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Everything posted by LeVeryHappyPanda

  1. LeVeryHappyPanda

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    I'd rather a working game, with little to no bugs. Than a shitty game with tons of bugs any day. Good job, looking forward to the SA.
  2. LeVeryHappyPanda

    Another DayZ song..

    That's utter shit.
  3. LeVeryHappyPanda

    Pretending to be admins

    Wow, please uninstall arma. kthx...
  4. LeVeryHappyPanda


    420BlazeIt. Fucking great clan here... Jesus. People are getting smarter and smarter by the day. God please the world we live in, and the fucktards that inhabit it.
  5. LeVeryHappyPanda

    Dayz Epoch Hardcore Server

    Recently I've been looking to play a dayz hardcore server. The 'best' hardcore server I've found is 20 players and on dayzero. I've wanted to play a hardcore epoch server, as I'm extremely interested in the currency system. So, I'm asking, If I was to host a 30(?) slot hardcore server, who here would actually play. Settings would be; No 3rd person. No tracers. No name tags. No cross hairs. No death messages. Epoch The rest would be added in, e.g whitelist, and other scripts. Please give some feedback, as I'm extremely interested in knowing who'd play, and if it's worth doing. Thanks alot!
  6. LeVeryHappyPanda

    Dayz Epoch Hardcore Server

    See, that's the main worry. 1st person only is a very small player base. So hosting a server and getting population would/will be hard. Advertisement on private hive discussion would be the best bet.
  7. LeVeryHappyPanda

    How far can 20L take you?

    Yeh, don't try it :D Minimum I'd say is roughly, 80 litres. Providing you know exactly where you're going for full.