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Sugar Jakobs

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Everything posted by Sugar Jakobs

  1. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    I don't think this is as terrible as you make it sound here. If you had not put yourself in a position where you could be taken advantage of like this, then you'd have not been shot like that, nor would they have gotten your stuff easily. If you ever intend on playing friendly with a person, I'd seriously recommending either getting them on skype/teamspeak with you to seal the deal or be sure that they *can't* kill you. Whether that be by making them a spotter, with no weaponry - or not involving them at all if they refuse. Out there in Chernarus, your life is not as valuable as the beans on your corpse. That's why you leave no room for trust.
  2. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    Hey everyone, Aussie survivor here. Trying my hand at the mod again after a huge hiatus, though first time on the forums. Not too sure if this is the right place for a post like this, but I suppose it still gets the message across! Mainly sticking to US servers that give me ping around the 200s, so perhaps if you hear a suave, charming and very gentlemanly accent come over the local chat - it might be me! Don't worry, I'm not here for your beans. Just looking to help people out or be helped out all the same! Any recommendations for servers, guys?
  3. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    Are baseball bats even in Day Z?
  4. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    I suppose people get frustrated that they can't live out some of these stories? Not to say that any of them are jealous or anything of the sort - I mean that sometimes it becomes rather hard to even have an adventure in this game when you get shot frequently. But that's just my opinion, I suppose.
  5. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    So, where exactly was I whining? If I recall correctly, I am just putting up some stories I think are entertaining enough that people won't think it was a waste of time to read it. If you're only here to troll the comments, then I ask you kindly to take it elsewhere mate.
  6. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    People who shoot unarmed players are a waste of time.
  7. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    The first batch were clearly not thinking things through, that was obvious enough to us. But at the same time I'm not here to discuss the difference between amateurs and professionals - especially seeing as they will all kill me anyway, if it benefits them. This is really just a place for me to dump some fun stories for you guys to read if you're bored or interested!
  8. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    Here comes another story. Spawned in cherno, managed to grab a machete and run off towards Balota to try and sneak through the hangars before heading up north. Flanked around the whole way, hearing a variety of gunfire - waiting for it to die down a bit before heading in for some looting. I tried to grab some things from the hangars, but the zombies were aggroing hard. I sprinted off and came across a barracks (not sure if that was unique to that server or not) which was filled completely and I mean COMPLETELY with survivor and bandit corpses. Obviously this was a hotspot for gunfights. As I turned around to run off, I noticed a survivor spawn in with a double barrelled shotgun, surrounded by the zombies that had been chasing me. He turned and looked at me, a man in a bandit skin (unfortunately) wielding a machete. I spoke over local chat, saying "Don't you dare shoot that at me. I'm friendly." he didn't respond and simply lined up before firing on me. I took a hit on the hip, but kept my legs and my consciousness surprisingly. I sprinted around the corner of the barracks, rather irate now. "Oh, you're so dead." I told him. The silly bambi comes running around the corner after me, only to take a machete to the knee and lose a leg. The next hit sealed the deal, as I dug the blunt blade into his thick skull, where what I assume his miniscule brain remained. Bleeding, vision blurring, I manage to say "I warned you." before the zombies pick me apart and drag me to death's hand. I lost even more humanity because of this, by the way. Now rocking -57k. All in a day's work. For those of you who do not know, I'm trying to be the nice guy here.
  9. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    Well, as it turns out Epoch is not for me. With currency, economy and base-building as the main features, that certainly is a big step in the wrong direction I fear. Ah well.
  10. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely give it a look.
  11. Sugar Jakobs


    So, I've just signed on after leaving off with about +3k humanity last night. I come online to find that none of my gear remains, nor am I anywhere close to where I was previously. Not only this, but my humanity is now at a whopping -50k, which in my eyes is near impossible to lose efficiently. Anybody else have the same sort of issue? Be aware that I am confident what I was on before was not a private hive. EDIT: Nevermind. Turns out that it certainly was a private hive, it just didn't state so in DayZ Commander. Time to go try and lose this humanity I suppose!
  12. Sugar Jakobs


    Has anybody ever explored you?
  13. Seeing as you guys don't offer the self-bloodbag nonsense and seem to be fairly well kept, you're going to find yourself with an aussie in the server on occasion. I have no experience in Epoch servers at all, so if I do something wrong feel free to let me know. EDIT: I've been attempting to join the server for awhile now and can't seem to get past authentication, which does not normally happen. I'll try again tomorrow, but you might have to discount me from your server goers, sadly. EDIT #2: I found the problem. Seems your server is using an older version of EPOCH? Is it going to stay that way or update? Also, it is not possible to have both the latest and an older version installed at the same time, is it?
  14. Sugar Jakobs


    That sounded deep. Shall we see how far the rabbit hole goes?
  15. Sugar Jakobs


    It may have something to do with how chaotically evil I was before I took a long break from the game, Salamander. Thanks for the suggestion though! May I ask what server you play in?
  16. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    Any other server recommendations for me? I don't mind either private or public, as long as it isn't just a warzone with a million vehicles and the like.
  17. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    For the people that often talk about having to kill on sight, just know that with the right positioning you don't have to kill anybody. But when you're working towards a goal and someone gets in the way of that goal, then and only then do I think KOS can be appropriate. For example, when you're moving to raid the airfields and many, many gunshots have been fired with players dying left and right. Clearly, it is a war zone and not fit for those that are unwilling to shoot first. But that's just one example.
  18. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    Ahh, okay. I was shocked at first, then it made sense. Great to see some new additions to the mod! Damn, gave me a surprise though when the sound happened and the two bandits turned on me immediately. Luckily, I had the charm to pull off a life-saving friendship.
  19. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    No issues, I want to play on the US servers. Makes for more variety in the people I meet, I find.
  20. Sugar Jakobs

    My experience with Bandits

    Does this happen in all servers now?
  21. Sugar Jakobs

    Ping too high

    DayZ Commander takes away all the effort of installing it, now. All you have to do is press one button and it does it for you, really. In retrospect, isn't that what computers were supposed to do in the first place?
  22. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    I've only started playing again today and already have a couple of stories to tell of my adventures. Oh, I am not sure why I stopped playing this game. May have been the hacking incident.
  23. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    Ah, there it is. I was apparently searching for BMRF with a space before the B. Ah, an expect server eh? Have much trouble finding/dealing with bandits?
  24. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    I only asked because the server you mentioned that you play on is coming up as an Origins server, in Commander.
  25. Sugar Jakobs

    Hey guys!

    Thanks for the greetings and welcomes, guys. Max, would you mind explaining the difference between DayZ Origins and Vanilla to a noob such as myself?