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Everything posted by rinaun

  1. rinaun

    Done With Server Hosting

    Good to hear! I'd love to submit my stats from my private HIVE system and help rocket. Rocket however doesn't want my data/does not offer me a client that takes this data from my MYSQL HIVE. Sounds like his loss!
  2. rinaun

    Tired of hackers?

    You can password private servers. Look into HIVE private dayz
  3. rinaun

    Done With Server Hosting

    You can. Look into hosting a private HIVe system. They are not supported but are allowed. They allow you to do this.
  4. rinaun

    Done With Server Hosting

    I really wonder why you consistently post in favor of the dayz staff and shit. It's almost funny reading some of your posts and how far you lean over to gobble. That being said, the servers have been dropping in numbers for weeks. Jumped the shark would be a phrase commonly used at this time. I wouldn't be amazed if private HIVE systems take over the main system by October. EDIT: lol twitter.....I have more followers on my twitter and I've never used it more than once. Holy fuuuuuuu.
  5. I'm using 95168 and it works fine on my HIVE system. Multiple servers.
  6. rinaun

    HFBServers Customers...

    I'd file a claim with small claims court. You'd get your cash back and I highly doubt those guys have enough cash to fight it. Take them to town and dinner IMO. EDIT: Just checked, you are allowed to file if your service is down and you have records of trying to contact them for a reasonable time. I'm not sure what TOS you signed but looking at the way they set up HFB I highly doubt they wrote a covering TOS for themselves.
  7. I really, really empathize for you guys. If you could I'd bet all of you would patch your own servers. I'm really still lost on why rocket thinks going with providers is a a smart move compared to allowing us to build our own communities by giving us the server software.
  8. I don't even think they are taking co-located servers. If they are, kudos to them not shutting everyone out of the cash circle.
  9. I enjoy people being able to play without difficulties and not being hacked. Don't know about you but on my server I haven't had a nuke dropped once or a chopper/ammo crate spawned. I also patch all my servers quickly and my player base appreciates it immensely :)
  10. I don't see them accepting many house-hosts now that they are in bed with providers now. It's cash farm time for dayz!
  11. I already updated my private HIVE system anders, you know......the one you guys accused me of stealing? I'd still like to know how changing the IP in a .dll is stealing. Also, my 100 users stable and loading in within 30 seconds of clicking on my server say HI.
  12. rinaun

    HFBServers Customers...

    you sound pretty dumb, so I'll break it down for you. You can learn from reading. There were plenty of angry posts from MONTHS ago from HFB. You can read posts, granted you have an education around 5th grade level. Sounds like someone should of "learned" more before throwing money at retarded hosting providers. That break down aside, please go drink some bleach and do us a favor.
  13. Expect to wait days if not a week. The new signup system is incredibly slow. The workstation seems to be enough but I'm not sure if they allow people with servers to host still.
  14. rinaun

    HFBServers Customers...

    I pay for hosting and I can control everything for my host. I get the service I was provided. FYI as of last night there was only 20 servers online with this patch. Many servers? I was personally checking every 20 minutes to update my HIVE system so yea I'm pretty sure I'd know. On another subject, why did you buy a server from the worst host in dayz? People have been complaining about HFB since they started. It's 2-4 college kids reselling hosts from a real provider. It's called buy for 20 sell for 80. I wouldn't host on any provider but if I did it would be anything but hfb. I wouldn't put my teamspeak in their hands, lol.
  15. rinaun

    HFBServers Customers...

    You guys asked for this. You wanted all the hosting proviers to handle your issues for you. Oh wait, you didn't? rocket did? sucks, man. you should probably do something.
  16. rinaun

    HFBServers Customers...

    See above. You guys should know this is a giant ponzi scheme to make something out of just a free mod. They just changed the rules recently so it directly benefits hosting providers. In the end more money is being made for someone so yea, get hosed.A while ago all the servers were ran by people who wanted to help the mod out but slowly it's changed into the way it is where you have to buy from a provider.
  17. rinaun

    HFBServers Customers...

    Lol HFB servers is ran by old staffers IIRC. So funny how this whole move to only hosting providers benefited them directly. They just buy servers and rehost them to you guys.
  18. Did you just buy this server? such a shame you guys are paying for so little control over 40+ a month.
  19. rinaun

    to all owners of an LU server

    LOL thats funny my private HIVE system is already updated. You guys should probably stick up for your rights as paying server hosts. The game is ran by you and powered by you. Or you can take it in the ass and pay to run his game and have no control over your own server. Your call.
  20. Rocket keeps coming up with trivial reasons why he doesn't want people running that. One of the admins here even got as low as to accuse me (someone who runs one of the most popular HIVE networks) of stealing code to run my HIVE system. I didn't know you could steal shit from a mod, especially since you kinda give those files out to server hosts. All I did was change the IP from their HIVE system to mine. That isn't stealing. At all. Its called editing. The code isn't even protected so lol. Pretty funny to be accused of stealing too, because the devs here even stole images from companies that with one email could hose them hard. Has anyone sent an email to pepsi/heinz/coke with some of rockets posts? I'm sure they would love it. BI hired rocket and made money off this mod so in the court of law they would be entitled to some amount of compensation. Rocket, you there bro? US courts I'm pretty sure are good friends with you guys over in NZ/AU. The moment I got accused of stealing was when I realized this game is doomed and it's ran by complete fucking morons. I run my own HIVE now and as I speak it has NO empty spots out of almost 100 slots. That is because no one wants to play on his shitty HIVE system with hackers. But hey, ride the game into the ground. I can't wait for one of the other games like War Z, whom actually develop games and not ideas.
  21. It will be. a VERY LARGE portion of the people on my HIVE system have already stated they won't be purchasing either the standalone dayz or anything dayz related until rocket clears up this bullshit involving HIVE servers and him wanting to have complete control on every server like a dictator. I don't even need to link to some very very reputable admins here cancelling their servers. I simply mentioned once to my HIVE participants about opening up an official HIVE server and pretty much everyone is against feeding money to a shitty system. I'd rather buy stickers with the 400$ in donations I got that say "Rocket is a terrible dev" than give this game any more support in the way it's heading. Even other coders are coming out with HIVE versions for his future releases. I'm not sure who decided to make every server under his control, seeing as the current HIVE system is the worst MYSQL implementation I've EVER seen. The smart move right now would be to do what every other developer is doing and steal their idea. Anything like DayZ ATM will blow DayZ itself out of the water considering who is in charge of DayZ. Sad, sad, and more sad. Edit: If you didn't think this game was rockets playtoy, check the code. Every time he spawns in any server his skin gets switched to his skin. He's spent more time riding off this game than he has actually fucking coding it. Gotta love 15 minute developer fame.
  22. Thanks I needed that.
  23. It's funny that soon you won't be able to even keep 24/7 daylight. I'm sure one dayrocket will take that power away from you just like he's taken fucking everything else from people paying over 40 a month to host his game. Smooth move kiwi.
  24. That's funny. When I run my HIVE database with over 100 people I can use any setting or any adjustment and I don't need to wait for rockets OK to ban hackers. huh. Sucks paying to run their game when I can do it for free on my own hive.
  25. rinaun

    Why I'll now Hack, dupe, and exploit

    Yup. Pretty sure rocket has no clue what he is doing to his game. BI is going to be sad next year I think.