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Timma (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Timma (DayZ)

  1. Timma (DayZ)

    Factions and Base Raids

    Anything is possible - no reason humanity, or some similar mechanic, couldn't persist in some form with you even after you die. If you are the guy that joins a faction and double stabs them perhaps your new character is less "trustworthy" going forward. Ways to address this. Alternatively, you could make the NPC's enough of a challenge that a lone wolf wouldn't have much of a chance of taking out a base themselves. Then again, if you introduce a faction system, and add a whole new level of permanence to the game, are we getting to far away from a zombie survival game and into a PvP faction war game? Personally, I would like to see the map possibly extended further north, with higher end military complexes/labs/etc. Further north you go, tougher the zeds are (maybe even have different types that are stronger/take more damage/etc) but the better the loot. Make it so only a team of coordinated players can likely survive such an outing, but make the loot worth it. Finding repairable humvee's, higher end military gear, power generators, etc would be worth it.
  2. Timma (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    My two cents: 1. Logging out when unconscious or bleeding results in death on the server you are on. 2. Develop some sort of "settling down" mechanic - we already have fire places and tents - if you are not by a fire or tent your body will remain in server for 5 minutes upon disconnect. If you are by a fire or tent, there is a 60 second cool down before you can safely log out. 3. Make player bodies persist for at least 10-15 minutes (would prefer even longer). Right now if you kill someone they can give you a giant F* off and disconnect, destroying their gear in the process. 4. if you log out in a "high risk/reward" area introduce 10-15 minute cool down period before the hive server will allow you to log into a different server. Personally, I think the biggest issue is people abusing the persistence system to disconnect when in a fire fight and server hopping. Server hopping for loot is an obvious abuse that ruins the immersion (yes, it affects other players when high end spawn points are constantly depleted by server hoppers). Likewise, a good, drawn out fire fight is one of best experiences the game has to offer - sucks it rarely happens now.
  3. Timma (DayZ)

    game breaking fps drop

    Two suggestions: 1. Try DL and installing the latest patch for Arma 2: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_94103.zip As an added bonus, it is suppose to fix the issue of all your ammo dropping when you switch weapons. 2. Personally, when was released, I could play for 10 minutes or so before my frame rate would crash to 2-3 FPS and stay there. Only resolution was to close out and relaunch Arma 2, but then 10-15 minutes later I would be in the same boat. Since I was running 32 bit Win 7 ultimate I decided to try DL the 64 bit compilation and installing that. Somewhat drastic, but it fixed my issue. As an added bonus my system now recognizes all 4GB of RAM installed.
  4. Timma (DayZ)

    Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

    1. According to the 1.7.2 forthcoming release notes, item clean-up/server performance is suppose to be dramatically improved (50%), which could afford more zombies/players/whatever. 2. If you are with a group and inside a building, try having one or two players use a hatchet to take out the Zed's while the rest cover them with fire arms. We do that and find we can take out all/most Zed's with the hatchet and reserve our ammo that way. Since the Zeds only walk in buildings careful use of the hatchet can clear them out without getting hit by the Zeds. Of course, one of your team mates needs to be standing ready with medical assistance in the event a swing is mistimed, but such are the risks during the Zombie apocalypse...
  5. Timma (DayZ)

    Barbwire Blocking Entry ways

    The toolbox lets you remove barbed wire - action point is in the middle of the wire.
  6. Timma (DayZ)

    Helicopter crash sites

    From my understanding, the locations in which a helicopter may spawn are fixed, and it is from that subset that the server picks from upon reboot to actually place them. Whether or not a particular location spawned one is left to chance.
  7. I am not talking about the audible range for zombie argo, or what other players can hear, but the actual volume your own footsteps make when you are moving about. On my system at least, it sounds like I am wearing tap shoes. At first I thought other players would be able to hear me for miles around, until I realized that other players movements were not nearly as loud as I thought they would be. Can we have the in game sound of our footsteps lowered? Also, maybe rubber soled boots? Realizing this would be a significant overhaul that may not even be feasible, but a paper doll style inventory system would be cool. flak jackets, cold weather gear, accessories, etc would be fun, and add a little more "character development" to the game.
  8. 1. Upgrade to if you haven't already - zombie argo will be better on this build. 2. if you see any buildings, don't go any faster then a crouch sprint. Even buildings in the middle of the wilderness spawn zombies, and the full standing spring will draw them from 100 meters visual and 65 meters audio (or so Rocket says). 3. If you see zombies crouch sprint, crouch walk or go totally prone - you'll get a feel for the distances you can be before you will argo in each mode - best way to figure that out is trial and error. keep in mind that at night your visual argo will be much lower, so you can crouch sprint or crouch walk a lot closer then during the day (still would not recommend standing sprinting in site of buildings or zombies.). 4. get a map - this one seems ok http://dayzmap.info/ 5. Know where you are and have a plan of attack. Personally, I like to stock up on some liquids and beans on the coast then head north as soon as possible. When you spawn your general location will appear BRIEFLY in the lower right hand corner (don't miss it - it comes up in first 5-10 seconds upon log in). Identify where you are, what town you need to raid and which buildings are searchable. Get some basic supplies and head north. 6. Personally, I like hitting up smaller towns inland for basics (hunting knife, hatchet, matches and compass are my 4 top priorities so I can kill animals and eat them, as well as navigating, Binocs also come in handy), and search deer stands for military grade weaponry. Deer stands are marked on that map I linked (they are orange - there are 4 of them below the air strip by Balota on the coast, for example). 7. If you want to make friends get a microphone and find a server that broadcasts their teamspeak/mumble/whatever and join it. Other players are surprisingly hostile in game, but surprisingly friendly and accommodating when you actually talk to them. Worse case it makes the runs between points of interest a lot more fun when you are talking to others. 8. Turn off the music - music is surprisingly good, but it also interferes with the crucial ability of hearing Zeds (and other players!) By targeting smaller towns to get geared up with survival gear and med supplies, and hitting up deer stands for military weapons, some better tools (have found GPS in them before) and med supplies you can have avoid the bigger crowds while you get geared up, get a feel for the game and explore the map. Obviously the best gear is going to be at NWA, military camps at Stary and Berinzo, etc, but I recommend only going there if you got a friend or two. Most important thing is to keep an open mind and have fun - this is still an experiment, and just because you don't like one update doesn't mean that is the way it's going to be forever, and will very likely change within a couple of days.
  9. Timma (DayZ)

    255 km2 map but just 50 player Server?

    50 players per server is not a hard cap. From my understanding there is some underlying performance issues when an individual instance of the server code has more then 50 players on it - performance goes way down. I read on the forum that you can get better performance running 4 50 slot server instances on the same hardware then one 75 slot instance. Maybe that has changed with a recent patch, but I am not aware of it if it did. There are some 60 slot servers out there.
  10. I know it's been said a thousand times before, but, given the current inky blackness of night, the only thing any sensible player would do is log out. Yes, I know there are flares and flash lights, but if you survive more then an hour or two with those you are either extremely lucky or in the middle of nowhere. You can't on one hand have a game that has a brutal PvP aspect to it then on the other say that, for 50% of the time, you are going to have a giant glowing arrow over your head announcing your position to anyone caring to look.
  11. Same problem here. Running During 90 minutes in Cherno I found zero food and two cans of soda. Started at apt complex of 5 building by the hospital in the NW portion and worked my way down to the Church, then along the coast, hitting up the super market and all the other lootable buildings. Not a single food to be found.
  12. I also like the idea of 1.7.1 on paper, but: 1. We really don't have LoS on Zed's - what we actually have is "run into a building to get de-aggro'ed". This means you could have 20 Zed's 10 feet behind you, hop into a building and zing, it's like you got a new paint job in GTA3. No more aggro. However, you could have 1 Zed 40 feet behind you in the woods, but good luck losing him. Feels more like a gameplay gimmic then a true feature to me. 2. IMO opinion, there is a big difference between "challenging/difficult" and "time consuming". Most of the changes to the Zed "AI" in 1.7.1 effectively just make the game more time consuming, not any more challenging. In my experience, the practical result of the increased sight line with Zed's is to turn crouch walking into prone crawling. You do the same stuff, just a lot slower. Game went from tense to boring, for me. 3. Increased Zed damage and starting equipment modification I find enjoyable. Perhaps start with one water canteen and a can of beans, though? Might be cool if we could start with radio's to contact other survivors in game with as well. my 2 cents.
  13. Been playing 1.7.1 today for several hours. Quickly found out that, if you are near towns/buildings, the only reliable way you can avoid detection is crawl around everywhere. Yes, I can do this, and yes, I can avoid detection, but the functional result of the new patch is to make a game that already had very slow gameplay and make it even slower. With 1.7 I found the balance to be very enjoyable, but so far with 1.7.1 it's crossed the line into being just boring. Yes, I can "cope" and "survive". I can scavenge, get gear, and travel around. The only real difference i see is that all those activities just take a lot longer to do then they use to, and, IMO, DayZ's gameplay did not need to be slowed down. Old joke was that DayZ was the world's greatest walking simulator. 1.7.1 just turned it into the world's greatest crawling simulator. I actually quite enjoyed it when it was a walking simulator, but 1.7.1 is to slow for me. Personally, I hope the next patch strikes a balance where you can at least crouch walk/run a fair bit and still be able to scavenge in towns. That's my own personal opinion. I'm not offended it you feel otherwise.
  14. Timma (DayZ)


    I bought the $30 bundle off of Steam with Arma2 and OA and I am having the same issue. I can right click a bandage, but the option to use it is greyed out and pops up behind the icon, so I can't click it. Tried a couple of different servers, all the same. Thread probably belongs in the bugs forum.
  15. OK, I was able to get this working. Here is what I did - not sure if all of these steps are required, but I will put them down anyway. 1. Updated DayZ files to 1.7.1 via Worrums updater 2. Re-installed 93825 patch. 3. Went to the Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder (if you are using steam it is at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead) 4. Launched the "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" shortcut found in above folder. 5. Went to multiplayer and joined a 1.7.1 server!! Note that I did not change any of the launch target scripting - I just launched it as was ("C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash). Even without the -mod=@DayZ script it still loaded up DayZ at launch - everything works fine. Previously, I was going in and adding the -mod=@DayZ to the launch string. As this is the only thing I was doing different I doubt you would need to reload the 1.7.1 files via Worrums updater if you already have them. Hope it helps. Timma
  16. I know how to do that via steam for the "Stable" version, but how do you do that with the beta?
  17. bump for me - having the exact same issue. PLEASE HELP!! Thanks, Timma
  18. Timma (DayZ)

    Unable to connect to server since 1.7.1...

    Bump, I am having same issue. I believe I am running the beta patch correctly (the main screen says @dayz, beta, expansion, and my version number in the lower right is listed as 1.60.93825). I also DL'ed and installed the 1.7.1 files from the mirrors at dayzmod.com. However, every time I try to go into a 1.7.1 sever I get an error message saying "this mod is dependant on files that have been deleted cheranus.xxx", or something to that effect. As far as I can tell I am running the beta patch and have the 1.7.1 files installed in the correct DayZ folder (yes, I expanded them from their .rar format). Any idea's?
  19. I think for a final, polished product removal of global/side chat is a great idea. However, with the game in it's current state it is extremely useful to be able to ask questions, get advice, etc. I think there is a case to be made that the variable nature of an alpha state, and the benefit of being able to communicate during it, outweighs the immersion quality of disabling global chat. This is particularly true for new players - I have been a hardcore gamer for all my life, but even after reading a post in the forums I still needed some help on how the inventory system worked.
  20. Timma (DayZ)

    Suggested change to the mod

    Only if Shug Knight is introduced as a boss zombie.
  21. Personally, I would like to see the game evolve so that the further you go north, the more progressive the zombie horde/difficulty would get, but the better the loot. You'd need to scavenge the coastal cities to get equipment that would allow you to explore further north, loot the next tier of cities, gear up from that, and continue north. This would also have the added benefit of utilizing some of those smaller towns the north that currently don't serve much of a purpose, unless you are in desperate need of a can of beans. By the time you get to Stary and NWA they should be over run with Zeds, to the point that without appropriate gear, and probably a coordinate group of players, looting (and camping) those area's would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. Taking a group photo inside the barracks at NWA should be a noteworthy achievement, due not just to the PvP aspect, but also the PvE. Along with permadeath, this would present a longer term challenge then is currently in the game, get much more use out of the smaller settlements that are basically unused right now and provide something else for higher end characters to do other then look for other survivors.
  22. Timma (DayZ)

    What's the point in trying?

    The possibility that you could get ganked at any moment is a critical feature of the game. Admittedly, in a 4-5 hour play session, there may only be a few minutes of actual, intense action, but without the constant threat of engagement the game would lose a lot of its character (and appeal). That being said, there does need to be mid-to-end game content - it's cool to get spec'ed out with all the high end gear, but what can you really do with it? If you just want to scavenge gear and "survive" the M1911 (or maybe the M9 SD) and a whinny are more then sufficient to hold off the zombie hordes. Reality is the high end gear only really comes in useful against other players. That is a totally legitimate use for it, but, unless some interesting new content is introduced (I know this is still in alpha so I expect there will be), the end game will consist of either hunting, or at the very least getting into fire fights, with other players. Like I said earlier, I think those aspects are super cool and fun, but they can't be all there is. Personally, I would like to see the game evolve so that the further you go north, the more progressive the zombie horde/difficulty would get, but the better the loot. You'd need to scavenge the coastal cities to get equipment that would allow you to explore further north, loot the next tier of cities, gear up from that, and continue north. This would also have the added benefit of utilizing some of those smaller towns the north that currently don't serve much of a purpose, unless you are in desperate need of a can of beans. By the time you get to Stary and NWA they should be over run with Zeds, to the point that without appropriate gear, and probably a coordinate group of players, looting (and camping) those area's would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. Taking a group photo inside the barracks at NWA should be a noteworthy achievement, due not just to the PvP aspect, but also the PvE. Along with permadeath, this would present a longer term challenge then is currently in the game, get much more use out of the smaller settlements that are basically unused right now and provide something else for higher end characters to do other then look for other survivors.