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Everything posted by Jaygoon

  1. Jaygoon

    Hey all

    Hay \o/ Welcome aboard the crazy train to hell :)
  2. Jaygoon

    Pavlovo , Worst Loot Town ?

    And and an icecream factory in balota that sends out icecream trucks with jingly bells to sell icecream all over chernarus to the little kiddies, Brb checking fridge!
  3. Yep idd, I like the path Rocket is taking atm i must say. But i feel the fear of being killed by players makes the game more intense, Kinda like running through an african safari wildlife park with a bleeding dead deer tied around your shoulders.
  4. Jaygoon

    Pavlovo , Worst Loot Town ?

    Did you check under the bed upstairs in the far room inside the green log cabin to the north of the town though? :huh:
  5. Jaygoon

    Pavlovo , Worst Loot Town ?

    Markets in all towns ahoy :) Hospitals in all towns ahoy :) Very soon Chernarus will be a thriving metropolis again, yaaayyyy \o/ :)
  6. Jaygoon

    Balota loot problem?

    I love the feeling more and more the further i get north, got black clouds following my character everywhere up here lol
  7. Jaygoon

    Balota loot problem?

    I guess in short i meant, If there was no guns and ammo at balota many new players or players that find it hard to survive the long journey north to the airfields, (and then surviving entering and looting guns/ammo from there), would never get the chance to experience any guns in Dayz. They would only know bats/axes and other melee weapons.
  8. Jaygoon

    How to tell when a water source isn't safe to drink

    Vlad the Impaler is alive and killing in Dayz :o
  9. Jaygoon

    use containers for "passive" loot

    Not bad idea :) But of course the loot isnt spawned in physically if no one is in that area to see it :) (kinda how minecraft works) Saw a science programme about this theory of how the universe works similarly, but i for the life of me cant find it :( Your old Avatar used to trip me out joe lol
  10. Burning books is a crime against humanity >:( :p
  11. Yep very nice community idd :) (Altho not that crazy about the KoS complainers we seem to have alot of now.) As they say "A bad workman always blames he's tools" :)
  12. Have you checked for spyware or a virus, cos i had a similar problem with my computer, wasnt a dayz or arma issue, just computer in general. Dont think its an Arma or Dayz prob tbh cos i dont and have never had that prob with either game. Or Arma 3 :P ps - check your fan inside the processor. Also what antivirus do you have?
  13. Jaygoon

    Buying the game

    The games a steal tbh, You wont get this much value for money (bugs or not) from any other game on steam.
  14. But as i have said many times, When you are killed you dont know the reason why cos you dont know if he looted your body or not, You are all presuming its KoS cos your butthurt from being killed.
  15. KoS is when a player kills you for nothing but fun, If they kill you for your items then that isnt KoS (this is how other people have described it on here anyway)
  16. Jaygoon

    Two ideas (for science)

    Ill find an orchard, guard it with some players, and charge other players to come in and pick apples :)
  17. Jaygoon

    I'm new here. Hello.

    Come on in, Leave your guns at the door, Pull up a chair next to the log fire and welcome to this wonderfull Dayz log cabin community :)
  18. Dayz sa runs at around 30-50 fps on my computer (sometimes it jitters a little) but alot people say they have less and some run ok. I know BiS are planning on adding alot more to Dayz sa, but it seems to me that the perfomance will get worse unless sacrifices are made. (unless they have some tricks up their sleeves lol) To help Dayz sa run smoother what would you take out (or lower the resolution) the game to improve the performance? Lower the cloud resolution or take them out? (look so nice and help with the emersion) Decrease the draw distance? (would be a shame, not seen another game with as far as this got) Less loot (especially in the big cities) Less zombies (not sure how could be less atm lol) Any ideas?
  19. Jaygoon

    KOS and stupidity

    If you are shot and your screen goes black and words appear saying you are dead, then you spawn on the coast.. How do you know it was a KoS killing? The killer is probably looting your body as you spawn back in on the coast! So if the killer killed you for your loot then that doesnt make it a KoS Kill for Lulz does it. My point is Why is everyone who gets shot presuming its a KoS kill for fun?
  20. Jaygoon

    The DLC disscusion

    Bought Dayz sa for £19.99, The best value for money game i have bought this year with the amount of hours i have put into it so far. Only Starbound can compete with it for value for money for me :) In short yes i would pay for any dlc they bring out mainly because i think the £20 i paid for Dayz sa is way too cheap for the amount of fun, fear, tension, excitement and enjoyment i have so far (and will have over the next year) in Dayz. ps - i felt the same about Dayzmod too so i bought all the Arma2 dlc and ToH as my thank you to BiS for making the game i have always wanted to play but no other games company would make. So thank you BiS and merry christmas :)
  21. Jaygoon

    A big lake.

    Theres also Utes, the island being added south of chernarus. (think its called utes lol, it was an island made for arma2)
  22. Jaygoon

    Mantle on Dayz sa?

    (First off, im not sure if i am posting this in the right place, sorry if i am not) :) Has anyone read anything as to whether BiS have thoughts about making Dayz sa Mantle compatable in the future? Mantle is a new api developed by AMD radeon to replace microsoft's direct x. Vid here if interested.
  23. Jaygoon

    Mantle on Dayz sa?

    I have heard that Nvidia is developing its own api too, Hope they both work together lol. Would be nice to finally unshackle our pc's from microsofts direct x. Then all we need after that is a decent operating system for gaming so we can not have to run windows whilst trying to game at same time lol