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Everything posted by JefBoy

  1. JefBoy

    hacked/scripted weapons

    Why is it that people assume that an admin with a hacked gun has hacked it in himself? He could've picked it of a corpse or found it in a tent just the same as everyone else. I know I have. I just don't use them out of principle but it's mighty tempting if half the people in the server are using them.
  2. JefBoy

    Should Green Mountain be Haunted?

    There should be some kind of challenge involved tho, not just superficial scares but real hard to kill npc's that drop special loot if you manage to kill them.
  3. JefBoy

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm wondering what the difference between the standalone game and the mod is going to be.
  4. Hi, I just noticed that in a short timespan me and most of the top 10 people on the US 155 Kansas 1 server got killed. Now this is ofcourse nothing weird by itself but what is weird is that I died for no apparant reason. I was sitting behind some trees in one of the corners of the map swapping gear with a friend when I just died. There was no shot, no visible injuries. My body didn't even stay on the ground, it just disappeared according to my friend. As if I was deleted from the server. I'm not asking for my stuff back or anything like that, but I would like to know if a dev or admin can find out how I died, and if it was a hacker make sure they get banned from the game. I don't mind dying and losing my stuff, but to quote Switch from the movie 'The Matrix': "Not like this."
  5. By top tier I mean the pple on the top of the server leaderboard, I don't want to imply 'better' players. It's a poor choice of words. And no, the others that died were no friends of mine. I'm also hearing similar things happening on US 863 Kansas (friend of mine got teleported and broke his bones / bleeding) and on US 114 kansas (other friend died in similar surcumstances as I did). Seems some pple seem to be targetting these servers today ... And before anyone implies someone is targetting me and my friends, we share a ts but other than that there is nothing that ties us and it happens to pple that I don't know aswell.
  6. JefBoy

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Some problems that I came across after spending a couple of hours on the update: Zombies spawn too fast and right in front of you Animals disappear while gutting them, still do the moonwalk instead of normal walking around Zombies still come through the walls and can attack you through them. More lag , stability problems on servers that ran just fine on the version
  7. I don't see the problem with choosing your gender only once. If someone wanted to change their sexe in real life because they feel unhappy in their body, they would probably pick the sexe they want to be ingame anyway right? No-one forces you to pick your reallife sexe ingame. I also doubt there are people that change their mind about the sexe they want to have every few years, unlike with Mr. Garrison (South Park) for most real people, it's a one time choice. Furthermore, if you want to complain about not being able to be a tranny in the game (male character with boobs or someting) I can complain because I can't be a unicorn in the game. Stop with the bs and start killing some zombies already !
  8. JefBoy

    US114 Kansas, looking for survivors.

    I think there's a problew with this server, it's stuck on 'waiting for host' I can join other servers fine, anyone else experiencing this? EDIT: nvrmind, the server is down now.