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Timma (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Timma (DayZ)

  1. Timma (DayZ)

    I died because of lagg since the last update

    I'd recommend moving on to another game and come back later when it's more stable. Hate to say it, but it's an alpha. If you can't resist playing you're going to have to put up with the bugs.
  2. Timma (DayZ)

    Night vision, GPS.

    Ummm, how do you think it works right now...?
  3. Maybe we should wait until you can do something other then kill players in the game before we start nit picking behavior? PvP is always going to be a big part of the game, and right now it's the only thing in the game. Running around with your friends playing grab ass only goes so far - at some point people are going to want to interact in the game, and right now the only interaction is shooting lead at each other. Relax. It will get better.
  4. Timma (DayZ)

    Graphics Card Issues

    74c is nothing to worry about, unless you plan on keeping your GPU for decades. There is a distinct difference between caring for your gear and being silly. I say this with all the love in the world, but you are just being silly at this point.
  5. Hi All, After playing the mod for several hundred hours I was super excited for the release of the stand alone, but after playing the SA for 15-20 hours I have to say I am not confident DayZ will ever be the game I have always hoped it would be. *yes, I understand this in alpha, and anything and everything could radically change, so only time will tell if my thoughts are relevant or not. That being said, DayZ is based on a (supposedly) mature engine released in 2009, and has been in SA development for over a year, so I think it's fair to speculate on some of the basics we can interact with today*. First, let me say there have been some notable improvements, including: 1. Inventory system vastly better. 2. Login and connectivity to servers vastly better. 3. Zombie AI and path finding is better. 4. New variety of gear spruces up the loot hunting aspect. 5. Modular weapons are cool, and add to #4. 6. New health status/survival mechanics have potential. 7. Significantly more buildings to explore. However, I'm disappointing with the following: 1. Engine still chugs, particularly in cities. 2. Engine is still "clunky" - close quarter operation/maneuvering is horrible, and you certainly can't do anything quickly. 3. Melee is terribly implemented. 4. Upcoming Feature list from Rocket does't point to any game play "expanding" features, even if they are a ways off. Obviously there are a lot of other issues, but I came into this accepting there would be problems. The reason I listed the ones above is because I feel that if they are still present at this point they are not likely to significantly improve. The reason I am worried about 1-3 in the above is that, at this point, they seem to just be part of the way the engine works, and if after 5 years of Arma II, and a year of DayZ SA development, it still feels like you are walking in quicksand with an elephant tied to your back when you are in a building, it doesn't seem like that is going to get any better. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, because this *is* based on Arma II, but I can't help but feel that those issues will always hold the game back. The biggest frustration I had with the mod was it was basically a leet weapon loot hunt with occasional PvP deathmatch. I could forgive the mod for that because, well, hey, its a mod, only so much you can do, but for the SA I was hoping for a game that was much more focused on the survival aspects. For me, a big part of that is creeping around and slowly acquiring the gear you need to survive and (hopefully) thrive in the game narrative. A big part of that, at least for me, is being able to be stealthy and use melee weapons, which necessitates a game engine that can provide tight close quarter controls, and implement an effective melee combat system. Current SA is soooooooo far away from being there that I just don't see it happening. #4 is less of an issue as this is still early in the alpha, but I am concerned about this being over a year into SA development and still no word of any actual game play changing elements. Everything introduced thus far, and everything listed in upcoming features, is basically just polish on existing elements that already existed in the mod. It has taken over a year to get where we are today, starting with a "mature" game engine and game design concepts that had already been tested in the mod. Besides some engine enhancements, no game play improvements have been implemented or, beyond offhand commentary in interviews, even articulated. Personally, I was hoping for a mix of State of Decay (for the base building/task/questing aspect of the game - you know, getting the basics of society back in place) with the combat and loot feel of The Last of Us (scrounging for even the most rudimentary of items, crafting, focus on melee, scarcity of firearms and ammo). I realize my expectations for the game in no way shape the way BI is going to develop it, but it still feels soooo far way from anything that I was hoping for that I am worried that it will never get there. As it stands right now, my gut feeling is this is just going to turn into a loot hunt for high end military weapons, after which folks will get bored and just start shooting each other - basically the same as the mod. Hopefully I am wrong, but the engine just doesn't seem capable of delivering the experience that I am looking for. Maybe I just came in with the wrong expectations, but the biggest thing I was hoping to see in the SA alpha was a refreshed engine that provided the framework to build a really awesome survival game on, and we just don't have that. I'll keep checking in as the updates roll out, but, if after a year of dedicated SA development they have still to implement any of the actual game play mechanics, let alone functionally improve the way the engine handles close quarter area's (or FPS issues, for that matter), it just seems like we are still several years away from having anything that is really different from the mod. My fear is this is on a Duke Nukem Forever development cycle, where it takes so long the player base loses interest and the devs run out of steam. What do you think?
  6. Timma (DayZ)

    Stop with the "This weapon doesnt belong" posts.

    Biggest issue I have with M4's is that they promote a deathmatch style of play.
  7. Timma (DayZ)

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    You should put in your bug reports that KoS is rampant. Who knows, maybe they will do something about it at that point.
  8. Timma (DayZ)

    Walking, jogging, sprinting.

    Hahahahaahaha, what's your definition of "long"?
  9. Timma (DayZ)

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I'd also like to trade my copy of Windows 95 for Windows 7, my Office 2003 for 2010, and all my outdated Adobe software for thee newest version, too. While we're at it, I would also like to trade in my 2006 IS250 for the 2012 model. I think we all understand that it would be nice to trade in old stuff for new, but that is not the way it works. No law in nature that says it has to work this way, so if you want to take the time and effort to create and support a software package and provide unlimited lifetime upgrades, go for it. I suspect if you are on the other side of the equation you would have a very different viewpoint.
  10. Timma (DayZ)

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Seriously, if you have enough money to afford a rig that can even play ArmaII the $10 or whatever they are going to charge for the first Alpha keys of the standalone is not even worth the time type a thread to bitch about it. It's not like you are a starving refugee in Bangladesh - you live in a first world country. Even $30 is not that much. Granted, I agree it sucks to pay $ for a game and find out it's trash, but thats not the case here. I have no problem paying a few more dollars to support these guys. They need to eat, too, and it's not like they are charging $60 for a standalone then $60 for maps (F* you CoD). It's a very reasonable price for a great game. The standalone is going to be cheaper then a movie and a popcorn. If you have access to a computer and can post on the internet and you think $10 (or whatever it is - Rocket said hte final release version would be around $30, so the initial keys have to be significantly cheaper then that) you need to find a job. Seriously. You don't have time for video games. Also, Rocket has repeatedly stated that the mod would continue to be developed along with the standalone - if you want to keep playing the mod you "paid" for, have at it. It's still going to be there. Not sure what you are even bitching about.
  11. Just placed an order. Looking forward to curating my own playground, for a change!
  12. Timma (DayZ)

    boss suggestion

    You just can't say it's a sandbox and act like it has everything we need to do whatever we want. This is more like a sandbox that just has the 4 log posts around it, but no sand, pails, shovels, other kids, maybe a spot where someone pee'd, etc. We are extremely limited in what we can do here. I cherish the FPS "focus" the game has and don't want to turn it into a point based skills system, but as of right now the environmental offers basically zero challenge, even when starting out. Unless I am completely careless, or trying to purposefully get myself in trouble, its basically impossible to die from Zeds. As it is right now the game is extremely limiting, including the stupid zombies that, let's face it, are completely disappointing. arguably one of the worst implementation of zombies is a survival horror game, ever. The fact that it is still so much fun, despite the completely broken, bland and boring nature of the Zeds as they are today is a testament of how fun it could be if there was a real environmental challenge. Personally, I wouldn't mind different zombie types (roving wolf zed packs, super tough ones, etc), Be nice if the higher end loot spawned in area's that had tougher zeds, however you want to define that. Yep, that's how MMORPG's do it, and there is nothing wrong with it.
  13. Timma (DayZ)

    boss suggestion

    As it is right now this is not much of a zombie survival game - its a wide open, large map, long term death match - there is nothing to do once you gear up other then hunt other survivors. Maybe you fancy making yourself a base camp somewhere in the woods, but all you do with the gear is hunt survivors, so it ends up being the same thing. Game needs a lot more PvE content. Doesn't have to be L4D - think S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  14. Timma (DayZ)

    Respawn confusion?

    You are a very confused individual.
  15. Timma (DayZ)

    Still think this is a good game?

    Some things are addressable via scripting in a mod, others, such as most of your gripes, are not. Hacking, tents, logging, etc are all issues that deal with the core game - nothing you can do about it via a mod. Rocket has stated this repeatedly. It's also worth noting this is in Alpha. Deal with it or move on. No one really cares either way.
  16. Timma (DayZ)

    Will I see a good gain?

    Not trying to troll, but why don't you just set the OC and see what happens? Everything else is just idle speculation.
  17. Do you really even need to f*king ask?
  18. Timma (DayZ)

    Hatchet is overpowered but necessary

    If it needed to be merged a successful hit should have a longer "reload" time - if you sink a hatchet blade into a body you are going to have to give it a good tug to get it back out, which would slow down your swing time.
  19. Timma (DayZ)

    Hospital doors bulletproof?

    I always just go for the glass windows off to the side - they seem to go down in one whiskey bottle/tin can throw.
  20. Timma (DayZ)

    Any penalty for killing people?

    Just the crushing feeling of guilt and remorse for taking a human life. Other then that you are in the clear.
  21. Timma (DayZ)

    Windows and Dayz so Far

    Yes, sound is critical to the game. Maybe even more so then others. Nothing more ominous then hearing gun shots in the town you are coming up to... If you can get Win7 drivers for all the hardware in your Mac spend the $99.99 (Win 7 x64 Home Premium OEM on NewEgg) and play the game the way it is meant to be played. And don't tell me the $100 is a killer - you bought a Mac, obviously you weren't too concerned about a few bucks here or there.
  22. Random scripted events would be awesome - for instance, seeing a group of helicopters streaking accross the sky, trailing smoke, knowing that they will crash somewhere up ahead, with all the loot goodies that represents.
  23. Timma (DayZ)

    FAL ammo isnt that rare

    Please note that even extremely unlikely occurrences, when spread across large enough samples, do and will happen, sometimes even frequently. That doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of individuals will never see the ammo for the weapons. As it is they are they somewhat novelty items - if you already have an M4/M16/Sniper/AK-x with mags (and most of us do by the time we stumble into a heli), they are usually not worth picking up as they are not noticeably better then the standard weapons in the game, but the ammo is almost impossible to find. Maybe that is the way Rocket wants it, but I would prefer their power be turned up and the ammo left as it is, or make the ammo spawn in military structures or be re-combinable from other mags that use the same rounds.