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Azrail (DayZ)

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About Azrail (DayZ)

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    nothing compares

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    trapped in a life-long daydream...

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  1. Azrail (DayZ)

    Blood and Bullet holes (Decals & Particle effects)

    this. and we need snow. i want snow. i want snow trails. and for the blood... they've added actual suicide and canibalism, which i never thought would happen. so i think adding some (convincingly) gore should be the minor subject for the vice squad to jump on. but i guess there's a tons of work to be done further upwards on the priority list... i wouldn't mind some gore... gief me the GOAR :E
  2. Azrail (DayZ)

    Change in-game name for my character...?

    no, it's name will be changed...
  3. Azrail (DayZ)

    Survivor Gamez Qualifier Training

    heh, thx, working that way :) also, gg in qualifiers, unfortunate with that blackout close to the end though :/
  4. Azrail (DayZ)

    Survivor Gamez Qualifier Training

    can't watch this, seem to be not on youtube (anymore?)
  5. Azrail (DayZ)

    Community Spotlight - 11 Mar 15

    full. of awesome. so full.
  6. Azrail (DayZ)

    Hosting Survivor Games Regulary!

    running a server, and building a community to fill it with life, is hard enough on it's own. if you have no concept to start with, other than a promise for a survivor games mod that may be released in the future, noone will really stick with it, other then using it to server hop military spots. you need that mod, or at least a very basic attempt, to be ready when you start your server. you want to create a mod like this from scratch, but you don't have any knowledge about running a server or creating a mod, and you don't have any people who do. and then you take on some fierce competition, with the survivor gamez held by hicks, and the battle royale mod, which appears to have a dayz-spinoff now. if you are serious with this, you gonne need a hell lot of money. if all else fails, enough money will always do the trick. but to be honest. so far that doesn't sound like something i'd want to invest any time or money into.
  7. Azrail (DayZ)

    0.54 Issues

    a friend had his car explode because he drove too fast in a bend. seemed like the car actually fell over from centrifugal force. yesterday we drove 2 trucks from zeleno to prison island. yea, the truck appears to be an u-truck. nothing odd happening, other than random 1-2 second graphic lags while fullspeed on the road, that scared the hell out of me. also had my share of some wild offroad jumping. i use 100mbit unitymedia.
  8. you be full of awesome <3
  9. Azrail (DayZ)

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    rarest loot is always the ammo for the weapon i just found, especially pistols. i will find every other possible type of ammunition, and IT DOESN'T FIT IN THERE
  10. can't remember to have seen this happen for ages because all they do (when not chasing after something) is stand about and stare at things then again, in SA i've rarely been in a situation where zombies are a real threat no matter how many of them are after your brain, grab any melee weapon, strafe around them, and keep clicking bring back the scary times!
  11. in the mod, they used to eat the player after he fell to the floor from blood loss. and after death they continued to eat the corpse. i think they just didn't get the animation for the SA yet.
  12. so yea, zombies do spawn in a zombie survival shooter, and you happen to play the most annoying game ever, so of course they will spawn right in your pants and screw with your testicles. eeew. but not all hope is lost! watch some zombie splatter before playing dayz leave your lights on while you play, especially at night times get a jockstrap (FULL METAL!) get a buddy to watch your back while you jerk off in a bush don't let them get you down. chin up!
  13. Azrail (DayZ)

    Guide to etiquette? How to be new right?

    people tend to kill you if they suspect you want to kill them. either talk or shoot, very simple rule of thumb.
  14. Azrail (DayZ)

    the need for server restarts

    i know that. and i am not talking about crashes. i thought i made that as clear as possible. let's say a friend told me he found and left this epic rare item somewhere, and i can't get there in time before server restarts - those are the moments i'd like to pull my hairs out. more frequent? well most servers i join restart few times a day, but i want to know for how much longer this wil be still neccessery. i'd be satisfied with just any dev response :)
  15. Azrail (DayZ)


    the point is... you need to click on the malware. it doesn't miraculously start itself, some part of user interaction has to be involved. anyways, infecting your windows machine right after a fresh install, can't remember i've seen that in my 15 years in business. my hats of to you. and using windows xp as a malware protection is an interesting approach, have my beans for the good laugh xD