram - 40 - 50 fps
  6. Jaygoon

    All characters are female?

    Make sure you click the "set default" button after you have changed your character (its on the character screen 2nd button up)
  7. Jaygoon

    Nearly impossible to play

    Every 30minutes i keep seeing loads more empty servers open up on the browser, be patient and ye shall succeed :p
  8. Jaygoon

    Really Bad Frame Rate

    I have an i7 and my frame rate is very good, alot better than was on the mod, and im running the standalone at full graphics settings, even in cherno it runs nicely.
  9. Jaygoon

    Need some info on DayZ Standalone

    I been playing it tonight and its well worth the money,even at this early stage
  10. Jaygoon

    Really Bad Frame Rate

    Whacked all the settings up to very high and mine running lovely and smooth, 40 players on server and im running around them big blocks of flats in cherno. very impressed so far :)
  11. Jaygoon

    Thinking of Building a PC...

    Kill 2 birds with one stone...
  12. Jaygoon

    First DayZ experience

    welcome to the most immersive game ever made ;)
  13. Jaygoon

    Low FPS on DayZ+Epoch on Laptop

    Yea my i-phone has crap fps too :(
  14. Jaygoon

    Graphics Card Help?

    Forget Nvidia tbh, Amd Radeon is where its at now http://youtu.be/3RF0zgYFFNk Mantle is the future, and thats a radeon thing You would be dumb to go with nvidia atm tbh Look up mantle on youtube and google and you will see. dont waste your money on nvidia when radeon cards are gonna be way ahead in the next few years.
  15. Any thoughts or plans to whether the "Standalone" (hate that name btw lol) or Arma 3 might be adding Radeon Mantle support? http://www.dsogaming.com/news/amd-and-dice-reveal-mantle-low-level-graphics-api-for-radeon-cards-offering-9x-better-performance/
  16. Jaygoon

    Need help making a DayZ Epoch server

  17. My question is - When the Standalone releases what servers will it run on because surely there will be no servers at the very beginning, unless the server hosts will get the hosting clent first and be able to sell their servers before the standalone release. (breathe)
  18. Jaygoon

    Servers when Standalone opens.

    Whats in your lunchbox?
  19. Jaygoon

    Is DayZ one of your main games?

    Yup SalamanderAnder & h3l1x thats exactly my experience too, problem is i got into Dayz last august lol, So its been hard to play anything else.No other game has that fear, dread and sheer excitement as Dayz :)
  20. There are now plenty of empty (if not almost empty) servers, even night time servers are empty most of the time. I sometimes play on them type of servers when i feel like the solo sp survival experience. And im sure come the sa game there will be some too, or you could even set up a server on your own computer and run it locally only. But imo Dayz is best when you dont know who or what is around the next corner. On a different note - I hope the standalone doesnt have the option to see who is online on a server and even the amount of players online (before you join or when you are on it) Because when you know who and the amount of players on the server it kills the emersion, If you know no other player is online you dont feel as fearfull, But if you dont know if there are 0 players on the server you are playing or 100 players it makes the game far more exciting :) Imo anyway lol
  21. Jaygoon

    Is DayZ one of your main games?

    I play dayz probably at least once a day till i die then i rage quit till the next day :P Fifa 14 & Minecraft are my other games, I play solo on almost all games, Hard to find guilds or clans who play that variety, they seem to either hate Dayz or Minecraft or Fifa. Tried 4 different Star Citizen guilds so far and all hate Dayz, so i left em, Dayz is my numero uno game and if they dont like it then im a say asta la vista compardre :) Pardon my non-english :P